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Skyfall 2007-10-07 06:29

Shakugan no Shana - Q & A
This thread is for those of you with questions about the Shakugan no Shana anime or manga. There are many questions that don't need a whole thread to discuss them. A simple practical answer straight from the anime or manga without any speculation can solve these connundrums. If someone has such a question about Shakugan no Shana which can be solved by answering with facts from an official source, then please ask that question here.

Please don't post in this thread unless you are asking a question or answering one. Please remember that it only takes 1 person to answer a question. And don't speculate! You can only reply with cold, hard, merciliessly unforgivable facts. If you have to speculate, then please just tell the querrant that no answer is known, but here are some facts that might help him make up his own mind.

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Lilprid 2007-10-07 08:50

Does anyone no how many episodes there is for shakugan no shana yet?

Solafighter 2007-10-07 09:26


Originally Posted by Lilprid (Post 1187347)
Does anyone no how many episodes there is for shakugan no shana yet?

Well i cant find the number cause it says "ongoing" but i personality eastemate/caunt with 24.

kevin13 2007-10-08 01:30

So if this is Shana II, what's Shana I, and do I need to watch it, and how does the movie fit into all this?

Lilprid 2007-10-08 03:39

Well you can watch shana 1 on tv links i guess, but from what i hear the movie is just a retell of season one so i guess you could watch that instead, but the movie was just getting more people to watch it i supose ;)

Ultima_Rasengan05 2007-10-08 03:42

I've got a small question.
I've recently gotten into this series by reading volume 1 of the manga and I'm planning to pick up the anime series sooner or later.
Is it a good idea to watch the first season instead of jumping off towards the newest second season?

Lilprid 2007-10-08 03:48

Hmmm not sure really i guess you could watch the movie to get a small idea of what its like, but its up to you if you wanna skip to the second season or not. =]

Teiran 2007-10-08 04:14

The short answer: yes, it's up to you, but it never hurts to know as much as possible about what's gone on beforehand if you decide to jump into the middle of the story.

I'm not sure how much material the first manga volume covers, but...
Spoiler for information regarding the gap between the Shana movie and SnS II, without going into specifics:

NoSanninWa 2007-10-09 04:12

I hate to have to point this out, but this is a Q&A thread. If you aren't Qing, then please try to find an actual Q that you can A before posting stuff. Otherwise you're in a discussion and those don't belong in this thread.

Kyero Fox 2007-10-09 07:22

Question... is this anime like a girl version of Bleach? if it is I might consider watching it :) but if its just some normal kids using swords like their in the 20's I think I'll pass.

Skyfall 2007-10-09 08:28

Girl version of bleach ?

The beginning follows the same formula of 'seemingly normal boy has his life turned upside down due to a chance encounter with a girl who has mysterious powers', but there is more to it. Shana uses a sword in battle, but she is pretty much the only one using a sword. This isn't about sword fights per se. But no - the majority of characters are most certainly not 'normal'. Not nearly as action-oriented as Bleach.

I would suggest checking it out - chances are you would like it.

NoSanninWa 2007-10-09 17:11

I'd say that it is nothing at all like Bleach. Shows like Bleach focus on battle or getting ready for battle while relationship is just a spice to flavor it. By contrast Shakugan no Shana is largely focused on relationships and mysteries where battle is the spice that flavors it.

That doesn't mean you won't like it. To answer your specific questions, most of the characters do not use swords and the main characters are teenagers.

kevin13 2007-10-10 05:34


That makes my message too short though.

NoSanninWa 2007-10-10 05:56

If that answer was too confusing, I'll try:

Originally Posted by mickal555 (Post 1189191)
So if this is Shana II, what's Shana I, and do I need to watch it, and how does the movie fit into all this?

  • Shakugan no Shana I was a 24 episode TV series that aired 2 year ago.
  • Shakugan no Shana II is a new TV series which is currently airing. It is the second season of the same show. It picks up after episode 24 of the first season.
  • Shakugan no Shana Movie is a movie length retelling of the first 6 episodes of Shana I. It is the first story arc and introduces the characters.
You do need to watch Shana I to completely understand Shana II. There are no optional episodes you can skip since everything has some relevance to the story. If you are impatient you can watch the Shana movie since that does tell the story of the first story arc so it will at least introduce you to the characters.

kevin13 2007-10-10 05:58


Syanku very much!

I like you. :)

Lilprid 2007-10-10 17:18

Is shakugan no shana II like shown evrey week? or somthing havent seen episode 2 at all =[ anyone got any idea?

Devard 2007-10-10 17:36


Originally Posted by Lilprid (Post 1194633)
Is shakugan no shana II like shown evrey week? or somthing havent seen episode 2 at all =[ anyone got any idea?

It's shown every week like any other regular Japanese animation series that's aired on TV. The earliest air time is Fridays at 0125. The time provided in question is Japan Standard Time.

Ramong 2007-10-11 10:09

Hello, i got a question.

How many of the novels does Shakugan No Shana span over?
Season 1 and season 2.

Sorry if this have been asked before, and thanks for any replies

ashlay 2007-10-11 10:17


Originally Posted by Ramong (Post 1195873)
Hello, i got a question.

How many of the novels does Shakugan No Shana span over?
Season 1 and season 2.

Sorry if this have been asked before, and thanks for any replies

Shakugan no Shana is currently 17 novels: I to XV, 00, and S.

XVI is coming out fairly soon, and there's been speculation that the novels may only go till XVII, though that's hardly an absolute. (as long as there's the money....)

season 1 covers material from volumes 1 to 9. its assumed from the opening season 2 will cover at very least up to 14

alvinkhorfire 2007-10-11 19:22

Why SnS is broadcasted late at midnight (1.25 am Japanese time) ? I suppose that only those adult animes are broadcasted in such time slot and SnS is not definitely one of those adult animes.

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