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Pellissier 2010-12-19 07:28

Ore no Imouto - Episode 12 (TV ENDING) Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Ore no Imouto, Episode 12.

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Sumeragi 2010-12-19 08:09

*Waits patiently*

tarotaro 2010-12-19 10:40

┌→TV11話→TV12話 :Good End  尺の都合上まとめ 適当な桐乃エンド(anime original)
└→TV11話→配信12話→配信13話→配信14話→配信15話 :True End 原作ルート(novel volume5)

Philos 2010-12-19 11:33

I haven't watched yet but already disappointed....

Screenshots :

larethian 2010-12-19 13:05

it's kind of misleading to have that "good end" thing, since it's not like the novels are going for a bad end, unless it was strictly confined to volume 4 ("original end" will be more apt), so here goes:


relentlessflame 2010-12-19 13:33


Originally Posted by larethian (Post 3398547)
it's kind of misleading to have that "good end" thing, since it's not like the novels are going for a bad end, unless it was strictly confined to volume 4 ("original end" will be more apt)

Well, the "Good End" in this case is not in contrast to "Bad End", but rather to the "True End" (which will be shown in the web broadcasts and DVDs/BDs). For "Bad Ends", I guess people will have to play the PSP game?

Dahak86 2010-12-19 14:07

Spoiler for ep12 - gifs:

serenade_beta 2010-12-19 14:08

I think that was a pretty good last episode. Well, I do feel that it was lackluster in parts, and Kyousuke is still a wonderful punching bag (damn, all that tissue from getting beat up by Kirino?!), but the ending atmosphere was nice, so eh~~ well, okay I guess.

Did this Akagi appear before? I really don't remember this guy...

So is the final impressions thread going to come first? Or are the moderators going to wait until the web broadcasts (true route) end?

I wonder when those broadcasts will be...

relentlessflame 2010-12-19 15:47


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 3398629)
So is the final impressions thread going to come first? Or are the moderators going to wait until the web broadcasts (true route) end?

For whatever it's worth, I think we will put a Final Impressions thread for the "Good Ending" (next week, per the usual schedule), and then do another one for the "True Ending" once all four extra episodes all out.

omimon 2010-12-19 16:11


Originally Posted by Philos (Post 3398451)

Wow, VOFAN doing the end card!? I approve.

HayashiTakara 2010-12-19 16:19

couldn't resist the spoilers but it seems to me that....

Spoiler for ep 12:

omimon 2010-12-19 16:25


Originally Posted by HayashiTakara (Post 3398758)
couldn't resist the spoilers but it seems to me that....

Spoiler for ep 12:

Well if you are talking about wincest then I guess your right but you're one of those people who think they should just be normal siblings then either way is okay.

HayashiTakara 2010-12-19 16:36


Originally Posted by omimon (Post 3398773)
Well if you are talking about wincest then I guess your right but you're one of those people who think they should just be normal siblings then either way is okay.

Actually, I'm on the wincest boat :heh:

I was just judging by the pics that was posted here, so if there's some information I'm missing feel free to enlighten me :heh:

Lumine 2010-12-19 18:37

dat Kuroneko in da mirror.

dat Manami

blitz1/2 2010-12-19 19:05

I am just as surprised as Kyousuke during the first few mins. I think we missed some char. development since it seemed that Kirino COMPLETELY switched her personality in a very sudden way.

Zanibas 2010-12-19 20:04

I'm sure that was the point the show was trying to make: a sudden personality shift in a sudden way, considering the situation the episode is set in.

karice67 2010-12-19 20:24


Originally Posted by blitz1/2 (Post 3399009)
I am just as surprised as Kyousuke during the first few mins. I think we missed some char. development since it seemed that Kirino COMPLETELY switched her personality in a very sudden way.

*Agrees* The first 2 thirds were great, but the last third felt really weird.

Spoiler for episode:

DragoZERO 2010-12-19 20:39

Well, another hilarious episode to close out the season (kinda). Really funny how he saw his friend there, guess he has a compatriot to share his pains with. :heh:

Kuroneko was great even though she had so little screen time. I'm a little curious what she is planning on calling Kyousuke though...


Originally Posted by relentlessflame (Post 3398578)
Well, the "Good End" in this case is not in contrast to "Bad End", but rather to the "True End" (which will be shown in the web broadcasts and DVDs/BDs). For "Bad Ends", I guess people will have to play the PSP game?

They could do a short 'bad end' just for the kicks. I wonder which will be better, the good or the true.


Originally Posted by karice67 (Post 3399090)
*Agrees* The first 2 thirds were great, but the last third felt really weird.

Spoiler for episode:

The America thing was really weird, totally came out of left field. I think it would have been better if subtle hints were dropped earlier, but it's not like it was the focus of it and all. The dad was pretty funny and I can't blame him for being happy that she isn't going, I'm surprised he'd agreed to it in the first place.

relentlessflame 2010-12-19 20:43

I think this is indeed a Good Ending, though I see why it isn't the "True" one.

One thing that really came through in this episode is that Kyousuke and Kirino are both so alike in their stubbornness. The fact that they're related is so totally obvious from their conversation -- whenever they have to be honest or vulnerable, they each put up this total front. Note also that when Kirino was doing her big "it's none of your business" speech, it matched almost exactly the way Kyousuke did his "This party is totally suspect" speech last episode (check particularly the tone of voice). And the reason they get mad at each other is that they both can't get over their own pride and be honest (inherited from their father? :heh: )

The laptop falling and clicking the choice was way too convenient, but it got the point across perfectly. If they'd both just cool their heads and have an honest conversation, they wouldn't need to have this sort of fight since what Kirino wants is, by now, pretty damn obvious. (She just wants to be with her Onii-chan~! :heh: ) Showing Kirino sad and lonely in that picture in the past is no accident either.

The fact that Kirino actually did cancel the trip is... rather surprising, actually. She... caved? And it's extremely obvious to both of them that it was all for Kyousuke's sake, and they're both happy with that. So it's sort of a "life goes on" ending, but with Kyousuke and Kirino having something of an understanding of each other. As an "alternate ending", and an ending to the TV airing, it makes sense... but it's really clear that this isn't all there is to say.

(Also, I noted that the conversation with Saori clears up some of the missing pieces that people were wondering about after last week, so that's useful too. Knowing that this departure was pending really clears up Kirino's "sudden change of heart"; she was running out of time, and was starting to have regrets and second thoughts.)

D-Gold 2010-12-19 21:02


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 3398629)
I think that was a pretty good last episode. Well, I do feel that it was lackluster in parts, and Kyousuke is still a wonderful punching bag (damn, all that tissue from getting beat up by Kirino?!), but the ending atmosphere was nice, so eh~~ well, okay I guess.

Did this Akagi appear before? I really don't remember this guy...

So is the final impressions thread going to come first? Or are the moderators going to wait until the web broadcasts (true route) end?

I wonder when those broadcasts will be...

I think it was episode 6. He was the guy who asked Kyousuke if there was another guy in Manami life how would he react or something along those lines.
It happened in the episode where Kyousuke spent the night over Manami's house

One thing I found funny about the episode is where Kirino was talking to Kuroneko about her calling Kyousuke nii-san and she said she would be calling him something else in the future. It has a hidden meaning and people who read the novels should know it.

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