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Pellissier 2011-08-21 02:20

Hanasaku Iroha - Episode 21 Discussion / Poll
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Peanutbutter 2011-08-21 10:21


marcosius 2011-08-21 10:45


Kanon 2011-08-21 11:09


Can't say I enjoyed this episode much. Takako and Enishi were as annoying as ever, and Minko went back to being irritating. And here I was starting to like her...

The last few minutes of the episode made up for the rest, with the beautiful flashback (Beanman looked even weirder back then :heh: ) and Sui casually dropping the bomb about Enishi not inheriting the inn. Takako's face was priceless.

PS: Omigawa Chiaki telling Itou Kane she has an annoying and disgusting voice was hilarious.
PPS: what the hell was Jiromaru's script about for Nako to react like this? :heh:

frubam 2011-08-21 11:35

ANOTHER episode catering to Takako and Enishi =0/? Well, at least it focused on other things as well.

I thought Tohru/Minko would actually get somewhere, but alas, Tohru dropping the bomb on Minko that she was exhibiting Ohana's positive aggressiveness to start and finish something(which I thought she was even before he said so) was hard to take. Poor Minko :(. I guess that's why he's taken to Ohana so much, because he prefers a loud and noisy family.

I'm probably completely wrong here, but I think that Okami will hand over the inn to Ohana over Satsuki. It may be her desire to have Satsuki take it over, but Satsuki is just far too whimsical to be trusted with such a thing. Plus, Ohana has that significant other(Ko) that Satsuki lacks, and I get the impression she sees herself in Ohana moreso that Satsuki. If she's not giving it to Ohana, or unexpectedly Tomoe/Ren, I think she'll not give it to anyone, with Kissuiso eventually closing down(at least that'd be her intent).

Originally Posted by marcosius (Post 3737073)

Are you saying that it will be Tomoe and Ren to be given the role of successors of the inn or are you just referring to a possible relationship? I hardly think that a single thing such as how to eat natto could trigger a potential relationship, but what do I know anyway?

hanashi 2011-08-21 11:44

Oh snap, it's the return of plot!

I actually have a lot more respect for Takako after this. I would have thought her the type to insist on a flashy wedding, but she seemed like she really would have been okay eloping. And it takes courage to even think about calling off a wedding, no matter how small. I think she saw that the wedding plans were taking over.

Poor Minko. It does seem pretty unfair. I couldn't help but notice the contrast--Minko gets upset/flustered and starts burning things, while Ohana apparently turns into a speed demon (while still producing quality work).

Her blowing up at Ohana irritated me, but it was her "take responsibility for Tohru's feelings" bit that really irked me though. Who the heck would be happy if someone dated them out of pity/duty?! When I first started watching, I was really hoping that Minko would have gotten more character development by now. Still, I do feel for her. Working up the courage to say something outside of her comfort zone to Tohru and then hearing that it makes her sound like Ohana. Ouch.

...I'm going to need a beer before I can start wrapping my head around Ren/Tomoe. :heh:

And at least we know Mizuno and Nako are still friendly with each other. I'm just going to be back here, shipping them in my head. :heh:

Edit: I almost forgot. Holy crap, Tohru, 5 kids! Haha, If that were me, that would be an instant crush death knoll.

marcosius 2011-08-21 11:48


Originally Posted by frubam (Post 3737129)
Are you saying that it will be Tomoe and Ren to be given the role of successors of the inn or are you just referring to a possible relationship? I hardly think that a single thing such as how to eat natto could trigger a potential relationship, but what do I know anyway?

I mean Ohana/Minko x Tohru. I think that's a clue for the end, recall that Okada was involved in this episode.

revive4563 2011-08-21 11:49

I understand people say that this episode is boring a bit, but I love this [Minko]episode.:love:

-Tomoe x Ren coupling was totally unexpected.

-As I thought, Minko is cutest thing in this series.

btw I believe Minko x Touru coupling in the end. Even if Tohru loves Ohana, I absolutely don't think Ohana do the thing that hurts Minko badly.
And I think when Tohru realizes Minko's feeling, he changes his mind. This is the story like that.:p

Midnight Bliss 2011-08-21 11:49

Much more respect for Takako after this. Not sure why, but the scene between her and Madam Manager made me tear up for some reason, and excluding last week's episode, I hadn't even seen the past 5 or 6 episodes. I wonder if she wants either Ohana or Ohana's mom to succeed the inn.
Things are getting really good between Tohru/Ohana/Minko! Been waiting for this. The shipper in me really hopes that Tohru and Ohana get together at the end. Minko still irritates me after all this time, but I felt bad for her just a bit when she messed up and got shot down by Tohru. Only a bit though. I thought it was cute when he said he wanted 5 kids, I love seeing guys who love kids.
Can't wait for next week!

hanashi 2011-08-21 11:56


Originally Posted by frubam (Post 3737129)
I'm probably completely wrong here, but I think that Okami will hand over the inn to Ohana over Satsuki. It may be her desire to have Satsuki take it over, but Satsuki is just far too whimsical to be trusted with such a thing. Plus, Ohana has that significant other(Ko) that Satsuki lacks, and I get the impression she sees herself in Ohana moreso that Satsuki. If she's not giving it to Ohana, or unexpectedly Tomoe/Ren, I think she'll not give it to anyone, with Kissuiso eventually closing down(at least that'd be her intent).

