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Pellissier 2013-01-28 02:16

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo - Episode 16 Discussion / Poll
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Chaos2Frozen 2013-01-28 02:23

For those who prefer middle school girls...

judasmartel 2013-01-28 08:30

Err, if the middle school girl is Yuuko, I'm not sure if I would prefer her to a high school girl.

I liked her better when she was still a cute grade schooler who plays basketball. :heh:

Chaos2Frozen 2013-01-28 08:37


Originally Posted by judasmartel (Post 4531258)
Err, if the middle school girl is Yuuko, I'm not sure if I would prefer her to a high school girl.

I liked her better when she was still a cute grade schooler who plays basketball. :heh:

Elementary schoolers are the best?

Believe it or not, I actually prefer annoying imouto characters than perfect imouto characters :p

judasmartel 2013-01-28 08:43

Hmmm... Hope this would be a good episode.

MisaoFan 2013-01-28 11:00

Spoiler for Episode 16:

Haiprbim 2013-01-28 12:56

The Preview looks really nice, cannot wait! :)

ion475 2013-01-28 20:30


Err, if the middle school girl is Yuuko, I'm not sure if I would prefer her to a high school girl.

I liked her better when she was still a cute grade schooler who plays basketball.
No matter how I make it, Yuuko doesn't sounds like Ogura Yui...

Oh well, I'm actually looking more forward to a certain stony cat and a certain cat's imouto.

As for the episode itself. It's setting up next episode mostly. Yuuko appears for what? 3 minutes?

Spoiler for Well, it's spoiler...:

ars89 2013-01-28 20:54

Leave it to Yuuko to stir things up. Nice advice from his dad. How can you guess that's a bullfrog!

Chaos2Frozen 2013-01-28 21:07

Is it me, or was this episode incredibly tense in an unintentional way :heh::eyespin: Between Sorata's second interview with Kazuki (Is he the only developer in town :eyespin:?!), Nanami's pseudo love confession and Mashiro's growing anxiety, I kept expecting something to go wrong somewhere @_@

So next week is Valentine's... Guess who's coming back to play :p ?


Originally Posted by ars89 (Post 4531885)
Leave it to Yuuko to stir things up. Nice advice from his dad. How can you guess that's a bullfrog!

Actually I was able to guess that it's a bullfrog as well :heh:

It was the only creature that came to mind.

GDB 2013-01-28 21:36

So, this episode covered like, 5-6 weeks of time. Holy crap.

FlareKnight 2013-01-28 22:18

And boom we're in for a crazy Valentine's day. Almost more looking forward to seeing what insanity Misaki might come up with :heh:. Sadly things aren't going great there with Jin practically hiding out at the Student Council President's house.

Things are building up in this triangle. Mashiro feeling uncomfortable and Nanami using her script almost to practice confessing. I do question her choice here despite how entertaining it is. One if she's reading the lines to Sorata then she isn't really acting. I just worry she's discrating herself from what she needs to be doing right now. If she blows that audition then she's in trouble here. Obviously overworking to the point of collapse again isn't a good idea, but I'm just not sure about this. Hopefully it all goes well though then we'll really have a chaotic moment since that will let her freely confess.

Good that Sorata half-passed. Especially since he's really miserable to be around after failure. As expected while he's going all over the points of the game the real question being discussed is how much it'll cost to make and how much they need to sell to break even.

Nvis 2013-01-29 00:14

Star of the show makes an appearance next ep.....

taofd 2013-01-29 00:28

This episode was a huge breakthrough-- I think it's become more and more clear that Sorata doesn't care about Nanami the same way he cares about Mashiro. He views Nanami the same way as a comrade in arms, while he sees Mashiro more as a goal or benchmark he wants to obtain.

We see a similar dichotomy playing out between Jin and Misaki's relationship, and it's become clear that for the longest time Jin has avoided this issue out of feelings of inadequacy. One can only hope Sorata will learn faster than Jin did.

I can still see the Nanami route unfolding, but the likelihood IMO is becoming less and less.

Nachtwandler 2013-01-29 01:05

LOL. How many couples are in this anime?

Benigmatica 2013-01-29 01:37

I have a feeling that a shipping wars between Sorata x Nanami and Sorata x Mashiro will intensify next week...

Speaking of next week, I hope Rita comes back to play with Dragon-kun!

judasmartel 2013-01-29 03:01

Sorata, my boy. It really is hard to have two wives at the same time.

By the way, man, you sure take romantic lines very seriously. But to be fair though, it does sound like Nanami is confessing to you for real.

garbage 2013-01-29 04:21

Ah mashiro always has the best lines...;)
"how long are you gonna stare my indecent appearance"
"It's nothing to get worked up about....we do it all the time"
>btw the was so nice(?) sweet(?) how mashiro is sitting in front of sorata at the side of the bed. I can understand Yuuko's feeling they really look much like a couple.
>Sorata taking care of things for nanami... that's something too, though it feels more of like a buddy thing.

anyway funny and good episode though it seems to be a set-up for next week.

PS : I do hope yuuko passes her's kinda sad that her dad and even sorata thinks she's not capable of doing so.:(

judasmartel 2013-01-29 04:38

^ She could be a potential Misaki 2.0.

sky black swordman 2013-01-29 05:01

^ Dear god, I don't think Sorata can handle another Misaki, he already has enough trouble dealing with one!! :heh:

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