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SirAidan 2013-09-11 08:05

Amazing Storyline with great Characters
Hey Anime lovers

I watched a lot of Anime, but i kind of lost the interest in finishing them.

So a lot of anime are set in School or at work in our world. ( I am not saying they are not good. i like a lot of them like CLANNAD, Toradora, Code Breaker, Chobits)

I am missing the great Ideas or Fantasy in the anime.I search for an anime with a great storyline and characters which seem real.

It should be set in a different world/ or future with different objectives, lifes and so on.

Anime like this:

Attack on Titan

Eureka 7

One Piece


Code Geass

Fairy Tail

Full Metal Alchemist

Is there any anime like this you can suggest me?

thanks a lot in advance...

Triple_R 2013-09-11 08:21

I definitely get the sort of anime you're talking about. You've done a really good job of capturing that. Anime shows with the sort of setting you're looking for have admittedly become harder to find. Still, after thinking about it a bit, I can think of a few fairly recent shows you might like. In order of how likely I think the show will work for you...

Gurren Lagann

Valvrave the Liberator

Aquarion EVOL


Chrome Shelled Regios


Gurren Lagann is one of my all-time favorite anime shows, and it fits what you're looking for. Valvrave is frequently compared to Code Geass. Aquarion EVOL is a sequel, but I watched it without watching the original, and I never found myself getting lost. Aquarion EVOL is a very hot-blooded, high-octane show that I think is in the same vein of a lot of the shows you mentioned. s-Cry-ed is a bit older, but it largely meets your requirements. Chrome Shelled Regios isn't quite as good as the shows you listed, but it completely meets what you're looking for. The same is true of Needless, imo.

If you're open to an all-girls or female character-dominated show, there are some other ideas I can throw by you. But judging by the shows you listed, I think that male main protagonist might be a key thing you're looking for.

SirAidan 2013-09-11 08:26

You really understand me. :)

Thanks a lot for you suggestions.

I have heard of Gurren Lagann, and I will start watching right away.
As well i have seen chrome shelled regios, it was good, but as you said not as good as the others.

The others I will check out.

Again you got me, I dont hate female leads. I am male so if the main protagonist is male as well i get much better into the anime.

mystogan 2013-09-11 09:48

Hunter x Hunter (2011), it is very nice, i recently watched it and it got me hooked totally, i highly recommend it and i am sure it will satisfy the fantasy shounen you want

kitten320 2013-09-11 10:20

Seirei No Morbito is an amazing show and pretty believable. Though MC is a female but character around whom everything is happening is male.

Hunter x Hunter is a good one and more similar to what you have already watched.

Bersek is a really good anime though it has open ending and requires to read manga.

I also liked Claymore. But females do all the fighting here. But it is good.

Fate/Zero - while it is set in our age, characters are from different ages. Historical heroes, mythical creatures and so on.

Inuyasha - people have mixed opinions on it, I loved it. Set in ancient Japan with monsters and demons.


Senjou no Valkyria: Gallian Chronicles

Shinsekai yori - a future where humans can use power of mind to move objects and so on. Pretty different from everything you have watched. Takes a while to get used but well thought out story.

Soul Eater

Tales of the Abyss - not the best but could appeal to you.

Zetsuen no Tempest - good story and characters. Kinda unique.

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