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DragoonKain3 2016-10-20 09:52

Nintendo Switch

As someone who is actually using his PSVita/3DS to game more than his PS4/WiiU, on-the-go-gaming is actually VERY high in my rankings. Sure it isn't as portable as say, smartphones, but after gaming for two decades I've become partial to physical buttons, and I can't play games I would normally love playing. (Romancing SaGa 2 on android/apple, I'm looking at you >_>)

Seems to me like they pretty much made the WiiU controller the console itself. At least the controls are removable, since I personally gamed in the WiiU with the pro controller as I think the controller is too big for a screen you don't use half the time. With it being removable in Switch, at least I don't have to lug around the screen and just set it on top of a table or something, while on the go I can probably deal with the screen since it is the main screen.

Now what concerns me are the games... PSVita 'failed' because the games are too expensive to make, compared to the 3ds. Switch pretty much is PSVita that you can dock to play it on a big screen. I wonder if Switch can even compete against the 3ds... something tells me the 3ds was too successful for its own good.

But what about console games? Well, WiiU didn't really get good games IMO (as an RPG gamer mostly). Like Xenoblade X and Tokyo Mirage Sessions only during it's entire lifespan? Admittedly, Tokyo Mirage Sessions is IMO worth the entry fee of the console + the game already, but I don't think other RPG gamers would see that same as I do (Tsubasa Oribe <3 :D).

Chosen_Hero 2016-10-20 10:00

Good design and name but as I watched the trailer all I could think of was "Oh, so this is the new ds" and "So if you take it on the go then what about the other people in your family that want to play it themselves?" This is obviously made with the japanese market in mind and it seems Nintendo hopes you buy more than one for your home (at least in my opinion).

Of course the Nintendo fanboys will blindly buy it and hail it as the next coming of the SNES (again) but I personally will wait and learn more about it. All this has done is reinforced my feelings about Nintendo consoles working better as companions to other consoles than being a console on its own.

DragoonKain3 2016-10-20 10:17

Looking at the developers, these caught my eye:

Level 5
Arc System Works
Bandai Namco
Spike Chunsoft
Square Enix
From Software
Tokyo RPG Factory

Squeenix (and by extension Tokyo RPG Factory) alone makes this interesting, as they didn't do a game for WiiU. Even Atlus is on board from the getgo... Persona 5: Director's Cut Edition, anyone? XD

GDB 2016-10-20 10:22

Couple of things I've noted from both the trailer and my facebook feed:
  1. My friends that travel a lot for work are absolutely in love with this.
  2. While it's more portable than the Wii U, it seems like a drastic step down from the 3DS in that you can't put it in your pocket, and unless you want to risk the screen being damaged will have to have a case/cover of some sort to put it in a bag.
  3. Not sure if that Mario game was new, as I haven't really played Mario games since Galaxy ruined the franchise for me, but if it's not new the only new game shown was Zelda (which is only a "half" new, since I believe it's following Twilight Princess's example and being on both systems).
  4. That was Skyrim they showed at one point, right? At least that shows some level of hope for more third party games (even though the appeal of Nintendo consoles was always the exclusives).
  5. The "portable console version" of the controller looks awkward and uncomfortable as hell. The one where it was away from the base console but also not connected to the screen (like when he's on the airplane). I'm sure this will be fixed at some point rather quickly by third party peripherals.


Originally Posted by Chosen_Hero (Post 5967857)
Of course the Nintendo fanboys will blindly buy it

Which you can say about any fanbase about an upcoming product. Really doesn't add anything to the conversation.


Originally Posted by DragoonKain3 (Post 5967853)
Now what concerns me are the games... PSVita 'failed' because the games are too expensive to make, compared to the 3ds. Switch pretty much is PSVita that you can dock to play it on a big screen. I wonder if Switch can even compete against the 3ds... something tells me the 3ds was too successful for its own good.

It showed them pop a game in at one point of the trailer, and it looks like it's the same basic game cartridge as the 3DS. Probably a larger capacity size now that technology will allow for that, but still shouldn't be any more expensive than a current console game. The real decider will be whether this has adequate memory, since that's where the Vita really failed. No one wants to constantly shell out $80 for memory.

