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Kairin 2011-01-16 22:45

Madoka Magica - Character Discussion - Kaname Madoka
The purpose of this thread is to provide a place to discuss all things Kaname Madoka related.
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Genten 2011-01-16 23:44

Madoka: carefree, happy, and trusting. She is the quintessential 'main character' that all magical girl anime feature: whether it be Sailor Moon or Cure Dream. However, as this is Shinbo's work, she'll fall far from the normal trend of these leader types.

The rest might be spoiler-ish so it's enclosed in said tags for now:

Spoiler for Madoka Interpretation:

HitoriTomoyo 2011-01-17 00:35

Placed into spoilers since I'm not sure if it's alright to to openly discuss this sort of thing or not.


FireChick 2011-01-17 08:54

Madoka is sooooo adorable and sweet!:D I love her!

Genten 2011-01-17 09:52


Originally Posted by HitoriTomoyo (Post 3442099)
Placed into spoilers since I'm not sure if it's alright to to openly discuss this sort of thing or not.


Spoilers because, well, this could be spoilerish:

Spoiler for Madoka:

Miraluka 2011-01-17 10:54


Originally Posted by Genten (Post 3442003)
I do not trust Mami. Her nice appearance belies something darker underneath. This is Shinbo we're talking about, after all.

That has nothing to do with Shinbo. Is the story writer, Urobochi Gen, who you should worry about if you know his track record of stories.

I think whichever her choice is it will affect her for example if she gets along with Homura she can make Miki her enemy and viceversa.

Genten 2011-01-17 11:57


Originally Posted by Wilfriback (Post 3442557)
That has nothing to do with Shinbo. Is the story writer, Urobochi Gen, who you should worry about if you know his track record of stories.

I think whichever her choice is it will affect her for example if she gets along with Homura she can make Miki her enemy and viceversa.

I pointed to Shinbo because he's directing the series and I forgot who was writing the story.

Yep, I think that Madoka will eventually have to make a choice between Mami and (maybe) Miki or Homura. It really depends on how all of the characters evolve that will determine my sympathies for them.

Belgaesh 2011-01-17 14:06

Forget about the visual novels Urobuchi Gen wrote, but the light novel of Fate/Zero was written by him. But in the end I can't imagine him doing Mahou Shoujo.

About Madoka, I thought of her as cute but she is passive and indecisive, I like more active characters. But is to soon for judge her, as seeing as only two episodes were released.

totoum 2011-01-17 15:20


Originally Posted by Genten (Post 3442003)
Spoiler for ep1:

Spoiler for ep1:

HitoriTomoyo 2011-01-18 00:07


Originally Posted by Genten (Post 3442505)
Spoilers because, well, this could be spoilerish:

Spoiler for Madoka:

Spoiler for Mami/Sayaka/Homura:

Genten 2011-01-18 15:29


Originally Posted by HitoriTomoyo (Post 3443578)
Spoiler for Mami/Sayaka/Homura:

Spoiler for Mami/Sayaka/Homura:

rocket 2011-01-18 20:14


Originally Posted by Genten (Post 3444524)
Spoiler for Mami/Sayaka/Homura:

Spoiler for Madoka's possible future motivations:

Dr. Casey 2011-01-19 23:52

Spinell 2011-01-30 17:13

Hmm, i know she is the main heroine in this series but i think she might not become a mahou shoujo. Great power (her potential) brings great responsibility.
The witch in the beginning of episode one is herself because she made a contract with QB and got said her "wish", that forces something on people (for example: "I wish we all would get along"). Sure, it's called wish but a curse is essentially something that people don't want or is harmful. So if Sayaka and Kyouko (or Homura) fight to the death she might do something like this.

Genten 2011-01-30 17:17

As a somewhat off topic post I find it interesting that Madoka, the main character, has the least amount of posts in her thread than anyone else, even Sakura. I wonder if this speaks for her personality :heh:

Certainly though, I'll admit that Madoka is very bland. She has her qualities and perks but she easily fades into the background compared to the other characters, even the dead one.

