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Kairin 2015-06-26 15:57

The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan - Episode 13 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan, Episode 13.

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Stark700 2015-06-26 16:39

I found the part in the beginning with Yuki talking about the dream to be interesting tbh. Somewhat of a more lighthearted episode. My favorite moments were when Yuki and Asakura were bonding together. The two sides of Yuki is also something that I find quite interesting with her characterization.

Harbinger 2015-06-26 17:07

It appears that we did, indeed, have a disappearance :o

Gundamx 2015-06-26 17:22

Best girl will disappear for ever .....

Right now, I am trying very hard not to keep my self away from the manga......
(at-least till last episode)

Harbinger 2015-06-26 17:50


Originally Posted by Gundamx (Post 5574403)
Best girl will disappear for ever .....

Right now, I am trying very hard not to keep my self away from the manga......
(at-least till last episode)

I want to read it, but I shouldn't.

I read a huge portion of manga (Knight of Sidonia) and that has kind of "spoiled" the anime for me. While there's always a chance that they do "anime-only ending", reading the manga really takes away the element of surprise and suspense.

Draco Spirit 2015-06-26 17:58

This is one sneaky show. The first few arcs were mostly soppy romantic comady, while this one been a seriously well played drama with a romantic angle, but a stronger existential one.

The use of sound and imagery been incredibly well handled too. More so they made clever use of the material from the early arcs to add impact and investment in the scenes... which is dam clever.

I wonder if they planned to build around this arc quiet deliberately, using the early ones to build up material to work with and character empathy?

On a different note, Kyon such a gent! :cool:

Grahf616 2015-06-26 18:31

Tear out my heart and serve it to me on a silver platter, why don't you.

It would probably hurt less than this.

Ithekro 2015-06-26 19:16

That is the power of the Nagato.
Some wondered why she was so popular. Does this show help answer that question?

RJ TAYLER 2015-06-27 08:55

No questions about that from me. That was a real well thought out story-arc, I enjoyed that virtual three-hander right through till the end.

Shinji103 2015-06-27 17:34

I was so caught up in this episode that I thought it might be the end of the sewries, but the way the episode ended definitely meant it wasn't over, then the next episode "preview." But is this series over next episode, or is this a two-cour series? (I'm hoping and guessing two cours, since one-cour series haven't gne past 12 or 13 broadcast episodes in forever)

Ithekro 2015-06-27 21:00

The original Haruhi series was 14 episodes. The standing rumor is that this series is 16 episodes.

Shinji103 2015-06-28 00:59


Originally Posted by Ithekro (Post 5575551)
The original Haruhi series was 14 episodes. The standing rumor is that this series is 16 episodes.

And the original Haruhi series was a long time ago, like I said. :p ("one-cour series haven't gone past 12 or 13 broadcast episodes in forever")
16 episodes seems a bit too oddball.

Benigmatica 2015-06-28 01:20

Welp, it's sad that the stoic Nagato-san has disappeared in favor of the klutzy Yuki-chan. At least she finally confessed her feelings to Kyon, but it's too late for him to respond on Nagato's love confession!

Well then, what's gonna happen on this series from now on?

nojay 2015-06-28 06:27


Originally Posted by Benigmatica (Post 5575720)
Well then, what's gonna happen on this series from now on?

The date in-story is late June (2012 I think, looking at the calendar on Nagato-san's bedside table in chapter 13), we've had multiple flags for a fireworks display in early August, and August in Suzumiya-world can mean only one thing.

Spoiler for You really don't want to know:

Infinite Zenith 2015-06-28 08:56

The music during this arc certainly was nice, and befitting of the atmosphere present. I imagine that we're going back to the more comedic, whimsical pieces with klutzy Yuki back.

Boukenxha 2015-06-28 10:25


Originally Posted by Draco Spirit (Post 5574439)
This is one sneaky show. The first few arcs were mostly soppy romantic comady, while this one been a seriously well played drama with a romantic angle, but a stronger existential one.

The use of sound and imagery been incredibly well handled too. More so they made clever use of the material from the early arcs to add impact and investment in the scenes... which is dam clever.

I wonder if they planned to build around this arc quiet deliberately, using the early ones to build up material to work with and character empathy?

On a different note, Kyon such a gent! :cool:

Pretty much how I feel. The strong presence of the Disappearance arc will most probably define the series (heck it is the titular arc) for me, but it definitely would have been a tad hollow without the prior episodes to set it up. I honestly thought they should try to end it right here to play up the melancholy card, then I realized that'd mean klutzy Yuki getting the shaft and Haruhi too getting no closure. Idk man... if this is indeed 2 cour, I hope they have another strong arc for the finale so I won't miss this one too dearly.

GDB 2015-06-28 10:26


Originally Posted by nojay (Post 5575901)
The date in-story is late June (2012 I think, looking at the calendar on Nagato-san's bedside table in chapter 13), we've had multiple flags for a fireworks display in early August, and August in Suzumiya-world can mean only one thing.

Spoiler for You really don't want to know:

Pretty sure that we're a year past Endless Eight at this point. Endless Eight happened when they were first years (and Asahina was a second year). They're second years now (and Asahina is a third year).

Draco Spirit 2015-06-28 11:13

The Disappearance Arc has massively moved the show up my rankings, I know that much.

Before it I put the show as a rather modest, if pleasantly done, soppy and comic show. But the Disappearance Arc was a masterfully done piece of drama that used some very clever techniques with visuals and sounds.

Lets just hope they don't drop the ball with the next bit or screw up the ending.

ukulelembo 2015-06-28 12:30


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 5576072)
Pretty sure that we're a year past Endless Eight at this point. Endless Eight happened when they were first years (and Asahina was a second year). They're second years now (and Asahina is a third year).

Actually there is "Endless Eight" chapter in manga. But I'm afraid that current series will end before this chapter.

Ithekro 2015-06-28 19:10

So is the "surprise this series has a plot" or "surprise this comedy has emotional drama"?

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