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Kairin 2012-07-24 17:52

Total Eclipse - Episode 4 Discussion / Poll
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novalysis 2012-07-24 19:54

It appears that the main topic of discussion for this episode is the Yui vs Yuuya discussion, and the exploration of their motivations.

After the string of condemnations for uninteresting characters in Episode 3, it's certainly ironic to see arguments over which of the two main leads are in the right dominate page, after page of discussion.

It does prove one thing for certain: Yuuya and Yui are by no means One Dimensional, generic bland characters. There is no way their conflict could launch more than 10 pages of discussion other-wise.

I think at this point of the discussion, it can be agreed that neither Yui nor Yuuya are... saintly people, to say the least, and to a certain disputed degree, share the blame for their mutual conflict, much of which is personal in nature.

It's my personal view that NEITHER are being rather professional about this. Their disagreements with one another are personal in nature. Yuuya is right in that sense, but at the same time, the same charge he levels against Yui about the personal nature of their conflict equally applies to him.

There is a high level of mutual belligerence to their relationship, though it remains to be seen whether the Sexual Tension part holds true.

Miraluka 2012-07-24 21:30

At the end all gets reduced down to a confrontation between experience (Yui) vs Talent (Yuuya) that will featured the next episode.

OliverTwist 2012-07-24 22:15


Originally Posted by Wilfriback (Post 4272058)
At the end all gets reduced down to a confrontation between experience (Yui) vs Talent (Yuuya) that will featured the next episode.

If it actually comes down to a 1 v 1 and not some simulation against Betas then Yui should lose in experience and talent, unless Yuuya ends up handicapped by the mechs they're using like he was in this episode. If Yui is some genius pilot I don't understand why she wouldn't be leading the testing herself, they wouldn't need to bring in someone else. It doesn't look like the russians are using some multinational force to test their stuff so it's not required.

I have a feeling Yuuya will end up getting owned though and it's not gonna sit well with me, so all I'm hoping for now is they get rid of all the angsty shit in the next episode or two and get back to fighting Betas.

Enternal 2012-07-24 22:19


Originally Posted by OliverTwist (Post 4272135)
I have a feeling Yuuya will end up getting owned though and it's not gonna sit well with me, so all I'm hoping for now is they get rid of all the angsty shit in the next episode or two and get back to fighting Betas.

Why would it not sit well with you? Well no matter the result, I think their problems will probably be resolved next week. Yui will learn more about Yuuya and he will also learn more about Yui.

Elestia 2012-07-24 22:27

I think Yuuya would have an edge since American doctrine has been more geared towards combat against other TSFs, but we'll find out next episode.

Azure King 2012-07-24 22:30

whooo hooo sub-forum now i don't have to listen to all the LN spoilers and stuff

OliverTwist 2012-07-24 22:34


Originally Posted by Enternal (Post 4272142)
Why would it not sit well with you? Well no matter the result, I think their problems will probably be resolved next week. Yui will learn more about Yuuya and he will also learn more about Yui.

I explained why in my initial post. The only way Yui should win in a contest with Yuuya is if it's a beta simulation or he's handicapped by the mechs they're using to fight each other. Experience fighting betas doesn't equate to 1 on 1 combat and I'd guess he's got way more hours flying a mech then Yui does.

Wild Goose 2012-07-24 22:38

Regards Yuuya and Yui's interactions, I have a long post on that, so I'll not repeat it here.

I do think that this wall all in all a decent episode, and the director and planners of Total Eclipse have succeeded in their plan, which is to create greater awareness of the Muv-Luv franchise, specifically Alternative.

Don't forget, however, that Yui is going to be in a Takemikazuchi, and she's had more time in that machine than Yuuya has in the Shiranui-1C.

Kazu-kun 2012-07-24 23:08


Originally Posted by OliverTwist (Post 4272135)
If it actually comes down to a 1 v 1 and not some simulation against Betas then Yui should lose in experience and talent.

We don't know that at this point. Besides when Yui was still in training she was clearly better than her peers, so she's quite likely very talented herself.


Originally Posted by OliverTwist (Post 4272135)
If Yui is some genius pilot I don't understand why she wouldn't be leading the testing herself, they wouldn't need to bring in someone else.

The nationality of the pilots probably has more to do with the project's internal politics than skills or talent.

Wild Goose 2012-07-24 23:12

Yui isn't a test pilot, she's a combat pilot. Note that the other members of Argos Flight are also combat pilots - only Yuuya is coming from an actual test background.

