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RRW 2018-09-17 21:58

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Skye629 2018-09-18 05:47

Mmmmm yum yum that's what I watch the Build series for. Too bad they loaded all the good stuff at the end

Called it all last time, the FX Burst (Magnificent!!! Much better than the one used AGE itself) and the team ups. Even ramped up the animation to 11

Ain't out just yet though, that Raid boss looks sick. Guess this is the result of the bugs/ the "dark" Sarah we saw before?. Riku better not kill this one though, he needs to deliver Sarah, let the others shine a bit more

No-Name gets one more hurrah next week for the finale, along with:


Tenzen12 2018-09-18 06:17

Ogre and Riku was good math up for Champ (he was still trashing them for most time) . I am pretty happy it wasn't just Riku alone who fought and win against him. It make also lot of sense for "rivals" teaming up against "final boss"

That said, I don't really feel Sarah is worth going through all these hassle. Even not considering final-final boss appearing out of nowhere.

Faux Mecha 2018-09-18 06:36

did Riku just pull a Raideen move with the arrow?

BassGSnewtype 2018-09-18 09:34


Originally Posted by Faux Mecha (Post 6277150)
did Riku just pull a Raideen move with the arrow?

Yes he did

charasu 2018-09-18 10:22

Nice ep nice battle, nexr week the last?

Kanon 2018-09-18 11:38

I wish the other Divers had been given "boss battles" of their own. All they did was fight grunts. Yuuki was even denied a fight with Emilia.

Anyway, glad Riku didn't beat Kyoya on his own. The fight was pretty good.

BluePhirePB 2018-09-18 12:03

Woo, good ep! Bring on the finale!

Wandering Soul 2018-09-18 13:14

There was no doubt that Riku would overcome Kyoya, I'm just glad that he didn't do it alone.

Rising Dragon 2018-09-18 16:07

I hope all y'all recognize the components to that Devil Gundam raid boss.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2018-09-18 17:47

Despite of all the problems this episode has, I’m glad that it actually did two things right: decent animation & portraying just how much more powerful the Champ is. He easily wasted Tiger & Shah and can only be brought down by Riku & Ogre by them ganging up on him while boosted by the power of DEM in the form of Sarah’s magical tear. You know an antagonist is legit strong when the MC can only beat him by relying on DEM and someone else (Ogre).

You know what? Throughout this episode, I actually thought to myself: how good would this story have been if the setting in GBD was an actual fantasy-land. Not medieval fantasy, but a bit more futuristic like later versions of Final Fantasy. Get rid of the VRMMO, get rid of all the Gunpla, get rid of Japan-setting and get rid of the AI BS and bring in some magic. Make Riku and his friends into young talented warriors who fight by riding/piloting Mobile Suits that look more knightly & fantastical (like a mix between Escaflowne, Dunbine, B’t-X & Shurato). Also, make him conflicted whether or not to protect Sarah coz her existence will destroy the world somehow (like in Scrapped Princess or Chaika: The Coffin Princess). That way, all the stakes will actually be real and involve plenty of actuall lives being lost (not just Sarah). That would at least erase half of the idiocy of the plot in GBD and the only thing the writers have to concern themselves with are fleshing out the characters more and arranging the events of how things happen without being bogged down by the details & nature of how MMORPG works (and how the world works for that matter) which they don’t seem to understand or care.

But of course, at the end of the day, Bandai is just using this anime to re-use some old molds and making new molds for (alternate) old MSs to be used more in the future. Bring on that the HG of that black Devil Gundam so that we can have actual HG Devil Gundam in the future.

Kanon 2018-09-18 18:12


Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 6277269)
You know what? Throughout this episode, I actually thought to myself: how good would this story have been if the setting in GBD was an actual fantasy-land. Not medieval fantasy, but a bit more futuristic like later versions of Final Fantasy. Get rid of the VRMMO, get rid of all the Gunpla, get rid of Japan-setting and get rid of the AI BS and bring in some magic. Make Riku and his friends into young talented warriors who fight by riding/piloting Mobile Suits that look more knightly & fantastical (like a mix between Escaflowne, Dunbine, B’t-X & Shurato). Also, make him conflicted whether or not to protect Sarah coz her existence will destroy the world somehow (like in Scrapped Princess or Chaika: The Coffin Princess). That way, all the stakes will actually be real and involve plenty of actuall lives being lost (not just Sarah). That would at least erase half of the idiocy of the plot in GBD and the only thing the writers have to concern themselves with are fleshing out the characters more and arranging the events of how things happen without being bogged down by the details & nature of how MMORPG works (and how the world works for that matter) which they don’t seem to understand or care.

You're basically saying they should have made a completely different series :heh:

It wouldn't even have been related to Gundam at all.

Magewolf 2018-09-18 19:06


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6277274)
You're basically saying they should have made a completely different series :heh:

It wouldn't even have been related to Gundam at all.

You could use all the same characters and most of the same plot just dropping the in real life bits. It would hopefully make the big penultimate fight less pants on the head retarded then we must kill someone to keep the game from crashing and us losing a day or two of playing time as they bring the servers back online with the backups.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2018-09-18 19:39


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6277274)
You're basically saying they should have made a completely different series :heh:

The premise will change, yes, but they can still retain all the characters and make the general storyline the same with only a bit of modification. Just without many of the dumb plots. Or heck, make it an actual isekai story with Riku, glasses-boy & Momo being thrown to this odd-FF-like world. That will at least erase all the idiotic plots involving the MMORPG and how it shouldn't work this way or that way.

Either that, of they should overhaul the entire plot so that we can have a compelling VRMMORPG story without it being dumber than SAO.


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 6277274)
It wouldn't even have been related to Gundam at all.

Eh, at this point in the franchise, the only thing that ties the various AU series is only the existence of a Gundam in the show. They can make a harem series around a male Gunpla builder and Sunrise-Bandai can still call it a Build Gundam show :heh:. Wait, did I just jinx it? :uhoh:

Tenzen12 2018-09-19 08:21

I think sound good, but I think it would be even better if you changed characters and general storyline.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2018-09-19 09:04


Originally Posted by Tenzen12 (Post 6277419)
I think sound good, but I think it would be even better if you changed characters and general storyline.

Yeah, scrapping the current GBD script altogether and make a better story is the ideal thing.

It's just that I tried to propose a fix to GBD with less changes possible and even that fix still needs to change the entire premise (eg. no more VRMMORPG) for it to work :heh:.

Tenzen12 2018-09-19 09:42

Jokes aside, I really think this part of franchise need depend less on super modes and more on actual fighting skills and strategy

And GBD itself should use other plot then trying save random glitch with less personality then your average Haro, even if it can barely pass Turing test.

Skaddix 2018-09-20 19:26

Meh I rather they save more of the actual skill and strategy for the serious series if I had to choose.

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