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Kairin 2012-01-14 05:37

Nisemonogatari - Episode 02 Discussion / Poll
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omimon 2012-01-14 10:33

My poor Nadeko....they cut out so much from your part.

Freeter 2012-01-14 11:25

New OP and ED already? KanaHana in full seduction mode? Gratuitous shots of Karen and Kanbaru? Araragi getting Hachikuji'd?

Okay Shaft, you're forgiven for delaying Denpa Onna. Just make sure you don't skimp on the Erio goodness because all your resources are going to this show.

Woland 2012-01-14 11:40

Marshmallow Justice (Karen OP) (the video seems to work fine, for now)

pampz21 2012-01-14 12:27

Looks like Koyomi won!

Miraluka 2012-01-14 13:16

Massive nngghh's for this episode :uhoh:.

lolzorz 2012-01-14 13:21

Holy crap, they might be going for 11 OPs at this rate... (the thought of a Kaiki opening is hilarious)

I'm actually quite sad they abridged Nadeko's portion... but well they had to fit in Nadeko, Karen and Kanbaru so it's quite understandable since most of Nadeko was fanservice scenes.

Personally I thought a Kaiki appearance would end the episode on a nice cliffhanger, but apparently not. I suppose he appears next episode then. Can't wait for Shinobu's appearance as well :D

And it's finally here: Naisho no Hanashi ED! Good to actually hear it with animation - and no actual dancing I'm afraid XD

00Coyote 2012-01-14 14:05

Having never read the novel, I don't know what they cut out, but good grief, SHAFT is going ballistic with the visuals here. The new opening, with its bee motif, fire, honeycombs and some very trippy graphic design was quite interesting. Especially the stylized fire. Sengoku's nonstop assault, and Suruga's usual antics were also quite the sight to behold.

I do think they could have done a better job on the transition from Sengoku to Karen. While I assume it was supposed to be abrupt (Your mom finding you dressed like that, playing twister with some random guy fighting to suppress his lust, somewhat awkward) the flow of the story just dropped off a cliff.

So by taking responsibility, Araragi needs to marry Senjougahara and Suruga. I guess by that logic, he'd be engaged to Sengoku (she still had on bloomers).

ID555 2012-01-14 14:08

Dammit, I laughed my ass off when Nadeko bolted the doors, and was thoroughly enjoying myself when it all got cut off, I'm not sure by the mom or Shaft. Koyomi was vaguely aware that he escaped rape there, but not so in the hands of Kanbaru.

The show seems to be starting off quite slowly; is it one or two cour?

Zetsubo 2012-01-14 14:11


I lollleed

Oni Senjougahara

Hachikuji's tap out !


Who's the bigger pervert now bitch !

Kanbaru win's LOL !

Flawless victory.

sikvod00 2012-01-14 14:14

Good Lord. Kanon is going to implode from all the lovely Nadeko scenes this episode.:heh:

omimon 2012-01-14 14:19


Originally Posted by sikvod00 (Post 3948550)
Good Lord. Kanon is going to implode from all the lovely Nadeko scenes this episode.:heh:

You rang?

Silvance 2012-01-14 14:40

Spoiler for ep 2:

julez 2012-01-14 14:56

Uhhh maybe I'm the only one, but I was disturbed by how the girls were acting around Koyomi. I don't think that Nadeko has gotten the memo that he's taken, but Kanbaru definitely knows. I know that nothing happened (except for him being sexually harrassed at the end :eyebrow:), but I don't think Hitagi would be too happy to learn her supposed "friend" was naked when her boyfriend came over to help her clean. Or are they not officially dating yet, because I thought they were?

I hate being a buzzkill, but that's just how I felt while watching it. :eyespin: I also can't wait for the story to be the focus rather than the fanservice.

Miraluka 2012-01-14 15:00


Originally Posted by sikvod00 (Post 3948550)
Good Lord. Kanon is going to implode from all the lovely Nadeko scenes this episode.:heh:

Seriously, I can't wait for the animated gifs for this episode ;).


Originally Posted by julez (Post 3948577)
I hate being a buzzkill, but that's just how I felt while watching it. :eyespin: I also can't wait for the story to be the focus rather than the fanservice.

Errr... story? Was there such thing? :heh:

Candyshark 2012-01-14 15:03

Now i need to dig in Novel forum to find out what was cut out. Already inconsistency in animation oh common SHAFT. As for episode quicks and fanservice fix i get from different shows needs to pick up the pace.

P.S: Nadeko: 0-1 :Kanbaru. GOOT JOBU!

Daniel Lind 2012-01-14 15:10

Ah yes, it does feel that they're speeding through the novel as fast as possible while still being somewhat coherent.

I wish shy 13 year old girls lusted after me back in the day.

The Hachikuji joke was awesome, I laughed throughout the ending.

Miraluka 2012-01-14 15:21


Originally Posted by Candyshark (Post 3948584)
Now i need to dig in Novel forum to find out what was cut out. Already inconsistency in animation oh common SHAFT. As for episode quicks and fanservice fix i get from different shows needs to pick up the pace.

From what I heard it was some talk and more service but they ca add extra minutes in the BD just like Shaft did for Denpa Onna.

DorkingtonPugsly 2012-01-14 15:24

Nadeko was pure bliss! And the end when Araragi went all Hachikuji, I laughed so hard! Great episode!

Kusa-San 2012-01-14 16:05

Nadeko, oooooh Nadeko...:heh: Kanbaru is still the same ! No wait, she's hotter thanb before !

But, the one that I really like in this episode was Karen ! I like the way she leaved :heh: I hope we will see her fight !

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