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monir 2009-04-21 07:53

Welcome to the weekly manga discussion thread for One Piece.

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stigi 2009-04-21 08:50

this chapter will be so awesome, i wonder how far we'll get towards saving ace and maybe some information about Whitebeards whereabouts..

kari-no-sugata 2009-04-21 08:52

Haven't seen any spoiler images yet.

Seen one very fake looking summary... and one more plausible summary though still seems fishy.

Waiting for confirmed spoilers...

aohige 2009-04-21 09:13

The spoiler from bvOTKk1mXg is probably real.
He's a reliable spoiler source for Naruto threads.

But since I'm not familiar with him, I'm going to wait on Branky, May, or Himajin. :)

Sazelyt 2009-04-21 14:00

After reading the spoilers, even God must be carrying that Enel's "Oh my God" face right now.

Crocodile joining the group?

Though I have to admit, even though Crocodile has a corrupted personality, he is one of the bad guys that can change his ways. Not exactly become good, but work in a way (against the Government) that can satisfy his goals to some extent.

junte86 2009-04-21 14:31

That would make my day. I love crocodile... I mean he is such a bad ass and cool character..
and although he was a bad guy he was just soo bad that everyone hated him.. and that means he did his job well done... and his intelligence and power... ahh I think he is one of the best character that was created by Oda... hmm although I wonder what's his plan... since he must be joining luffy for his own goal... unlike other nakama freaks... lol jk

AceD 2009-04-21 15:09

wheres that spoiler from? must be temperarally for this arc surely, cant see him actually joining the straw hats :|

Bonta Kun 2009-04-21 16:27


Originally Posted by AceD (Post 2354308)
wheres that spoiler from? must be temperarally for this arc surely, cant see him actually joining the straw hats :|

oh lol there would be no way that could ever happen:)

If its true hes temp joining the group then I can see that, his best chacne of escape is with Luffy and Co. and I see him doing whatever it takes to get out or whatever he wants to do.

Croc is one of my fav big bads and I hope we get to see some really clever thinking from him.

been too long since I've heard his epic laugh MMUHAHAHAHAHAHA!:heh:

Prestige 2009-04-21 16:41

I post Aohiges spoiler post here;


The three of them recklessly plow through and manage to get to Level 6.
But there's no sign of Ace in the prison. Ace was already transported away through the elevator that connects directly from the first floor to sixth.
The exit to the entrance was blocked, and tear gas was being pumped into the area.
Inazuma is a Scissor man who ate the Choki Choki fruit, and he uses his ability to block the exit filled with tear gas, but their ways are all blocked now, with no way out.
Crocodile appears, and tells them with his ability, he could get them out of here.
Luffy objects, not wanting to help a man who ruined Vivi's kingdom.
Ivankov convinces Luffy, and tells Crocodile to help them if he doesn't want his secret revealed. (Iva-san seems to know something about Crocodile's weakness)
Jinbei also asks them to take him with them too, as he is indebted to Whitebeard.
The three head out with the two Shichibukai joining them.
The other prisoners also yell at them to release them, but Iva takes them out with his Deathwink.

The_Three_Kings 2009-04-21 16:42

Spoiler for chapter spolier (unconfirmed):

syler321 2009-04-21 17:50

wait so,luffi,crocodile and jinbei are together?
i dont think the world goverment will like to see those 3 escape together...

specialy if they join the straw hats crew,but i dont think crocodile fits to be in the straw hats crew...

Master Mold 2009-04-21 18:17


Originally Posted by Fipskuul (Post 2354214)
After reading the spoilers, even God must be carrying that Enel's "Oh my God" face right now.

Crocodile joining the group?

Though I have to admit, even though Crocodile has a corrupted personality, he is one of the bad guys that can change his ways. Not exactly become good, but work in a way (against the Government) that can satisfy his goals to some extent.

Not that big of a shocker.

marvelB 2009-04-21 19:18

Yeah, I'm not too surprised about Crocodile helping Luffy, either. However, that "secret" of his certainly piqued my interest. Looks like Oda is going to explore Crocodile's history a bit in this storyline after all. Perhaps we'll finally find out why he abandoned his dream of becoming Pirate King....?

