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Kairin 2013-07-03 23:57

Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen - Episode 1 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen, Episode 1.

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QueenNori 2013-07-04 13:24

Just watched it.
Yes, Rozen Maiden is back!

blitz1/2 2013-07-04 14:36

With all this flashback material, I would say that this ep would have made a GREAT movie.

Kanon 2013-07-04 15:55

Can this be watched if you've never seen the first two seasons? I can't tell if this is supposed to be a remake following the manga more closely or a simple sequel. I've heard both.

blitz1/2 2013-07-04 16:36


Originally Posted by Kanon (Post 4747124)
Can this be watched if you've never seen the first two seasons? I can't tell if this is supposed to be a remake following the manga more closely or a simple sequel. I've heard both.

yea, BUT you have to understand the manga events to know what's going on. Rozen maiden Traumend can be ignored entirely.

Witch of Uncertainty 2013-07-04 18:24


finalfury 2013-07-04 18:51

This either has a higher budget than I initially expected, or they have some extremely talented people on board. Suigintou's animations and more importantly the wings were done very well imo. OP was really nice and the animation/art style was a worthy addition to this season(?).

Gundamx 2013-07-04 19:12

ep1 = fast remake of season 1/2 with removing filer doll from season 2 or should I said half filler doll?

anyway it look like season three will start from next episode

SonicSpeed 2013-07-04 20:19

If it just flashblack. I don't need to see it.

Nvis 2013-07-04 21:09

So Jun's not the main guy anymore?

Witch of Uncertainty 2013-07-04 21:15

I found this episode extremely messy. Way too much material for a single episode.

Kismet-chan 2013-07-04 21:18

My understanding is that it was sort of a flashblack/summary/recap episode? (Kind of like what FMA: Brotherhood did in its first couple of episodes, or so I'm told.) But I could be wrong. And if I am... then just wow. :uhoh:

Chiaki_chan 2013-07-04 21:20


Originally Posted by Gundamx (Post 4747270)
ep1 = fast remake of season 1/2 with removing filer doll from season 2 or should I said half filler doll?

anyway it look like season three will start from next episode

I just watched episode 1 and ok this is only episode "flashback" it is true that the previous day seasons same month a year that saw the boards I remember a little ... and so this season "2013" is really a sequel to the season before?

and the Opening is very GREAT :O

Witch of Uncertainty 2013-07-04 21:23


Originally Posted by Kismet-chan (Post 4747377)
My understanding is that it was sort of a flashblack/summary/recap episode? (Kind of like what FMA: Brotherhood did in its first couple of episodes, or so I'm told.) But I could be wrong. And if I am... then just wow. :uhoh:

Well, it could be, but it was still very difficult to watch it for me. It was just all over the place. The tension curve was high throughout the entire episode, which was kind of exhausting to me.
I hope (and honestly think) the pace will be better once the real plot kicks in, but as a first episode, this one was executed very poorly, in my opinion.
By the looks of it, I'm the only one, but I found the animation terrible. The fight between Shinku and Suigintou looked just awful and weird, while her wings obviously are 3D, which makes them look out of place to me.
The backgrounds are also pretty bad. Too smudged and hard colors. I love this series too much to let a bad first impression put me off. But this really was a bad first impression.

Kismet-chan 2013-07-04 21:51

I'm not crazy about it, either. No matter what sort of approach they were going for here, it was way too jumbled and sloppy. I know the story well, but all of the jumping around and lack of transitions with absolutely no explanation was just nonsensical.

In terms of production-quality and the strength of the good ol RM voice cast it was golden, though. They all sound exactly as they did years ago! (Perhaps even better this around for some of them.)

Chiaki_chan 2013-07-04 21:55


Originally Posted by Kismet-chan (Post 4747409)
I'm not crazy about it, either. No matter what sort of approach they were going for here, it was way too jumbled and sloppy. I know the story well, but all of the jumping around and lack of transitions with absolutely no explanation was just nonsensical.

In terms of production-quality and the strength of the good ol RM voice cast it was golden, though. They all sounded exactly as they did years ago!

I agree with you, because even if it was for by explaining the events of the previous season ...

Polarpew 2013-07-04 21:57

After so many years, Suigintou is back! BANZAI! BANZAI! BANZAI!

on side note... wtf was that episode even about? felt like a trainwreck

blitz1/2 2013-07-04 22:52


Originally Posted by Polarpew (Post 4747421)
After so many years, Suigintou is back! BANZAI! BANZAI! BANZAI!

on side note... wtf was that episode even about? felt like a trainwreck

Like i said, the first ep was dedicated on telling a BRIEF summary of the first season of the MANGA. We are cutting right into the 2nd season of the manga.

Dr. Casey 2013-07-04 23:00

As a Rozen Maiden virgin, I was too busy enjoying the charm and style of the series for the first time to be particularly bothered by the incoherent storytelling (and this episode did have some merit in that it makes me interested in going back and watching the originals; each doll's individual arc look like wonderful little stories). Hina's cute in her clinginess, Suiseiseki is just all-around adorable, and Sugintou is both sexy and deliciously sinister. I love the way her eyes are colored and shaded, especially during that bit in the opening where she's spinning around. And Victorique Shinku looks like she makes a nice heroine.

In real life, I think dolls that seem as humanlike as the Rozen Maidens are just a few decades away. The Turing Test is anticipated to be passed around 2029 (the 'Turing Test' being a test given to an AI to see whether it can pass for a human, if someone speaks to it through text without knowing in advance whether it's human or machine... not the kind of test SmarterChild will be passing any time soon); give a few years for that level of technology to be miniaturized, and I think we might have our own Rozen Maidens by the late 2030s or early 2040s. I think I'll pass on the Sugintou model, though. :heh:

HandofFate 2013-07-04 23:01

Never watched the other Rozen Maiden series, but this episode 1 made me interested. Mainly because of the voice work, and seemingly the fluid animations of the dolls themselves. Wish episode 1 cleared more things up.

Could have really used a movie version summarizing the first season similar to Nanoha The First Movie type of deal.

Tempted to watch the previous seasons so I can know what the heck is going on.

Anything significant left out of this recap that be useful to know?

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