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Klashikari 2010-11-21 09:56

Ore no Imouto - Episode 8 Discussion / Poll
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HinataShou 2010-11-21 11:30


X10A_Freedom 2010-11-21 14:20

Hmmm, hardly any comedy in this week's episode. It does raise some good questions though and I hope it's followed up well next week.

Sprite_Coke 2010-11-21 14:30

"jinsei soudan... tsugi de saigo..." Aw shit, already this part? Do they really want to catch the anime up to the novels that fast?

Key Board 2010-11-21 15:44

This episode seriously offends the bakuman fan in me

Micchi 2010-11-21 15:45

Kinda a boring episode.

Spoiler for Ep8 comparison to LN:

I'm looking forward to seeing Kuroneko's imouto ^^

serenade_beta 2010-11-21 15:45

Wow... What a freakin' annoying episode.
And boring too.
But mainly, just annoying. It's no wonder that Itou Makoto P. is fuming in his Tweeter space...

I so wished someone would just kick that brother out of the studio...
Kuroneko... wasn't much better, but at least she said something that made a bit of sense. Brother? "Oh, see my poor sister? Yeah, *insert sob story*, so please think again." YA THINK?!
Bajiina didn't really get enough screentime to say much, but she's the usual mature her, I guess...

And, ahaha, to top off the episode, that damn sister... Yet AGAIN, the brother gets rid of her problems and she's acting all cocky and all.
Eh? The last discussion? Eh? Death Flag? Uho! Yea-

dahl_moon 2010-11-21 16:58

........What did they do to my favorite episode? :frustrated: This was bad enough for me that I kept hitting "skip, skip, skip."

I knew they were going to heavily modify the original "novelization episode" into something new (supposedly there was a real plagiarism case in Dengeki?) but I still was expecting them to keep the core parts.
Spoiler for Omitted novel context:

tl;dr, but Kuroneko is supposed to earn big points from both the audience and Kyousuke, and the fact that that's almost gone makes me fume.

ion475 2010-11-21 19:52

Sigh...original material, and they totally fail at it.

Well, in another word, maybe the same conversation went on in AIC, except that instead of original material they flip the sex of the character (Fate v. the dude), and decide to write what they are good at (works inside anime company v. a light novel publisher).

More importantly, the whole Kyousuke as Kuroneko's "Onii-chan" is gone. Sad, just sad. Kuroneko rant about how much she's always a "wannabe" just isn't there when you're talking to some with this change how are they going to progress with Fate's storyline afterward?

And the shock of "Changing everything in anime" versus "My novel now is plagiarize" affecting Kirino is just different. I doubt Kirino would went down just b/c of the anime version of her novel being completely changed. But having her novel copied, can't get into her own account, and having "Rino" identity stolen? It's just two world...


"jinsei soudan... tsugi de saigo..." Aw shit, already this part? Do they really want to catch the anime up to the novels that fast?
It's just logical progression...

Episode 9 - Original material
Episode 10-12 - Vol. 4 (10 should be Ch. 1, 11 Ch. 2/3, then 12 Ch. 4...)


And, ahaha, to top off the episode, that damn sister... Yet AGAIN, the brother gets rid of her problems and she's acting all cocky and all.
Technically from the story standpoint Kirino doesn't know about Kyousuke's intervention. So how exactly it's surprising that Kirino acts cocky? She wins, not knowing the reasoning why she truly win.

serenade_beta 2010-11-21 20:13


Originally Posted by dahl_moon (Post 3356201)
(supposedly there was a real plagiarism case in Dengeki?)

Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu and something involving Rio? As far as Dengeki goes, that is the only one in my memory.
Though there have been several problems in the recent past.
It isn't something that people in the industry want to touch on, obviously.


Originally Posted by ion475 (Post 3356402)
Technically from the story standpoint Kirino doesn't know about Kyousuke's intervention. So how exactly it's surprising that Kirino acts cocky? She wins, not knowing the reasoning why she truly win.

(;O_O) Eh?
I didn't say it was surprising...

ion475 2010-11-21 20:50


(;O_O) Eh?
I didn't say it was surprising...
More like why all the hate? Pretty sure she would have act way different if she know about it. And it's more like Kyousuke don't want to ruin the moment more than Kirino being all cocky.

