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Kairin 2015-03-31 10:35

The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan - Episode 1 Discussion / Poll
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Stark700 2015-04-03 12:18

Aired just now. It was nice with the comedy although it might take some time to get used to the character designs. This had more comedy than I had thought and in the beginning, we also get this fateful encounter:

I wonder what roles Haruhi will play in this series though.

Ithekro 2015-04-03 15:08

Being Haruhi. Just with long hair.

Utsuro no Hako 2015-04-03 21:49

I'm sure Haruhi will find a way to completely derail the story and leave Kyon/Yuki shippers screaming for blood.

It's what she does.

Peanutbutter 2015-04-03 23:14

Watched the entire episode, with Chinese subs. Lots of thoughts. Note, I never read the original Yuki-chan manga, so my thoughts and the manga material are independent.

- This is not for people who are unfamiliar with the series. No introduction was made and we jump straight into their SOL stuff.
- Kyon sounded the same. In fact, I shed a few tears when he did his monologue and comebacks at some parts. Now, that face of his really doesn't match his tsukkomi-ness.
- Asakura is like the blown-up version of the Achakura from the Haruhi-chan web short. Though a few references was made at her personality in the original Haruhi series.
- Nagato. This is a totally different Nagato. Needs some getting used to it. I bet the instructions to Chihara Minori, her seiyuu, was to make her sound more bubbly, cheerful, hopeful and a bit of a klutz as well.
- Mikuru and Tsuruya-san sounded the same too. Nothing much to add.
- Efforts to Satelight for the art and overall presentation, including the school, room and overall feel, though some parts looked weird, and the overall colour scheme seems too plain and lack tones throughout. But this is not Kyoani and we all need to accept that eventually.
- To emphasize again, this will take some getting used to. Having never read the source material, I wonder how everything will go.

P.S: Asakura was humming Hare Hare Yukai while cooking!!! WTH was with that?! :twitch: :heh:

P.P.S: The feeling of watching this is like being in Endless Eight. You feel something is off but you dun know what. The only thing you can do is to stay for the ride.

Utsuro no Hako 2015-04-04 01:49


Originally Posted by Peanutbutter (Post 5491094)
- Efforts to Satelight for the art and overall presentation, including the school, room and overall feel, though some parts looked weird, and the overall colour scheme seems too plain and lack tones throughout. But this is not Kyoani and we all need to accept that eventually.

They did a great job with the classroom at the beginning. That felt like the same room where Kyon had the argument with himself in the movie, even if it didn't match KyoAni's quality.

But Yuki's apartment ... :uhoh: I know this isn't quite the same character from the movie, but I didn't think the atmosphere was quite right, and Satelight cheaped out in places. Like, they did a good job on Yuki's washer, but the stack of towels next to it looked like it was a rough sketch.

ukulelembo 2015-04-04 05:43


Originally Posted by Peanutbutter (Post 5491094)
No introduction was made and we jump straight into their SOL stuff.

Without too much spoilering I just say, that if they will follow the manga then introduction will be given retrospectively in next two episodes. ;)

Psyco Diver 2015-04-04 19:29

The animation is different for sure lol, its appears it will be a cute/fun series. Kyon sounds to same but I do miss his internal dead pan dialog

Friday 2015-04-04 19:53

just watched it.....see how it goes

serenade_beta 2015-04-04 22:03

It was REALLY nostalgic seeing the characters again (I think there was a movie in the past years? Didn't watch any of that or that chibi... thing? that also came out in recent years).
But, I can't say the content as interesting. And, Kyon looks... like a completely different person. At least Nagato is pretty much a different personality, so sure, looking different doesn't feel weird, but Kyon... Yeah...

Flower 2015-04-04 23:32

OKay - I enjoyed that - pretty funny, and actually kinda endearing.

It's so nice to see the Haruhi crew back. Been a while since I read the manga though ... I remember very little, somehow.

Yeah ... I will follow this. :)

Marcus H. 2015-04-05 01:03

The episode felt really unusual for me. It depicts innocent love and winter on a show that airs on Spring, and everything is "the same yet different". Haruhi fans will definitely notice the vast difference between the Haruhi series, the Disappearance movie and this spinoff, and we will see if they'll appreciate this side of the story.

