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Guardian Enzo 2006-06-04 19:07

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Let me just say, no one is more skeptical of "Americanime" than I am. I have nothing against Americanadian animation - when it's done well, it can be outstanding. When it tries to be Japanese, well... And the first few episodes of "Avatar" didn't do anything to change my mind. In fact, I gave up and lost touch with the show altogether for a while.

Has anyone been watching this series lately? It went and got really good. The plots have gotten much more believeable and interesting, the characters have developed with far more complexity than I'd have imagined, and the humor has lost it's broad, slapstick clumsiness and gotten much sharper. The voice acting is remarkably good considering the age of the cast, and the animation is consistently, respectably, good - by the standards of it's competition, anyway. All of the threads of the plot are starting to come together and I find myself genuinely interested in what's going to happen. It may be the first American cartoon that really tried to incorporate what was good about Japanese animation without being a weak, pale imitation. No one is more shocked than me...

Cyz 2006-06-04 19:15

I thought your talking about the picture avatar....but I see you mean "The Avatar: The Last Airbender" ne? I like when they're bending stuffs, they look like they're dancing while fighting.

--> Should this thread be here? Isn't this suppose to be in the General Anime section or may be not?

Shay 2006-06-04 19:22

I watch it when I can. It's good. I like it.

The Avatar himself is such a loveable character, and he has some nifty moves. Every time I catch an episode, he pulls off something new which is always a good thing.

Oh and I like the flying bison thing.

That's about it really. :)

Guardian Enzo 2006-06-04 19:37


Originally Posted by Cyz
I thought your talking about the picture avatar....but I see you mean "The Avatar: The Last Airbender" ne? I like when they're bending stuffs, they look like they're dancing while fighting.

--> Should this thread be here? Isn't this suppose to be in the General Anime section or may be not?

Well - it's not really anime, so I figured that would be the wrong spot!

NightWish 2006-06-04 19:43

I think we had a thread for this show before -- made by Catgirls -- only I can't find it. I assume it was lost with the problems last year.

Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo
Well - it's not really anime, so I figured that would be the wrong spot!

Wrong. It is technically equivalent to a licensed anime by virtue of the fact it was made in the US. It goes in DVD & Licensed to avoid any confusion about asking for downloads, etc. I've moved it...

toniblab 2006-06-04 19:56

i like it is refreshing for american anime(cartoons).it was well done the story line got better with time.

Guardian Enzo 2006-06-05 18:34


Originally Posted by Shay
I watch it when I can. It's good. I like it.

The Avatar himself is such a loveable character, and he has some nifty moves. Every time I catch an episode, he pulls off something new which is always a good thing.

Oh and I like the flying bison thing.

That's about it really. :)

Aang is an immsensely likeable lead (actually achieving the remarkable feat of being believeable as both a typical 12 year-old and savior of the world) but I'm actually getting more involved in the back-story with Zuko and his twisted family - it's surprisingly dark. That was a character that spun off in a very different direction than expected, and the Uncle is always good for a laugh. The general premise - the four tribes representing the four elements - is obviously somewaht derivative, but quite interesting in and of itself.

toniblab 2006-06-05 19:30

i think prince zuko is on his way to turn into a ally of the avatar to defeat his farther

Guardian Enzo 2006-06-05 20:57

I agree. Someone has to teach Aang firebending (in "Book IV", I expect) after all.

Solace 2006-06-06 06:12

This show is a great mix of comedy, action, drama, fantasy....well, just about everything. There is a ton of story, the characters are complex, and there are lots of twists in the plot that keep things fresh. Anime, Cartoon, whatever people want to call it, it's a great show that's better than alot of the current crop of shows, live action or animated. I look forward to every new episode.

I'm not so sure Zuko will become Aangs trainer. His sister and Uncle are much better benders, which is part of his problem right now. He needs his own training before he can teach others. His sister is amazingly evil though. I thought Zuko was bad, she makes him look like a good guy. :D

Guardian Enzo 2006-06-06 17:29


Originally Posted by ankoku
This show is a great mix of comedy, action, drama, fantasy....well, just about everything. There is a ton of story, the characters are complex, and there are lots of twists in the plot that keep things fresh. Anime, Cartoon, whatever people want to call it, it's a great show that's better than alot of the current crop of shows, live action or animated. I look forward to every new episode.

I'm not so sure Zuko will become Aangs trainer. His sister and Uncle are much better benders, which is part of his problem right now. He needs his own training before he can teach others. His sister is amazingly evil though. I thought Zuko was bad, she makes him look like a good guy. :D

It could be Uncle Iroh - he certainly makes the most sense, but that seems too obvious to me. The sister is just plain too evil. I think Zuko, in part, because that would be a great arc for his character - finally reaching inner peace by teaching his "enemy" to firebend (after Iroh's death, perhaps?). Although, as you said, Iroh would need to do some serious work with him first.

toniblab 2006-06-08 17:33

whould it be neat if iroh teaches both aang and zuko in fire bending!

Trax 2006-06-16 21:19

I caught a few episodes of this on the dutch Nickelodeon and was pleasantly surprised, even with the dutch dub which was pretty good imo. Because I wanted to see more I checked out the english version and have seen most of that now. I also read some more info about the show, it's interesting how they borrowed aspects from different asian cultures. For example, the different elemental fighting styles are all based on seperate chinese martial arts and they have someone that works with the creators on this, aswell as having people that handle other aspects like the cultural references and chinese calligraphy.

It's a fun show, interesting story and setting, nice mix of action, drama, fantasy and humor (gotta love uncle Iroh). I'm hooked.

toniblab 2006-07-14 21:12

the new series of aang is call book 2 the fure of aang!

Guardian Enzo 2006-07-14 22:50

When Aang said "maybe we can find some sandbenders" did anyone else have a Skywalker flashaback?

Antonik 2006-07-15 10:57

I watched it first time last night, and found it to be pretty good..wish i knew what was going on though.

toniblab 2006-07-17 01:41

aang made a mushroom cloud in the sand and he was very mad about someone stealing his ride!!

JubeiYamazaki 2006-07-17 03:56

Avatar the Last Airbender is by far the best animated show out there, imo. Although its artstyle is eastern I don't consider it "anime" in terms of actual content, to me its an extremely western show with an eastern artstyle, and not the naunces Japanese/Korean anime is known for, although it does have heavy asian cultural references.

As my friend once put it: "I've gotta say that show is just... perfect."

Antonik 2006-09-05 08:01

I just caught up with the whole series so far, and I love it.

meeyuki93 2006-09-05 08:35

I like Avatar.Especially the airbending thing.Aang's air bending is cool.I like the water bending too

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