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monir 2009-11-19 12:10

Darker Than Black - Episode 07 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Darker Than Black, Episode 07.

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Amirali 2009-11-19 12:15

I am using tags, because there are some who prefer to wait for episode. Translations will be posted as soon as they are available.

Thanks to DTB FC of BA for spoilers

Spoiler for Episode 7:

Zwei 2009-11-19 12:18

Hei's into S&M...

sirn 2009-11-19 13:37

Spoiler for Episode 7 summaries:

serenade_beta 2009-11-19 15:30

Ahahahahaha! Knew it! :heh:

They brought in another super powerful Contractor just to move the plot, and when they are done, they just kill him off. :rolleyes: It's already a gag, considering how many times they've done this already...

The rest of the episode... Meh, nothing that great. I guess one good thing in the episode was that they didn't do Suou's deredere over that old man...

Kunagisa 2009-11-19 15:45

I wonder how fast the Chinese's going to sub it this time.

PiggyBank 2009-11-19 17:30

watched the raw while waiting for the subs so I didn't get much , but I can't help myself, sorry about that
Spoiler for Hei:

Vanehei 2009-11-19 20:00


Originally Posted by PiggyBank (Post 2775831)
watched the raw while waiting for the subs so I didn't get much , but I can't help myself, sorry about that
Spoiler for Hei:

:upset: that makes me sad... i want my hot hei back!!!!! Damn Bones and their mind games...

And about the episode... it was kind of a filler dont you think?... we have just 12 episodes BONES, you can make fillers!!!

Shinji103 2009-11-20 01:43

Mmmmmeh, mixed feelings. On the one hand they did emphasize again for the nay-sayers that dolls do still have a degree of free will; even July was helping out without instructions. And we got some focus on how Suou doesn't think of dolls as just tools, just as Hei did. (I say "did" because he seems to have devolved a little bit to the "dolls are just tools" mindset himself as part of his new emo-self, although he shows a bit of appreciation for July at the end)

On the other hand, we get a "freak of the week" villain, and they really could have integrated the parts with Suou's appreciation of dolls into a more plot-oriented episode rather than basically have almost everything come to a standstill for a story about Suou and dolls. This is really not what they should be doing in a 12-episode series. At least the next episode looks to be furthering the plot again.


hei 2009-11-20 05:35


Originally Posted by sirn (Post 2775494)
Spoiler for Episode 7 summaries:

Well summarized. Several things were revealed and confirmed in this episode. I would like to add one or two things which I believe are important to understand what's going on.

Dr Pavlichenko fabricated the official document of his family member registration TWICE. It's not revealed when, but I think it implies death and rebirth of either Suou or Shion. However, a question is remaining. From the beginning, we were informed that Dr Pavlichenko can forge human's memory, but how can he have a replica of physical body for himself and Suou/Shion? Is this related to Shion's ability as a contractor? Well...

Genma describes the NAO as a roost of dolls. Interesting.

Btw, I think Iriya Sokurov is working for Russian Agency.

Finally, the most important thing. There is no henshin scene in this episode! :D

Shiroth 2009-11-20 06:38

Hei to the rescue yet again, with his rave music!

I really liked this episode. Some nice development for July and Suou development, and at the same time we get to laugh at Hei's disguise. & laugh i did.

The contractor in this episode was a creepy, eerie guy. Kinda lost that image when he started talking though.

& the best scene this week has to be Suou planning to hit Mao with a snowball.

justdreamin 2009-11-20 06:59

I don't know if this is revelant but in the Gemini myth one of the twins gives up part of their life so that the other may live. Darker than black seems to be following this myth based on suou and shion's stars, so maybe Shion did infact give up part of his contractor powers so that suou could live after the meteor. The other power of shion could be in making duplicates.

miroku2192 2009-11-20 08:36

dang...hei cut the guy's fingers off doing that little jump thar :O!

RGB 2009-11-20 09:20

Fun episode. Some familiar faces showed up again. Mao delivered his old man routine. Suou went into a contractor trans with some grisly results. (When did she train at throwing projectiles?) Poor July got the naked child duty this week. (Hang in there, little guy! Maybe with enough emotional development you too can start killing contractors left, right and center with your observation ghosts.) And Hei swooped in for the rescue.


Originally Posted by hei (Post 2776648)
Finally, the most important thing. There is no henshin scene in this episode! :D

If nothing else, I'll remember that creepy psycho-killer anesthetist for keeping this episode maho shojo free.


Originally Posted by justdreamin (Post 2776730)
I don't know if this is revelant but in the Gemini myth one of the twins gives up part of their life so that the other may live. Darker than black seems to be following this myth based on suou and shion's stars, so maybe Shion did infact give up part of his contractor powers so that suou could live after the meteor. The other power of shion could be in making duplicates.

Shion probably makes the clones and Dr. Pavlichenko takes care of the memory transfer.

Von Himmel 2009-11-20 12:23

Had just watch DTB for about 5 days...I must say, I shouldn't watch this in marathon when I haven't even watch this before. It makes my mind full of it and I don't think I can't think of anything else beside DTB for this week >.<

anyway....surprisingly, this episode is quite good for me o.o and for some reasons, Suou looks more 'human' than before >_>;

Zwei 2009-11-20 12:28

This wasn't the best episode so far however it was an OK episode.

It felt more like a filler-character development episode for Suou, Hei's teachings are really coming in handy for her. I think it's the first time she actually tried to kill a human being, or rather to say, she inflicted serious wounds on her victim although I don't think she hit anywhere vital but she could have died from bleeding.

Another question that popped into my mind is, why did Hei say "You should thank July"? How did he know July helped him since he can't see observation spirits?

Von Himmel 2009-11-20 12:46

Probably when July observation ghost surprised that psychopatic contractor when he was trying to put Hei into 'that' state to kill him. After he was surprised, it seems that Hei managed to gain consciousness(?) and managed to kill him at last.

The problem is, how can he manage to find their place ? :( probably with informant or something like that...

Poetic Justice 2009-11-20 12:58

It was a a mediocre episode, The pace is suffocatingly slow. Though we did finally find that souo's dad is alive and well. But Hei & co. haven't even reached tokyo yet, I should give up hope for seeing any more older characters though.

Also Illya was interesting but was snubbed out without any real exposure.

Aqua Knight 2009-11-20 13:11

A soothing episode. Actually liked that glass throwing. Not much action but still watchable and enjoyable.

Chidori<3 2009-11-20 13:46


Originally Posted by Zwei (Post 2777004)
Another question that popped into my mind is, why did Hei say "You should thank July"? How did he know July helped him since he can't see observation spirits?

Exactly... That was really weird to me...

Btw. that was weary bad episode... :mad:

damn.. only 12 ep and fillers ?!! What about Yin, what about Misaki ?:frustrated:

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