Since they looked the same, I wonder if this will be backwards compatible with 3DS/2DS games. Might be hard without a second/bottom screen, though.


Originally Posted by DragoonKain3 (Post 5967853)
But what about console games? Well, WiiU didn't really get good games IMO (as an RPG gamer mostly). Like Xenoblade X and Tokyo Mirage Sessions only during it's entire lifespan? Admittedly, Tokyo Mirage Sessions is IMO worth the entry fee of the console + the game already, but I don't think other RPG gamers would see that same as I do (Tsubasa Oribe <3 :D).

If you ONLY care about RPGs, then 3DS and PS4 are what you want. It remains to be seen if the 3DS RPG makers will move on to the Switch (I hate this name, I'm going to continue calling it the NX) or just continue on the 3DS due to graphical limitations/costs. The real interesting thing to watch will be the PS4 RPG makers. You have some that will stick to it because of their established fanbase, but others who may see the "3DS+PS4" market that they can try and capture. I feel these two, combined with whether Sony tries to push a new PS5, will determine how the dominoes fall.

Chosen_Hero 2016-10-20 10:39

^This console while better than the WiiU has many possible drawbacks that many early adopters that blindly buy into it (a.k.a. Nintendo fanboys) will complain about after the release furor calms down, so I pointed that out for a reason.

Sides 2016-10-20 10:53

Unlike previous nintendo consoles this one is backed by nvidia, so i'm looking forward to it. This kind of explains why nvidia abandoned the successor to shield a while back.
Now nvidia and nintendo only needs to offer GameStream on it, so we can stream our pc games to it.

GDB 2016-10-20 11:15

Looking at the controller as a still rather than trying to see it on a small trailer, it actually looks pretty atrocious.

Really hope a third party peripheral comes out with a good alternative. Otherwise the controller might actually kill the system.

Tokkan 2016-10-20 11:27

There is a 1st party Pro Controller for the Switch that even shows up in the first look video. You can use that if the "Joy-Con" (yes, that's what they're calling it) isn't to your fancy.

GDB 2016-10-20 11:28

Just saw that myself. That's definitely going to be a must-buy.

Chosen_Hero 2016-10-20 11:29

^^^Also that list of developers is more than similar to the WiiUs list of deveolpers "supporting" the console at release. Now that I read the names apart from like a handful of obvious names I'm not really impressed especially since I barely know what even half of those have developed in the past.

Kafriel 2016-10-20 11:42

The trailer is absolute garbage. I couldn't bear to watch it to the end. The list of developers allows for a wild guess at the kind of games we'll be getting: the ones that come out for the sake of showcasing the new capabilities of the console, the ones that are just like those you played on that other console and the genuine masterpieces that will force your relatives to get you one on your birthday/Christmas. I just hope they port over ALL the games!

[ Level 5 (ni no kuni 2?), Arc System Works (GG/Blazblue), NIS (generic TBS) , ATLUS, Namco, SEGA (VC ports/3?), SQUEE (Brave series?), CAPCOM (100% MH), From (Salt&Sanctuary), TellTale games (duh), Platinum Games (many promising titles here) ]

The controller doesn't look too good, but I'll hold judgment until I see someone actually playing with it. This could possibly be Nintendo's future...

Kyral 2016-10-20 11:48

What I do find interesting, is that this really seems to be the hybrid console most people expected.

I personally never got the newer DSs as I only bothered to get either the home console or the handheld. But now it seems the Switch is both.
So they won't release games for two different devices but only for one.
Would be nice to have the best of both worlds with only one gaming device.

Well, as the only game that interests me from Nintendo is the new Zelda, I won't get this for release atm... I can get Zelda for my WiiU. I might get a Switch if some more games come out for it (still waiting for that new Metroid...).

Klashikari 2016-10-20 11:57

Looks of the controller doesn't mean jackshit. I remember people complaining about GC gamepad when it was first introduced because of its "oversized A button" and "unpractical pad and C stick". In the end, it became one of the most comfortable console controller to date, with very few game genre being unpractical with it (i.e fighting games).