Argos Flight's other pilots are going to be chase aircraft, monitoring and recording the Shiranui Second prototype, while Yuuya's job, as the only person with an actual test background, is to push the envelope, discover what it can or cannot do, and give his observations. Note his comments on the Fubuki after just one flight in it.

Yui is too entrenched in the Japanese mindset, which is why they need an outside context - Yuuya - to assist in the development, as he'll see things they overlook. Of course, the question of whether Yui will listen to him is another matter entirely...

Kazu-kun 2012-07-24 23:22


Originally Posted by Wild Goose (Post 4272237)
he'll see things they overlook. Of course, the question of whether Yui will listen to him is another matter entirely...

Aren't you jumping to conclusions here? We don't even know what exactly is Yui's role in the project. For all we know Yuuya might report his findings to someone else entirely.

Chaos2Frozen 2012-07-25 02:07

Well... If there's one thing I learn from watching this episode- In Soviet Russia, don't ever play 'follow the little girl'... That shit could get you killed!

thundrakkon 2012-07-25 03:26

I thought the idea was to create and test a joint project mech. Hence, they probably did not want Yui be lead test pilot, since she is probably accustomed to the types of machines they are creating. Yuuya, on the hand, is not used to these specifications, hence, he makes a better guinea pig to see if they mechs can be made universal.

Destined_Fate 2012-07-25 04:05

Uhh... Yuuya hasn't fought the BETA before and never fought anyone to the death. There's no way he will stand a real chance against Yui who has been fighting the BETA for years since she was a kid and treats all battles as serious life or death situations. Which is why she finds even the smallest mistakes a death warrant.

Such as when Yuuya was training with the group for the first time he flew too high for comfort. In Yui's eyes that would have meant Yuuya was dead by a Laser Class while Yuuya thinks nothing of it because he's never had to deal with a Laser Class blowing up someone next to him because they flew even just an inch too high.


Originally Posted by Wilfriback (Post 4272058)
At the end all gets reduced down to a confrontation between experience (Yui) vs Talent (Yuuya) that will featured the next episode.

Which seems to set up for Yui beating Yuuya to a pulp. Maybe Yuuya will learn something or Yui might try and loosen up on him after they resolve their hate between them? Or in some peoples eyes sexual tension fueled by hate but, eh.:heh:

Wild Goose 2012-07-25 05:24


Honestly, it could go both ways. On one hand, Yuuya has had no experience in the Shiranui, as opposed to Yui, who presumably has had a significant amount of stick time in the Zuikaku and Takemikazuchi. Also, he has no actual combat time, and is a test pilot, not a combat pilot, so the odds aren't good.

On the other hand, Yui's focus has been on fighting BETA, not other people, and it's quite possible that Yuuya may pull out some tricks she's not aware of, which would lead to his victory.

But given the genre conventions, as well as the reasons above, my money is on Yui to win, not Yuuya.

Also, at this point, Yui has had about 3 years of experience as an Eishi. She's fought in one major engagement - the fall of Kyoto -that we know of, though we're not sure how much stick time she actually has, given that she would have needed a fair bit of sick leave to recover from her injuries. It's not quite the same as having fought BETA since she was a kid.

Also, hatesex is the likely outcome of any defrosting between Yui and Yuuya. Search y'alls feelings, you know it to be true. :p

SABER60069 2012-07-25 07:00

Yui is going to fight Yuuya in a Takemikazuchi while he is in a Shiranui? how is this even remotely fair? especially if he still isn't familiar with Japanese TSFs and has yet to adapt to them.

Om Nerabdator 2012-07-25 07:01

oh a subforum? never would of guess this anime would get one.

Yui FTW next ep

NoemiChan 2012-07-25 07:06


Originally Posted by SABER60069 (Post 4272693)
Yui is going to fight Yuuya in a Takemikazuchi while he is in a Shiranui? how is this even remotely fair? especially if he still isn't familiar with Japanese TSFs and has yet to adapt to them.

Guess its the battle of the sexes then...

Destined_Fate 2012-07-25 08:09


Originally Posted by SABER60069 (Post 4272693)
Yui is going to fight Yuuya in a Takemikazuchi while he is in a Shiranui? how is this even remotely fair? especially if he still isn't familiar with Japanese TSFs and has yet to adapt to them.

You imply that Yui starts the fight, the preview clearly shows that Yuuya thinks he's hot stuff and is the one challenging Yui. He's going to get a reality check real soon that training simulations will never amount to the real deal and just how far he is compared to Yui.

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