BaKaBaKaOtaKu 2011-01-30 19:27

^ L0L. i thoroughly agree with you.XD i actually find her personality boring. she isn't kickass either. she's too kind to appeal to me. DX the only thing that makes me be intrigued about her is that she's the main protagonist. if she's some side character, i'd never bother looking at her.*Shot to death* but well,since homura's quite showing something towards her too, i'm ok w/ her. L0L.

Kaijo 2011-01-30 19:39


Originally Posted by Genten (Post 3463747)
As a somewhat off topic post I find it interesting that Madoka, the main character, has the least amount of posts in her thread than anyone else, even Sakura. I wonder if this speaks for her personality :heh:

Certainly though, I'll admit that Madoka is very bland. She has her qualities and perks but she easily fades into the background compared to the other characters, even the dead one.

This is true, but I also think it has to do with her attitude. She was very generic and one-dimensional and not quite likable at first, wanting to be a magical girl to cover up her own insecurities. She's left that trope, only to embrace the other magical girl trope, which is to whine and cry and give up. At least Sailor Moon, despite her tears and fears, still fought.

But I do think that, as she hopefully grows and matures, she'll become a better person. Right now, though, it's a bit painful to watch. I mean, most people in that position would at least see if it's possible to revive Mami. I know I would. If I was feeling that kind of guilt, and there was a way to make it better, I sure as hell would do it.

Here's hoping she grows, and doesn't just end up being a Shinji "Despair is my anti-drug!" Ikari.

momobunny 2011-01-30 20:21

Madoka is my favorite character, it is odd that as the main character and namesake of the series she has the least activity in her topic but it's not surprising seeing the progression of things. Honestly Madoka's role isn't even established yet, we know that she's the main girl with a lot of potential as a magical girl... but that's it. All of the others basically have an established role in the series, even Kyoko in the (less than) 5 minutes she appeared in.

I think people are being too hard on her character in episode 4. Not bringing up the possibility of bringing her friend back? Behaving too depressed? I can see Madoka's train of thought actually involving the idea of bringing Mami back to life with a wish but apologizing to Mami because she not only "lied" to her by telling her that she definitely wanted to become a magical girl, but also because she is denying herself the thought of bringing Mami back because her fear of becoming a magical girl is too great. There's also the case that Madoka just didn't know Mami well or long enough to even consider risking her life for her. Maybe not everybody will agree, but that's what I believe.
Madoka has to grieve the tragic loss of her newly discovered and short lived friendship. She not only lost a friend who in her eyes was an idol, but she saw her brutal death and can't forget it. It seems completely normal and expected to me, also it was only one episode so I don't see why she's apparently not allowed to be depressed.

Personally I have more problems with Sayaka's character. It's consistent and all but I just can't understand her. To me Sayaka is much too impulsive, though we haven't seen her entire story so that may change. However for now Sayaka's character is one I cannot relate to. Madoka's character is the one I can relate to the most.

Also I just love Madoka's design the most. I'm pretty sure her character will give us all much more to discuss as the series continues, but for now I can see why the topic has almost no activity.

Dark Wing 2011-01-30 20:22

Once again I believe people are being way to hard on the poor child. This is not Sailor Moon or any of the other cookie cutter Magical Girl Anime that we are used to seeing as the creators have said already.

Everyone expects this 14 year old girl to jump up and fight a war thats not her own risking her life only to be forgotten if she should fall in battle leaving behind two loving parents wondering what happened to their little girl.

Kaijo 2011-01-30 20:28

But wasn't that what Madoka had decided to do? Risk her life as a magical girl? What changed?

She found out it wasn't a game.

And people are forgetting that Sayaka took up the mantle despite all that. If Sayaka can, then Madoka can. And apparently a lot of magical girls make this choice to do so despite the risks, so yes, Madoka doesn't get off from valid criticism scott free.

Shinji was the same age and thrown into something he didn't ask for, either, and spent a great deal of the series afraid. He watched friends around him get injured and killed. And yet he still got in the Eva and did what he had to do.

I don't understand the drive to protect Madoka from any and all criticism. It's actually great that she comes across as a flawed character, because her growth is entirely dependent upon overcoming those flaws. She wouldn't be as interesting without them.

Edit: And yes, Sailor Moon, who was the same age as well. Who watched all of her friends get killed, one after the other. She drifted into despair, too, but pulled out of it and went on to confront Beryl. Comparisons are very valid.

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