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RRW 2015-11-08 04:47

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kari-no-sugata II 2015-11-08 05:00

Mmm, for a "breather" episode this was really good.

Lots of character development, insight, world-building, setup...

n0m@n 2015-11-08 05:07

Spoiler for ep:

LoweGear 2015-11-08 05:31

Dynamic tag cannot be rendered. (PrintableThread)

Skye629 2015-11-08 07:03

Lots of exposition

Lots of character interaction

Lots of character development

That about sums it all up lol

But it was done in a good way

Orga is a lot more dependent on Mika than we thought

Lets hope the new badass female pilot in the next episode delivers (Amida, the one piloting that pink/red Hyakuren). Im looking forward to this :)


Originally Posted by n0m@n (Post 5699775)
Spoiler for ep:

Thats the Hyakuren :3

kari-no-sugata II 2015-11-08 07:21

Subs are out so I'm removing the spoilers...


Originally Posted by n0m@n (Post 5699775)
No action this episode.
Though we do see a side of Orga we havent seen before. Never thought he was striving hard to live up to Mika's high hopes for him (at least that's how Orga kinda feels).

I thought this in episode 1, though it was quite a subtle hint then:

It looks like the pressure he feels from Mika is stronger than I had realised. That's likely to cause some conflict in the future but for now it's part of what makes him so capable and interesting.


Also happy to see the kids being given education in how to read and write from Kudelia.
I thought this would likely come up as soon as we found out Mika can't read (in episode 2) - I was pretty sure Kudelia was offer but had no idea how Mika would react. It was an interesting reaction...


But looks like we will be seeing more of that latino looking guy who had appeared on the OP along with his hot woman next episode. And a new MS which isnt Graze appearing next episode.
Is hot woman a pilot I wonder - she has a dramatic closeup in the preview, so she seems to be more than just some floozy.

I wonder if the group are actually going to go to Jupiter? That would be really cool. The Teiwaz org chart we saw Orga looking at made for some interesting reading.

Very happy we finally see Kudelia explain what her immediate plans are - I've been itching for this. And Fumitan finally does something! Lol at Atra not knowing they were going to Earth.

Stark700 2015-11-08 07:51

Interesting episode despite the lack of action.

We got some emphasis on the Barbatos' background in the first half.

Aina also began teaching Mika and the kids how to write. I think it'll be important for Mika as his name will be his identity and something he'll treasure in addition to improving his Gundam maintenance skills. Good focus on the bromance part at the end between Mika and Orga too. I feel like they have such a strong bond in this show. I hope Takaki also plays a prominent role in this season as well since he is the leader of those kids.

Obelisk ze Tormentor 2015-11-08 08:41

I just want to say one thing: So......Kudelia is teaching Mikazuki how to read & write now? Heh, I've already anticipate this plot-point coming from a mile away even before episode 1 aired :cool::

Originally Posted by Obelisk ze Tormentor (Post 5663150)
Still, there’s the possibility that he will learn how to read throughout the series, right? Probably the princess will teach him?

Also, looks like Maruba will be the unexpected connection Tekkadan is looking for, or they can just directly talk to the space-dandy who is in charge of the "foreign" ship. Either way, next episode is gonna be fun while this breather episode is enjoyable as hell :D.

LightningZERO 2015-11-08 09:16

Good episode with character development and world building, though it's a slight let down that the later does not really offer anything new

Good focus on Orga and how much he actually relied on Mika. I kinda like Orga and Mika partnership but the whole build up is really hinting at a nasty breakup.

Looking forward to the fighting in the next episode, and someone managed to blow off one of Barbatos' horn

aohige 2015-11-08 09:29

Wow! Orga is a lot more Kamina than I first thought.
That whole pushing himself beyond the limit to desperately try to look like a kickass role model for the sake of Simon-looking little brother was so reminiscent.

Damn it I am so going cry when he inevitably dies...
I can already see that dramatic ending theme music playing in the background as he says his last words and leaving the audience in buckets of tears.

Galaxian 2015-11-08 10:11

Screw the KudeliaxMikaxArta triangle! MikaxOrga bromance FTW!!!

DragoonKain3 2015-11-08 10:15

I'm still wary of either Orga dying like aohige has said, or as this episode so aptly puts it, 'I will never betray Mika.' That flag in conjunction with Mika actually being the one who puts stress in the relationship (since Orga feels like he always has to do something, while all Mika does is just sits until Orga's orders come) and I can see how much drama will unfold if Mika and Orga ever part ways. Like normally I wouldn't even think of it since Mika and Orga seems to be tight, but this is Ms Meldorama Writer we're talking about. XD

Mika is not afraid of going to battle because Atra (aka her bracelet) is right beside him? HHHNNNNGGGGG! Now if only that damned princess didn't butt in on their bento deliver date and now has an excuse to be with him with her teaching... :heh:

Kanon 2015-11-08 10:58

This episode provided a lot of insight into Orga and Mika's relationship, and proved completely wrong about it. It turns out Mika does have his own will and dreams. Orga is also different from what I imagined. All he wants is to live up to Mika's expectation the best he can and provide him the life he deserves. Their relationship is rooted on trust and mutual admiration. This duo is the most fascinating I've seen in a long time.

Personally, I think Orga is far more likely to die than betray Mika.

Wandering Soul 2015-11-08 11:09

As expected Kudelia ends up teaching Mika and the others how to read.

This episode really shined some light on Orga's and Mika's relationship. It showed Orga just wants to live up to Mika's so he makes sure to face everything with complete confidence and with his head held up high. Orga really does give off Kamina vibes.

Mika also has his own dreams. Along with seeing the moon he also wants to own a farm one day.

Patriot's Blade 2015-11-08 12:34

i cannot imagine what happens if Mika was put in the same seat as Amuro when he tried to operate the RX-78-2 for the first time with the help of an instruction manual,

Mika: "what's this? some book with things on it pointing the Mobile Suit?" :uhoh::heh:

oh hey Maruba is back & well, like after leaving everyone to die, considering his reappearance he will not have a bright future after this, & he used to be a nice guy who loves dogs which i am not sure what caused his change in the first place & would he try to redeem himself after all this mayhem ends?

ninjastarforcex 2015-11-08 12:40

fumitan or... fumi-tan?

Boukenxha 2015-11-08 12:44

I was actually wondering to myself and coming to expect Mika caring little about politics ie. what Kudelia is fighting for and her ideologies and they addressed it this episode. Atra too, it was funny her first response to Earth is that she has no fashionable clothes which will show that she is a country girl. More interesting is of course her contrast to Mika in outwardly expressing her admiration after Kudelia stated her mission while the latter seem to express indifference.

aohige 2015-11-08 12:48


Originally Posted by Boukenxha (Post 5700079)
I was actually wondering to myself and coming to expect Mika caring little about politics ie. what Kudelia is fighting for and her ideologies and they addressed it this episode.

It's so eerily similar to the situation with Federation and Zeon, which I am sure is intentional.
It's like looking at the conflict from a different perspective, if independence was fought before the lesser colonies were able to develop a powerful empire of their own.

The Earth forces in IBO world seem no less arrogant about it than the UC Feds too.

Utsuro no Hako 2015-11-08 12:57

"Trans-planetary Trade Pact"? So Barack Obama is in charge of Gjallhorn?

Tchadnis 2015-11-08 13:08

see i knew she should of killed that snitch (Todo) now he probably told them everything he knew ... but with the former boss back i guess Orga has what he needed , he found his connection

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