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DarkKnightZero 2006-07-16 02:39

Kenpachi and his Soul Slayer
As we all know Kenpachi is the only one out of all the captains who doesnt know his blades name...let alone being able to use Bankai.

But, do you guys think that some day, maybe Kenpachi will be able to do these things, and if he does, do you feel like he would be overpowered?

I feel like a Kenpachi at this level could probably even take down Aizen...hell, maybe even easily take down Aizen. Kenpachi is already on captain level and that is just his brute stregnth..which is just nuts in itself.


defrule 2006-07-16 12:21

Kenpachi has seen Aizen release his Zanpatou right so naturally he will fall under the effects of complete hypnosis which will put him in quite a disadvantage.

Ichy 2006-07-16 12:27


Originally Posted by defrule
Kenpachi has seen Aizen release his Zanpatou right so natural he will fall under the effects of complete hypnosis which will put him in quite a disadvantage.

Kenpachi is quiet good in guessing. Like the Battle against the Blind Taicho.
He would make some lucky Strikes ^^

But Aizen as Main Villian will be defeated by the Main Hero :D Maybee Ichigos Hollow Ability ist to see trought Illuions? :D

Zek 2006-07-16 13:53

I think Kubo dug himself into a bit of a hole with Kenpachi's power. He'll probably come up with something to downplay it and explain why he can't get 10x power out of bankai like everyone else does. Maybe he already used all of his soul's potential power and there's none left for his zanpakutoh or something like that.

yamato_D 2006-07-16 14:03

could someone explain to me how ichigo managed to beat kenpachi? i saw the anime and read the manga, but ichigo couldn't even use bankai at the time of the fight. i understand that zangetsu "helped" him, but if that attack was so strong, why hasn't ichigo used it again? i mean, if kenpachi is supposed to be the strongest captain (as far as pure fighting ability), then it doesn't really reflect very well towards the shinigami.

Ichy 2006-07-16 14:39

Kenpachi isn`t the strongest Taicho.
His Reiatsu ist the strongest, but he don`t have a clue about Demon Magic and so on.
I bet, Byakuya and some others would waste him :D They simply don`t fight him because he is a psycho :heh:

Ichigos attack in the Ken-chan vs Ichy fight, was maybee a stronger Version of Ichys shikai Attack.
Maybee he will learn it someday from Zangetsu? :D

Anh_Minh 2006-07-16 14:53


Originally Posted by Ichy
Kenpachi is quiet good in guessing. Like the Battle against the Blind Taicho.

Actually, he's bad at guessing. He's just very, very durable. If, say, Aizen used his complete hypnosis to become invisible, and then hit Kenpachi with long range destructive arts, there wouldn't be a damn thing Ken could do.

defrule 2006-07-16 19:40


Originally Posted by The Small One
Kenpachi simply won't reach Bankai, it's simple as that.
He can't even get a Shikai and he doesn't need it because he is already powerful enough.

For me if he did achieve Shikai (and Bankai) then it would kinda ruin his character. At the moment he is very unique without Shikai or Bankai which I like. Personally I prefer him staying the way he is and not care about his soul slayer and just his own ability.

Junni 2006-07-16 20:13


Originally Posted by yamato_D
could someone explain to me how ichigo managed to beat kenpachi? i saw the anime and read the manga, but ichigo couldn't even use bankai at the time of the fight. i understand that zangetsu "helped" him, but if that attack was so strong, why hasn't ichigo used it again? i mean, if kenpachi is supposed to be the strongest captain (as far as pure fighting ability), then it doesn't really reflect very well towards the shinigami.

the eyepatch sucks the reiatsu from kenpachi it means when he fought ichigo he has low amount of reiatsu..
when he removed the eyepatch his reiatsu was about to rise? but not @ 100%
there are no tricks behind the eyepatch and kenpachi always gives his enemy some advantage..


and about the bankai.. hmm maybe he will skip his shikai like vegeta @ DB GT :P
hope he will get an armor or something like that or some big ass dragonslayer
absolute defense or offense :D

Kona 2006-07-16 23:27


Originally Posted by The Small One
Kenpachi simply won't reach Bankai, it's simple as that.
He can't even get a Shikai and he doesn't need it because he is already powerful enough.

He is more capable then ichigo. I do belive he has a shikai after ichigo fight, the tousen and konamura fight proves it or just that hes too powerful for them to handle.