Seravy 2010-11-21 21:30

this episode was fucking horrible.

blitz1/2 2010-11-21 21:41

Only the Kuroneko expressions saved this ep for me.

serenade_beta 2010-11-21 21:59


Originally Posted by ion475 (Post 3356478)
More like why all the hate? Pretty sure she would have act way different if she know about it. And it's more like Kyousuke don't want to ruin the moment more than Kirino being all cocky.

Well... Because this episode was pretty annoying itself, and it's not like Kirino suddenly became bad this episode. She was already pretty bad before, and the hate came from there.

ion475 2010-11-21 22:19


Well... Because this episode was pretty annoying itself, and it's not like Kirino suddenly became bad this episode. She was already pretty bad before, and the hate came from there.
Yeah, have to agree with first part no matter what.

At the end, being original is one thing, trying to adapt part of the story from the novel then completely change the context is another. Makes quite a few part lost significance (i.e. Kuroneko's speech), makes Kyousuke just act weird (The begging is just weak...I mean, so what if Kirino is a hardcore anime otaku? There are millions of them out there. Being your sister? Who you think you are, Kyousuke? You're nothing but a normal highschooler...). Well, the more I think about it, the more I see why people call it "annoying" instead of "bad" (although both technically apply).

As for the other annoying factor - getting rid of the weird people that works in Raigeki Bunko (parody of Dengeki Bunko) and replace them with some random emotionless executive. Yeah, it's being true to the real Japan corporate culture (I don't work there, so I can be completely wrong), but we all know you need people to have weird personality to make an anime good.

As for the hate of Kirino...sigh, if even Fushimi hate her, you hating Kirino is just too normal (aka I won't argue with you why you shouldn't hate Kirino...mainly b/c for me, other than being kawaii, there's nothing to like about her).

Zanibas 2010-11-21 22:26

Apparently I somehow enjoyed this episode. Keep in mind though that I am not an LN follower, so this is merely based on what's there, not on what's not.

I get why people are angry that Kuroneko got watered down, but she did have a heroic moment that really shone in my eyes. Add onto that "must be nice" comment on the bus, and she got major cred from me. She's blunt, but she's a real hero too.

Yeah, I get that in retrospect, Kyousuke's wording seems a bit illogical and a sob story, but hey, when you've got logical against you, all you can do is introduce an emotional side to it. Honestly, I thought their efforts were heroic, despite how weak their argument is in regards to costs. If I had someone bowing before my knees begging, I too would reconsider =/.

Tell me how I'm wrong all you want, but in my opinion, I thought this was excellent in terms of character development O.o

Andrelol 2010-11-21 22:35

5 out of 10.

Pretty bad epside. Actually this whole thing of her getting an anime makes no sense...

blitz1/2 2010-11-21 22:43

I am more surprised that Kirino's light novel was already deemed a success from slight words+unreadable language to full blown out novel? What's with this? and now an anime in a span of a few days?!

Reckoner 2010-11-21 22:48

I think it's obvious at this point that people who don't read the LN are going to react differently to each episode than people who do.

I for one found this episode better then the previous 2-3 weeks and gave it a 7/10.

Funnily enough I found myself on the same mind set as Kuroneko. And yes, I really do want to see Kirino kicked down and depressed. I mean, what a fricken drama queen this Kirino is. She overworks herself and collapses because some anime studio doesn't want to adapt her work the way she wanted. Give me a fricken break. I have no sympathy for her. Absolutely none. I mean she fricking acks like the worst spoiled brat I've ever seen at the meeting, and then gloats at the end of the episode about her own talents in sheer arrogance.

Sigh. Maybe the author wanted me to hate Kirino's character. But then I ask, why? Why does the story want me to hate her character? Kyousuke even says he hates her, and only helps her because of a brother-sister obligation (Though I'm guessing there's some history here to explain a little more). Why are we supposed to care about these two siblings getting closer together when one is obviously so insufferable.

Whatever. Kuroneko and Kyousuke so far have single handedly held this show up for me. But if the show's focus is not on them, but Kirino, the show isn't going to held up much longer.


Anyhow, Kuroneko's speech made the episode for me. Call out garbage for what is, like most anime today.

liquidmetal 2010-11-21 22:58

<3 Kuroneko. Need more of her please though bit disappointed her confrontation was changed :p

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