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Kid 2003-11-24 06:27

Why do some fansub groups make it harder for us to get the eps?
I don't want to mention any names so this is placed in the form of a general question: why do some fansub groups make it that much harder for fans to get a hold of their episodes?

For instance, when you enter their irc channel and you are told to refer to a forum thread for xdcc bot lists but you can't even register to join the forum. Doesn't that seem a little extreme? Isn't the purpose of a fansub group to distribute the episodes they are subbing? Why force fans to subscribe to a forum? In any case, the subscription process doesn't work. (I put in a valid email address and never received a validation, confirmation or rejection notice.)

Yes I know I can simply choose to watch a different group's eps and that is what I am doing. But I do want to understand why some groups feel compelled to make the rest of us jump through hoops, like so many silly monkeys, just to get a hold of something they had meant to be distributed anyway. It puzzles me.

microlith 2003-11-24 08:13

It's cause they want to make themselves feel important by having big numbers in something. Maybe forum numbers, people in their channel.

There's no reason to do it other than making yourself feel important, and that's likely why they do it. It's also a big part of what's wrong with fansubbing these days.

Tomomi 2003-11-24 08:56

Sounds quite dumb to me. Is feeling important that important? Yeesh, no offense or anything, but what some of the fansub groups are doing is definitely weird.

The Small One 2003-11-24 09:33


Originally Posted by Kid
Isn't the purpose of a fansub group to distribute the episodes they are subbing?

Well, not really I think. They are fans, and they wan't to have fun by doing something they enjoy, like the subbing of the episodes. That they distribute their work is just a nice gesture and they aren't really obligated to distribute it...
Well, I think there are also some groups who enjoy to tease the people, while other like to prove themselves by distributing as much as possible... everone has other priorities and you can't really change it. ;)

bayoab 2003-11-24 11:12


Originally Posted by Kid
I don't want to mention any names so this is placed in the form of a general question: why do some fansub groups make it that much harder for fans to get a hold of their episodes?

For instance, when you enter their irc channel and you are told to refer to a forum thread for xdcc bot lists but you can't even register to join the forum. Doesn't that seem a little extreme? Isn't the purpose of a fansub group to distribute the episodes they are subbing? Why force fans to subscribe to a forum? In any case, the subscription process doesn't work. (I put in a valid email address and never received a validation, confirmation or rejection notice.)

In this case, this is just stupid penis envy by wanting big numbers.... And nothing says they have to properly distribute it. There is more than just Xdcc bots. And yea, that one..they flood their own server.... so it screws up registering people (registered but no confirm email).

NenMaster 2003-11-24 20:52

you are very ungrateful, you cant even be bother signing up to get something you enjoy

Shii 2003-11-24 21:02


Originally Posted by NenMaster
you are very ungrateful, you cant even be bother signing up to get something you enjoy

Sorry for not wanting to join your super-secret anime treehouse club, mister :rolleyes:

bayoab 2003-11-24 22:10


Originally Posted by NenMaster
you are very ungrateful, you cant even be bother signing up to get something you enjoy

You shouldnt be "forced" into signing up for a freaking forum just to get the pack # on an xdcc bot. I say forced because there are tricks to doing it unless the admin knows what they are doing.

JAppi 2003-11-24 23:06


Originally Posted by microlith
It's cause they want to make themselves feel important by having big numbers in something. Maybe forum numbers, people in their channel.

There's no reason to do it other than making yourself feel important, and that's likely why they do it. It's also a big part of what's wrong with fansubbing these days.

Hmm, I think having 3000 fanbois come into your channel would cause anyone to go insane and make it hard to dl subs.

Panon 2003-11-25 01:43

Welcome to the world of ego-subbing.

Cyberdramon 2003-11-25 02:15

I've also found recently it's very hard to get people to want to serve... It seems everyone uses Bit Torrent, so an episode is easy to find for maybe a day or three and then BOOM it's gone. There are lot of cool shows that aren't "super popular" that groups are putting out and it's harder and harder to get them because people just use Bit Torrent and fewer and fewer people are serving in the channels.

Personally I don't know how to get XDCC Bots or anything like that... I only know to ask for "non-rooted" bots if someone ever offers... *sigh* There are leechers who think we're making it hard on them on purpose, but we're not ^^;

(Though maybe some groups are intentionally doing it? I can't say for sure...I just know the 'pride' of serving in a channel seems to be gone or at least on it's way out.)

complich8 2003-11-25 04:22

a lot of people serve in channels just to get voices so they can have priority on other people's servers.

a lot of the people who serve serve in every channel they're in, and are in 5-10 anime channels.