Kona 2006-07-16 23:30


Originally Posted by yamato_D
could someone explain to me how ichigo managed to beat kenpachi? i saw the anime and read the manga, but ichigo couldn't even use bankai at the time of the fight. i understand that zangetsu "helped" him, but if that attack was so strong, why hasn't ichigo used it again? i mean, if kenpachi is supposed to be the strongest captain (as far as pure fighting ability), then it doesn't really reflect very well towards the shinigami.

It was ichigos+zangetsus reaitsu and a little bit from his hollow vs eyepatchless kenpachi. It was 3 against 1 if you want to look at it that way.

yamato_D 2006-07-19 00:43

hmm... i guess that makes sense. i guess the bounto arc just annoys me a bit, because they portray ichigo as such a useless character. i mean his powers have been downgraded quite a bit. but regardless of that, i hope they find a way to make zaraki a bit stronger. it'd be cool if he learned a new move or even learn the name of his freakin sword. i like the originality thing, but that can only get you so far.

Thewanderer 2006-07-19 00:51


Originally Posted by yamato_D
hmm... i guess that makes sense. i guess the bounto arc just annoys me a bit, because they portray ichigo as such a useless character. i mean his powers have been downgraded quite a bit. but regardless of that, i hope they find a way to make zaraki a bit stronger. it'd be cool if he learned a new move or even learn the name of his freakin sword. i like the originality thing, but that can only get you so far.

That's part of the plot of the Bound arc...

janmurphy 2006-07-19 03:50

I think if KuboSensei did let him know the name of his sword, it would be a different power, not stronger, just more controlled. Seems like a good way to develop Ken as a character. But then, Im not Kubo. (and that makes me glad! cause I get free time!)

sniperz 2006-07-21 08:34

and remmeber aizen might not always be the real main villain among Bleach. it might still be someone else. or its just aizen.

Junni 2006-07-22 10:26


Originally Posted by sniperz
and remmeber aizen might not always be the real main villain among Bleach. it might still be someone else. or its just aizen.

tousen said kenpachi is a very dangerous person... maybe later he will change to a badguy maybe some evil hollow / soul (aizen ? ) will go into kenpachi's body :heh:

Deathkillz 2006-07-22 12:56

^ naw actually i think that kenpachi might turn good in the future...i dnt think that hes evil at all...he just wants a good fight and if he does get bankai its gona be the end of the world XD

Dark Crusader 2006-07-22 23:46

Kenpachi's reiatsu isn't really his main attack or as powerful as you make it out to be . Kenpachi from the fights we've seen uses his intelligence when it comes to fighting. Yes his endurence is important. But really he has either Phsyc'd out his opponents {Icihigo (at the start), Tousen}, or out smarted them{Tousens Bankai}. Remember a persons attack is as strong as their resolve and will. Kenpachi's unfearing nature un-nerves his opponents to the point that they lose their resolve and will. Thus their attacks loose effectiveness.

He also out smarted Tousen by allowing him to hit him so that he could then strike Tousen with one good strike.

Also not all Shikai's are drastically overpowered look at Kira's Wasabi. It has a useful ability but isn't compareable to Icihigo's or Bakauya's. Kenpachi could get either armor or another more vicious sword. For example ones that causes anyone hit by it to bleed profusely or uncontrolably. Or one that can't be blocked ie that can cut through barriers etc. Or even more useful one that can sense reiatsu locations.

Scep 2006-07-23 00:44

I think many people here just think that Kenpachi is the strongest guy, bla bla bla. IMO, he is one of the weakest. Simply said, he was owned by a shikai ichigo. He would have been owned by tousen if tousen would just shut up and kill him right away and not bla bla bla im a righteous idiot. All he has got in him is his ridiculous endurance. IMO the only reason he is so *strong* is because hes fighting you like he's got 5000 hp and you got 50. I highly doubt hell get shikai, coz nameless sword is really what i feel is his personality, that kind of "raw power" guy.

Junni 2006-07-23 21:19

kenpachi's reiatsu IS strong
even at the end of soul society arch
ichigo was scared of kenpachi and said

" He's too scary just his reiatsu alone is frightening. Did i really beat that guy..? i can't believe it myself "

at chapter 180 page 20

and when he fought the fox and tousen captains.. he took all their shikai attacks ( captain level !! )
and he's still standing as nothing happened.. and when he fought tousen he also took lots of attacks from him and he's still laughing.. like nothing happened... why ? cuz he got greater reiatsu...
reiatsu = defense & offense

and even at the fillers they said kenpachi is drunken by his own reiatsu.. can't remember who said it.. i think it was that bounto's shinigami sidekick


im not saying kenpachi is the strongest captain.. i just wanna tell u guys he's not WEAK !

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