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Kairin 2013-02-02 09:50

Little Busters - Episode 17 Discussion / Poll
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Haiprbim 2013-02-02 10:43

Raw is out, cannot wait for the Subtitles! ^.^

Zankoku12 2013-02-02 10:56

Huuuuhhhh well,i won't bother to compare it to the VN anymore,it better for my mental health that way :heh:

Anyway,there still problem with pacing in this episode.
The part where Kanata walking in a very slow pace while talking to Riki at night look so awkward lol

And the switch end even faster than the bench....there should be some kind of record for this...

Conclusion : This ep left me hanging in a very weird way
Spoiler for Spoiler:


Klashikari 2013-02-02 14:49

The pacing is a bit off with having some awkward "shortcuts" at time.
The execution was also on the weak side: granted, Suzuki's acting is still on the good range, but for some reason, Haruka's reactions are a bit... mild, whereas I was expecting Komari and Kud rushing towards her during the revelations.
Meanwhile, as I feared, some responses from the LB is a bit "unnatural" as they didn't have much interactions as a group, particularly Mio, Kyousuke and Kengo. These 3 hardly were with Haruka in the anime, so their devotion towards Haruka is bit too early. At least, it works a lil better than the game, as only Riki was present for Haruka, as the rest are basically written off from her route :heh:

On the other hand, I'm particularly relieved they didn't miss the point with Kanata and brought all the stuff needed for the proper idea of what she is doing, although the end was sort of... exaggeratedly done in a bad way :heh:

Ah right, that scene with Kanata was... borderline hilarious in regard of actual animation: it just looks like she was intentionally walking s-l-o-w-l-y to let Riki having his speech (despite it is unecessary considering the distance she has to cover). And speaking of distance, Kanata surely teleported at some point considering how the road looks far from where she was despite the initial talk with Riki after speaking with the Saigusa.

ars89 2013-02-02 20:56

Wow that ending, Futaki really knows how to rub it in. Hopefully they can figure out a way to resolve it. Though just knowing who the real father is probably won't make a difference. Lol how the other 2 parents are nowhere to be found. Though my guess would be that Futaki is actually Saigusa's kid, rather than Haruka.

Kudryavka 2013-02-02 21:45

I'm surprised at how Masato and Kengo actually like Haruka. :twitch:

And yum, delicious product placement... gotta love "Yontory" whiskey.

novalysis 2013-02-03 00:45

Well, that is way off the rails from the original route now. The pacing feels very fast,but I think they've justified making this a friendship solidarity route better than say, the Komari route. I do think we need to judge Haruka's anime route on its on merits as a story by itself. There is certainly a clear, if rushed progression between Riki's speech with Kanata and the imposition scene. And I am getting shades of Midori's flirting with Kanata's as Haruka's flirting. I wonder, did the director or scriptwriter ever had a relationship with someone who also has an identical twin? Just joking.

And Kud is clearly terrified of Kanata now. I would hate to be in her position now, and I wonder how the secondary plot about Kud and Kanata's relationship would be resolved, if at all.

flack 2013-02-03 00:52

After playing the Rewrite VN, I decided to give the LB adaptation another shot. I should have crushed the little hope I had of the show before I decided to return to watching it. The current episode just took away any ounce of hope that I have left of any sort of positive turn around.

Now only has JC staff done a poor job of directing, they have done so in a way that is close to a disgrace of Key Shows. The powerful elements of the VN (and all other VN's by Key) is it's ability to effectively build up and deliver its emotional appeal as well as it's ability to heavily reinforce the main themes of the story. Each of the characters routes and the main route does this to some degree with the final route being a conglomerate of everything together and the process is carried out in stages as the reader plays the VN.

The current adaption has just completely screwed up at each stage. Anyways I don't really need to get in detail about the bad directing and anime quality, the anime speaks for itself. But the character development... SERIOUSLY starting with a weak introduction of the characters, the anime continues in its early episodes with even POORER character developments. (ONE OF THE STRENGTH AND SUCCESS OF KEY VNS IS ITS STRONG CHARACTERS DEVELOPMENT/UNIQUE PERSONALITIES.) The moe aspect of the VN as well as the comedy is meant AS a TOOL to instigate the readers interest and strengthen the appeal of various characters so as to connect with the audience and make the later emotional aspects be carried out with a bigger impact in each respective arcs. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE FOCUS OF THE COMMON ROUTE IN THE ANIME. But JC just gives little about any of that, and they are prioritized in using MOE/COMEDY in THE ENTERTAINMENT / FANSERVICE aspects of the show, not to mention they aren't even doing a good job in those areas. THEY DON'T SEEM TO REALIZE THAT THE REASON PEOPLE WATCH KEY ANIMES IS MAINLY FOR THE EMOTIONAL BUILD UP...There are 100324123X other animes that are comedy/fanservice that are much better than Key animes. Without a good common route, there are no character routes, since the drama just feels dulled and uninteresting, especially with everything condensed. Also the OSTs are very good, BUT THEY CANNOT REPLACE THE DRAMA...JUST BY PLAYING THEM OFTEN DOESN'T COVER UP SHIT DIRECTING. The emotional parts of the VN are far more than just the sound impact of the OSTS.