And of course, I fully expected Jinbei to join up with Luffy. I definitely can't wait to find out what abilities he has. It's also pretty cool to see that Inazuma is a DF user, after all. If he has the scissors fruit then that sort of makes him like Daz, I guess (since he was a "blade" man). I'm still hoping that we'll be introduced to Shiryuu and those big, bad, prisoners that Iva mentioned a couple of chapters ago in this chapter. If not, we'll have to wait a few more weeks until they are.....

d' airscapez 2009-04-21 20:42

It's funny because Crocodiles weakness Is kinda I guess common sense but I guess not in OP. ;P But If he were to join that'd be so badass!

marvelB 2009-04-21 20:56

I'm pretty sure that Iva's referring to a different weakness here. Remember, even though Luffy figured out that he could beat Croc with water, it didn't make much difference because he still lost the rematch anyway (and besides, it's been implied that Haki can directly damage Logias, so liquid isn't even necessary to beat him). This other "weakness" may have to do with why Croc has that big scar across his face, lost his left hand, and effectively lost his dreams of reaching the "Pirates' Summit".....

Cinocard 2009-04-21 21:56


Yeah, I'm not too surprised about Crocodile helping Luffy, either. However, that "secret" of his certainly piqued my interest. Looks like Oda is going to explore Crocodile's history a bit in this storyline after all. Perhaps we'll finally find out why he abandoned his dream of becoming Pirate King....?
Did he? I thought all that was for him to become pirate king? He just found out he couldn't do it the normal way, and turn his back to those ancient weapon business.

Rainbowman 2009-04-21 22:00


Originally Posted by marvelB (Post 2354652)
And of course, I fully expected Jinbei to join up with Luffy. I definitely can't wait to find out what abilities he has. It's also pretty cool to see that Inazuma is a DF user, after all. If he has the scissors fruit then that sort of makes him like Daz, I guess (since he was a "blade" man).* I'm still hoping that we'll be introduced to Shiryuu and those big, bad, prisoners that Iva mentioned a couple of chapters ago in this chapter. If not, we'll have to wait a few more weeks until they are.....**

*With Inazuma, I wonder how his/her powers coresponds with his/her physical style?
**I'm hoping for at least Shiryuu's appearance. Dealing with those other prisoners would be overkill when trying to escape.

marvelB 2009-04-21 22:21


Originally Posted by Cinocard (Post 2354842)
Did he? I thought all that was for him to become pirate king? He just found out he couldn't do it the normal way, and turn his back to those ancient weapon business.

Well, in the Golden Week ministory, we see Crocodile transform into a Pirate King thanks to GW's Color Trap, which was supposed to reflect his deepest desire. However, if you look back at his fights with Luffy in Alabasta, he definitely implies that he gave up on his dream. This little conversation from chapter 208 comes to mind:


- Page 54 -


Crocodile: Listen, kid... The longer one gets to know this ocean, the less one makes rash statements like that.
I already told you there's plenty of rookies like you wandering around!!!

- Page 55 -


^Add to that the fact that Crocodile makes it his business to not trust anybody, and it would seem that the guy's had quite a mirky past......

Bari_Phillis 2009-04-21 22:21

Hey all.

Having Croc permanently join the Strawhat Crew would be really cool but he doesn't fit.
All of the others have something they are working towards- good goals. Croc has none.

As a temp with luffy this would be quite amazing, however. I...cough... LOVE CROCODILE... so I am not opposed to this idea. I mean cmon, he is the epitome of villainous.

Also, I find it funny that Oda has chosen yet another *beauty* type theme for a girl. Scissors= hair=make the connection.

Personally, I want them all to escape, and get outside just as Ace is about to be executed. Once he is, Luffy, Whitebeard, Dragon, and everyone who's anyone goes apeshit on the WG.

I just want to see Luffy master Haki. For some reason I don't think it fits him to well but, it would just make me a lot more comfortable for some reason.

marvelB 2009-04-21 23:42

Well, we have our first spoiler pic:

Luffy finally meets Jinbei, and Ace is gone. More pics should be popping up pretty soon.....

Edit: And some more pics:

Hmm.... don't see Crocodile so far. However, we can Inazuma's DF power in action (looks pretty awesome, too), so it looks like we have confirmation of the earlier summary. Looks like Ace is having a little scuffle with Magellan, as well. Still crossing my fingers for the chances of Shiryuu or someone else new being introduced this chapter.....

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