I don't know about this. I took her words from the previous episode about children taking a while to find their path was a sign that she was thinking about passing the Inn to Satsuki.

marcosius 2011-08-21 12:02

Didn't you notice that the young Denroku had the same hairstyle, I thought it was by the old age.

deadite 2011-08-21 12:03

Tohru likes lots of kids and a noisy home... Is this the sign of a new pairing with you know who?
WaitressxChef but not who you'd expect.

germanturkey 2011-08-21 12:04

oh god, if Tohru ends up with Nako... anyways, an above average ep. i don't know if it really sets up the last arc any though..

EroKing 2011-08-21 12:06


Originally Posted by deadite (Post 3737161)
Tohru likes lots of kids and a noisy home... Is this the sign of a new pairing with you know who?


Originally Posted by germanturkey (Post 3737165)
oh god, if Tohru ends up with Nako... anyways, an above average ep. i don't know if it really sets up the last arc any though..

you guys are forgetting the fact that Nako has never showed any interest in guys throughout the series so :heh:

So the preview was not a troll this time.

Spoiler for Images:

Speculation for the next episode.

Sui does not want Enishi to take over the inn simply because he isn't cut out to do the job. I have a strong feeling she wants Ohana to succeed her.

Spoiler for A couple of Nako gifs just cuz we all love her :p:

Triple_R 2011-08-21 12:09

I liked this episode a lot.

The main thing I liked about it was the directorial touches in this. Lots of great facial close-ups for important moments and pieces of dialogue, good handling of physical confrontations, and just all-around superb directing here.

One thing I will say is that Enishi and Takako have been humanized for me. I'm not sure if I would call them likable yet, but I do find myself caring a smidgen about what happens to them. That may be largely (if not entirely) a function of pity, but it nonetheless helps that I get the sense that, in their own quirky ways, Enishi and Takako are both good decent people. If you had told me, right after Episode 8, that I'd eventually come to view Takako that way, I would have found that impossible to believe.

I get the sense that Takako sincerely doesn't want to inconvenience the Inn, and that she truly does want to earn Sui's approval and respect. Takako is a much more authentic person than what I had thought back in Episode 9.

Some fruits have grown well here due to the labors of comprehensive supporting cast character development. Nako, Takako, and especially Minchi, are characters that I like and/or care about more now than I did back around Episode 9 or so.

I also liked how Tohru came across in this episode. I like his frankness and honesty.

While I can understand people thinking that Minchi regressed a bit here, I don't really think that's the case. Minchi's reasons for raging at Ohana make sense to me; much more than her first run-ins with Ohana did way back in the first two episodes of Hanasaku Iroha. Minchi has a deep-seated crush on a guy who's attention has been thoroughly captured by Ohana. That's made it difficult for Minchi to develop a relationship with Tohru at a pace that she'd like, as her attempts to do so just remind Tohru of Ohana instead. Minchi now has to suck it up and make a risky sudden confession that's very hard for her to do, or seriously risk Tohru never even considering her as a possible girlfriend. And all of that is mainly due to Ohana.

Once again, Okada is showing great skill in developing and executing romantic conflict. It was time for Minchi to bring things to a head with Ohana, and its time for Ohana to be made aware that Tohru has a crush on her. I just hope that Ohana handles this better than she did her situation with Ko.

All-told, this was a refreshingly plot-heavy episode with great character moments, but it is hindered a slight bit by the weaknesses of certain characters. Still, Hanasaku Iroha is at least taking advantage of all of the time they've dedicated to supporting cast character developing, and is starting to reap what they've sowed in that regard.

Was all that supporting cast character development worth it?

Maybe. Speaking for myself, that'll depend on how the last few episodes go. Episode 21 gives me reason for cautious optimism, at least. :)

A well-earned 9/10 for Episode 21.

deadite 2011-08-21 12:18

I just laughed heartily when Tohru described the kind of married life he wants is exactly Nako's situation. Will Okada throw a curve ball?

frubam 2011-08-21 12:19


Originally Posted by marcosius (Post 3737141)
I mean Ohana/Minko x Tohru. I think that's a clue for the end, recall that Okada was involved in this episode.

*facepalms* how could I NOT see that one :heh:? I was thinking about how Okami was telling Ohana not to give up(on Kou, though that was a misunderstanding anyway) and that she tried five times, but it never set in that it could be referring to the same obliviousness that Tohru is exhibiting to Minko now though Minko is nowhere near being so forward to admit her feelings.

marcosius 2011-08-21 12:35


Originally Posted by frubam (Post 3737190)
*facepalms* how could I NOT see that one :heh:? I was thinking about how Okami was telling Ohana not to give up(on Kou, though that was a misunderstanding anyway) and that she tried five times, but it never set in that it could be referring to the same obliviousness that Tohru is exhibiting to Minko now though Minko is nowhere near being so forward to admit her feelings.

But, I think that Tohru shows in this episode that he loves not Ohana herself but her attitude working.

kk2extreme 2011-08-21 13:09

Emishi and Takako reminds me of team rocket :twitch:

deadite 2011-08-21 13:15

Nako; a teenage girl who raises an infant, a toddler and a young child on a daily basis, works and studies and practically runs her household is afraid of getting pregnant. lol

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