Moreover, I need to comment something about this episode the last episode that I will watch of this adaption. How is Haruka first wanting to cry alone and is someone with that much of a trama from her past + emotionally unstable able to perfectly and easily say in front of that many people everything about her past in a perfectly sane manner...and then have that quick of a recovery (from playing baseball...) and be that amazing in such a short period of time be able to face Saigusa Shou...? Not mention adding moe SHIT into THE emotional parts... This is an excellent job to make people feel emotional.

serenade_beta 2013-02-03 00:55

Riki: Nantekoto... (How could they do that/etc.)
Yeah, Nantekoto...
How could they not do a DNA test... (This happens in anime too many times...)
How could Saegusa-san say people are trying to drive her out of school when she was at fault for the troubles she caused... (Of course they are over-punishing her, but well, self-destruction)

Kudryavka 2013-02-03 01:05


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 4538588)
Riki: Nantekoto... (How could they do that/etc.)
Yeah, Nantekoto...
How could they not do a DNA test... (This happens in anime too many times...)
How could Saegusa-san say people are trying to drive her out of school when she was at fault for the troubles she caused... (Of course they are over-punishing her, but well, self-destruction)

I believe Haruka only meant Kanata, not everyone who picks on her. People, mainly Kanata, would pick on her regardless of whether or not she did bad things, and she knows it.

They can't do a DNA test now because no one will agree to do it except Haruka. Not Kanata, not the three parents, only Haruka. I don't know why they didn't do a DNA test before though. It makes me wonder if they are truly twins from different parents.

Zankoku12 2013-02-03 01:11

So why did Kanata become shocked after Riki mentioned the cake from last time,why did she suddenly asked "do you like me?" in a sadistic way ? Why did they throw the mother and the other father out of the window ? The order is so messed up,I don't get it anymore :eyespin:


Originally Posted by novalysis (Post 4538572)
And Kud is clearly terrified of Kanata now. I would hate to be in her position now, and I wonder how the secondary plot about Kud and Kanata's relationship would be resolved, if at all.

I'm sure Kud was just shocked after seeing Kanata's body. Anyone would be shocked seeing that.
And they said in some magazine,Kud will play an important part in Haruka's arc so I can see where this is going.

MasterVampire 2013-02-03 01:28

They dont need to agree to a DNA test

just get some hair or something without them knowing

Snuffle 2013-02-03 02:10


Originally Posted by novalysis (Post 4538572)
Well, that is way off the rails from the original route now. The pacing feels very fast,but I think they've justified making this a friendship solidarity route better than say, the Komari route. I do think we need to judge Haruka's anime route on its on merits as a story by itself.

lol... My favorite route, the one I've been waiting for, just got butchered... :( They just skipped a whole bunch of buildup and dived straight into the turning point. How does that even work? I'm so flabbergasted on how this route is being handled that I can hardly care anymore. All the foreshadowing and clues from previous episodes don't even matter anymore since the anime directors have decided not to use them for the plot in Haruka's story.

Dr. Casey 2013-02-03 03:14

Evil and sadistic Kanata is a sexy Kanata. This bitch be fucked up in the head, I love it.

jwai 2013-02-03 04:51

Hawt love triangle incoming! :p

Having never seen the VN of Little Busters, I don't know how much has actually been lost in adaptation, but I thought this episode still got key things across.

Is that whole thing about two sets of sperm resulting in twins with different fathers actually possible?

Kudryavka 2013-02-03 04:55


Originally Posted by jwai (Post 4538881)
Hawt love triangle incoming! :P

Is that whole thing about two sets of sperm resulting in twins with different fathers actually possible?

Yes. If a woman hyperovulates and releases two eggs, it is possible for the first man's sperm to only survive to find one egg, and the second man's sperm to find the other egg. But the intercourses have to occur within a certain time of each other (usually by 24 hours since that's how long released unfertilized eggs are fertile for?). Very uncommon in humans, but possible.

It's called Heteropaternal Superfecundation.