If the Switch Grip does it job properly, I don't see it any worse than previous Nintendo console pads, although using Joy Con individually look uncomfortable, but that's an additional control setting that can be handy for guests without the need of buying more pads.

The concept is pretty interesting as it is actually more practical than whatever Sony promised with the vita. That being said, they ought to be quick about revealing the battery life, specs and region-free/lock.

marvelB 2016-10-20 12:01

Well, a new Nintendo console that doubles as a portable-type is fine by me! I doubt it's meant to "replace" the 3DS, though. There is something I am rather curious about though: I wonder if Nintendo intends to make separate console and portable-exclusive editions of the Switch? If they do.... would they even bother calling them "Switch" in the first place? :heh:

Tokkan 2016-10-20 12:09


Originally Posted by marvelB (Post 5967919)
I doubt it's meant to "replace" the 3DS, though.

Maybe initially, but remember how the DS was initially supposed to co-exist with the Gameboy line as a "third pillar"? Then it got super popular and replaced the Gameboy entirely.

GDB 2016-10-20 12:13


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 5967918)
If the Switch Grip does it job properly, I don't see it any worse than previous Nintendo console pads

I feel like that isn't too big of an accomplishment, though.

Wii U: The tablet is incredibly bulky and not comfortable in the slightest. I didn't think this was a big deal since I just used one of the Pro controllers or Gamecube adapters until Splatoon, which forced you to use it.

Wii: Nunchuck configuration was awful. Had to use one of the Pro or Classic adapters to do anything practical.

Gamecube: Great controller.

N64: Held one of two ways (technically three, but no one used the third), so adaptable. Not uncomfortable but not really comfortable either. Good compared to what most were used to (SNES) but bad compared to Playstation.

SNES/NES: Blocks. Good for their time, but trying to use them nowadays is pretty bad.


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 5967918)
That being said, they ought to be quick about revealing the battery life, specs and region-free/lock.

This is the big thing. The battery life being the biggest, but some people love specs more than they should. Rumor was it was around PS4's level, with some rumors saying weaker and others saying stronger. It'll probably be both, with some aspects being stronger and some weaker. The rumor is that it's region-free, but I haven't been able to find a source for that rumor yet.


Originally Posted by marvelB (Post 5967919)
There is something I am rather curious about though: I wonder if Nintendo intends to make separate console and portable-exclusive editions of the Switch? If they do.... would they even bother calling them "Switch" in the first place? :heh:

Maybe many years down the line like they did with the 2DS, but it's not something you should expect or hope for any time soon. Not like they ever made a Tablet-less version of the Wii U.

Stark700 2016-10-20 12:50

Hope they got some good games for this console. Atlus on the list of developers made me curious although I'm not impressed by the trailer. Still interested in this next year though.

Klashikari 2016-10-20 12:54


Originally Posted by GDB (Post 5967927)
I feel like that isn't too big of an accomplishment, though.

It isn't about improvement and whatnot. The point stands as it actually doesn't look that impractical, and there isn't really any close look on the grip itself.

The good thing is that they aren't like Sony, sticking with that stiff dualshock design. I'm probably very peculiar, but I always hated how PS pad feels in the hands ever since PSX, and they didn't do any effort to the slighest 3 generations later.

FlareKnight 2016-10-20 12:58


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 5967953)
It isn't about improvement and whatnot. The point stands as it actually doesn't look that impractical, and there isn't really any close look on the grip itself.

The good thing is that they aren't like Sony, sticking with that stiff dualshock design. I'm probably very peculiar, but I always hated how PS pad feels in the hands ever since PSX, and they didn't do any effort to the slighest 3 generations later.

Well to be fair they probably didn't do much with the dualshock design....because a lot of people are comfortable with it. Why would you put in effort to radically change something people generally like?

Dextro 2016-10-20 13:43


Originally Posted by DragoonKain3 (Post 5967853)

I'm with you on this: I still, to date, use my Vita far more than I do any other console and the Wii U is still one of the most rewarding consoles I own. This feels like Nintendo just took the gamepad and stuff the entire console into it to make it portable. That actually fixes my main problem with the Wii U: the gamepad range is too small for my setup so this is just perfect.

One thing I disagree though: Kiria is miles better than Tsubasa :heh:

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