By the way, what's with Yuki and her TURKEY! obsession? :heh:

EDIT: Also, did the ED just mention the infamous rage-inducing line "You can wait a little longer"? :eek:

AntonKutovoi 2015-04-05 01:40

I really liked it. Even artwork didn't bother me that much - it was really weird at the beginning (especially Kyon's face), but I got used to it very quickly.

Master Assassin 2015-04-05 01:51

Right, I was kind of thinking to wait and see some exaggerated reactions of how this series has a different air about it so much that people cry foul while comparing it to the original series, but I guess it's not going to be even barely audible (for now :heh: ).

That aside, I started with the manga and liked how the first episode went, it's as comfortable as it gets and even with the character designs I like how their faces regresses to comical styles when they do boke and tsukkomi routines, and with this said... Ah, good 'ol Kyon. Welcome back to the TV screen.

My only regret was not waking up early in the cold morning dew and having some warm beverage prepped along with some morning titbits to snack on. That's how I felt regarding the first episode. :heh:

I'm also curious on seeing how the rest of the cast gets animated.

Elestia 2015-04-05 02:40

Read the manga, loving the first episode so far. Nice SOL spin off with Moe Nagato and caretaker Asakura? Yes, please!

Theminimanx 2015-04-05 06:21

I watched a few minutes of it, before deciding I wasn't hyped enough that I can't wait for the dub. It's cute and all, but nothing about it really blew me away.

Draco Spirit 2015-04-05 07:03


Originally Posted by Utsuro no Hako (Post 5490993)
I'm sure Haruhi will find a way to completely derail the story and leave Kyon/Yuki shippers screaming for blood.

It's what she does.

For sure! :D

I rather enjoyed this opening episode. Its certainly a different flavor to the original, but its fundamentally the same sort of thing. They've just changed from 'Completely outrageous and reality breaking Haruhi' flavor to 'Gentle and mellow Yuki' flavor. The interesting thing is that they do reference stuff in the original, but things take a different path.

The library card scene for example take a more romantic (and human) turn and the Christmas Party is resolved by paperwork and not Haruhi just ignoring the rules. I'm sure there going to be a lot more of this sort of stuff, should be fun to play the game of spotting them.

On the characters:

Kyon is Kyon.

Yuki is very different. She gone from emotionless and understated badarse bookworm... to very emotional and shy bookworm. I wonder if she can still pull of badarse?

Ryoko changed a lot too. Firstly it looks like she's become a main character for start. Secondary her Yandere trait been changed radically, while you can still hints of it in her assertiveness, she has way too much of a beating and functional heart to be called one by a long shot. She's more of potential Yandere, the sort who become one if you threw her into a high stakes death game to become God ;)

Tsuruya is Tsuruya. Through she's seem to be more likely to get more screen time this time.

Mikuru is Mikuru. Through it seems she moved down in importance to the plot.. time will tell I guess!

Itsuki just had a camo so far. Then again in the original he was the last major character to be introduced, so maybe he'll shine latter.

Haruhi .... will be Haruhi?

Actually Haruhi effect on the plot should be interesting. This episode was very mellow and one of the big reasons was because Haruhi wasn't around to push everyone into action and make a racket! I'm really looking forward to reintroduction, since you know she's a walking plot device! :D

Requiem-x 2015-04-05 15:22

Having read the manga, this is one I was expecting anxiously, and it didn't dissapoint. Yuki-chan is adorable, Kyon is still himself, though overall much nicer since he doesn't have to deal with Haruhi (for now), and once again, Asakura is one of the best parts of a spinoff (see Haruhi-chan).

Animation was nothing extraordinary, but does the job, the soundtrack is surprisingly nice, and the chemistry between the main trio is great.

This is gonna be fun.

Random14 2015-04-05 15:34

Liked the manga a lot, so have been looking forward to this a lot. I know this series is meant for the Haruhi fans, but its just really cute and fun focusing on an alternate Nagato and Asakura and no Haruhi (for now anyway, since she does exist).

Forget if Kyon was this snarky back in the manga, but love hearing all his commentary during the episode again, ah, how I missed that sarcasm. Also just nice not seeing a crazy Asakura, though those two have probably had the biggest personality shifts. Looking forward to how they adapt the rest of the manga.

darkofficer 2015-04-05 15:38

the artwork is not my favorite thing for now but i like the series

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