Magicflier 2013-02-03 05:16


Originally Posted by MasterVampire (Post 4538627)
They dont need to agree to a DNA test

just get some hair or something without them knowing

I don't think plucking some hair, running to a nearby hospital/institution or something, then asking "can you check the DNA of these samples of hair for me?" out of the blue would work like that. :uhoh:

In the first place, Haruka doesn't have those kind of connections... and hair isn't the best option to accurately find out if someone is related by blood or not. The best option would be getting a DNA test using a blood sample directly from the person in question.

Triple_R 2013-02-03 05:21

Well, I learned something today. I learned that twins can have different fathers. This episode prompted me to do a Google search on that, and sure enough, Haruka is correct in what she said there.

Dr. Casey's comment above left me puzzled, because I couldn't imagine more of last episode's Kanata coming across all that well. But yeah, Kanata is at least an entertaining antagonist now. :heh:

I have to admit that little acting performance and mischievous grin she put on at the end of the episode was one hell of a plot twist/cliffhanger. It certainly shocked me, and perked me up! It's good to know that Little Miss Fascist might actually not be a fascist after all, and may well be a much more interesting character once you get pass the public persona.

I like the idea of Kanata developing a crush on Riki, and trying to steal him away from Haruka. Although, I have to wonder if Kanata's acting performance says something a bit more fundamental about her character. I wonder if Kanata ironically envies Haruka, and wishes that she could live without the burdens of family responsibility as Haruka now appears to live. In other words, I wonder if Kanata wishes that she could be a fun-loving, easy-going member of the Little Busters like Haruka tends to be.

Mind you, at some level, that does seem a bit absurd to me. How could you envy a girl who went through the hell that Haruka did? Wow, the girl was viciously abused. This arc makes me wonder if there's even such a thing as child protection services in Japan. :heh: Not only that, but I hate it when one of the central conflicts in an anime narrative would have been solved by a simple DNA test. Does the Japanese culture have something against DNA tests?

I really feel sorry for Haruka. Her adoptive family was horribly abusive, her sister treats her with complete contempt, and her father is a deadbeat criminal. Wow, this girl needs all the help she can get! I find it rather refreshing to see a Key heroine have very practical problems rather than stuff like "I've spent years trying to get over my brother's death" and "My imaginary friend became REAL! And she's trying to replace me!".

But while I feel sorry for Haruka... Kanata playing Haruka is indeed a dream girl, lol. Kanata playing Haruka is like a girl with all of Haruka's strengths but few of her downsides. I could understand Riki feeling divided here.

Dr. Casey 2013-02-03 05:46


Originally Posted by Triple_R (Post 4538915)
I have to admit that little acting performance and mischievous grin she put on at the end of the episode was one hell of a plot twist/cliffhanger. It certainly shocked me, and perked me up! It's good to know that Little Miss Fascist might actually not be a fascist after all, and may well be a much more interesting character once you get pass the public persona.

Yep, Kanata becomes vastly more layered and interesting with each successive episode of this arc. Up until the last episode, I never doubted Kanata to be anything worse than the 'tough but fair' kind of persona. The last episode revealed that she's not always poised and professional, and that she can be a very hateful and petty person, though ultimately she still didn't stray that far from her original characterization.

With the conclusion of this episode, though, Kanata's acting every bit as chaotic as Haruka; in that scene she was no longer the Disciplinary Committee leader, but a whirlwind who acts based upon her whims and emotions. The girl has a lot of darkness inside her, that's for sure; though it's frequently joked how scary a person Anego is, she ain't got nothing on Kanata. I look forward next week to plunging ever deeper into the depths of Kanata's psyche and learning more about what a twisted, fucked up person she is.

Klashikari 2013-02-03 05:46


Originally Posted by Triple_R (Post 4538915)
Mind you, at some level, that does seem a bit absurd to me. How could you envy a girl who went through the hell that Haruka did? Wow, the girl was viciously abused.

Logically speaking, one would have the "right" to do that when they are going through the same kind of hardship. If you have a little idea how conservative and "traditional" old cast type family can act, and use that slap scene as the hint, you get the idea.

This arc makes me wonder if there's even such a thing as child protection services in Japan. :heh: Not only that, but I hate it when one of the central conflicts in an anime narrative would have been solved by a simple DNA test. Does the Japanese culture have something against DNA tests?
That wouldn't work without the permission of the said persons. Any attempt to use DNA material without the consent of the said person would break the law, something that a family like the Saigusa wouldn't take the risk, especially after what happened with Shou already.
And since they kicked out the other 2 parents, it is unlikely they would "lower" themselves into calling them back for checking it out.

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