If you've got a constant demand for traffic in all of those 5-10 channels, and you've got 2 sends and they're both about 15K/sec (30K cable modem users, for example), and say 20 queues, you might see a single queue slot open up every what, twice every 3 hours, give or take? (I've noticed a trend in my last couple posts. They all involve bandwidth, and calculations).

I think that because of that, the whole "voiced" status has become kind of devalued. Anyone can get voiced by setting up a crappy dialup fserv, and if you're not voiced and you try to get in a queue for something, it might be a couple days before the priority people in front of you stop knocking you back. Heck, there might be people floating around with queues that have been buffered back since the last time whatever irc server reset itself last. I dunno.

fservs are a dying breed, because of that. Everyone wants xdccs, or bittorrent. Both have bad retention. fservs have good retention but bad availability because cable modems have mostly been capped at 15 or 30K now (with some lucky ones getting capped at 60).

and the good fservs (the edus) are all being capped and restricted now. Trying to curb the litigation they're facing and the rising bandwidth usage, unis have capped transfer rates, firewalled or "packet shaped' ports, crippled protocols, and imposed daily transfer limits. Last year my uni had a per-transfer limit, this year we've got a per-day rolling limit.

People like me (there are lots) would serve, but can't anymore because of those rules. To stay within bandwidth limits I'd have to QOS my dcc outbound to about 15K, making me as crappy as any other fserv. Speaking of which, that doesn't sound like a bad idea...... *goes to look into that*

NenMaster 2003-11-25 11:27

whats the diffrence from animesuki changing there layout so u have to login to get the releases?
im sure they will do it down the line, when there more visitors

Shii 2003-11-25 12:59


Originally Posted by NenMaster
whats the diffrence from animesuki changing there layout so u have to login to get the releases?
im sure they will do it down the line, when there more visitors

No, they won't, because it defeats the entire purpose.

JAppi 2003-11-25 14:06


Originally Posted by Cyberdramon
I've also found recently it's very hard to get people to want to serve... It seems everyone uses Bit Torrent, so an episode is easy to find for maybe a day or three and then BOOM it's gone. There are lot of cool shows that aren't "super popular" that groups are putting out and it's harder and harder to get them because people just use Bit Torrent and fewer and fewer people are serving in the channels.

Yes, that's very sad. I wish everyone would share.


Originally Posted by Cyberdramon
Personally I don't know how to get XDCC Bots or anything like that... I only know to ask for "non-rooted" bots if someone ever offers... *sigh* There are leechers who think we're making it hard on them on purpose, but we're not ^^;

*sigh*, atleast you're ethical. I'd rather get a slow dl from a good group that a quick dl from a crap ass naruto subber.

The problem with fservs is that they're either incredibly slow, or their queues are always full. That seriously annoys us. We should all think that the purpose of fansubbers is not to distribute but to sub.

starduck 2003-11-26 02:54

Pleeeeeeease. Don't judge if you don't know what you're talking about. You're just sounding like an ass, writing random comments.

First, I'd like to say that I was the one who had that distro idea. Why? More or less simple, but let's try to keep it simple.

Right now, ANBU is fansubing 2 of the biggest series out there (Popularity wise). Naruto and Full Metal Alchemist. As we all know, leechers are ready to do anything to get their aniem fix and more often than not, all the bots would end up beign down after a few minutes/hours of distroing because leechers can't come down and leech respectivly, they gotta hamemr the bots until they either send or ping time out. So I told myself... If I can get those leechers out of here, then it will give good leechers a chance to leech the file and enjoy the anime they've been waiting for. So I decided to make the rape list point to a forum thread (The rape list used to be on IRC, using a trigger to list the bots with the file) where you can find out how to download the file on IRC and on BT. That way, annoying leechers give up and go download somewhere else while dedicated fans don't mind it and they get to leech in our chan. So... Yah. We ain't forcing anybody to register, and we sure ain't making this to boost our penis' size. We just want to be able to distro files without having 23457264287 kids sending send requests to the bots ever 2 seconds. If you ain't happy, use BT. Its simple.

NoSanninWa 2003-11-26 03:02


Originally Posted by NenMaster
whats the diffrence from animesuki changing there layout so u have to login to get the releases?
im sure they will do it down the line, when there more visitors

Absolutely not! That's contrary to the entire spirit of the site.

NenMaster 2003-11-26 10:40

ok, we will see ;)
but whats wrong about making someone signup fo something they want?

Shii 2003-11-26 11:27


Originally Posted by NenMaster
but whats wrong about making someone signup fo something they want?

I dunno. What's wrong with making someone wait 2 hours to get the pizza they ordered?

Tabiree 2003-11-26 11:39


I dunno. What's wrong with making someone wait 2 hours to get the pizza they ordered?
Depends how big the pizza is...

Wait that fucking analogy doesn't even work!

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