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Hunter 2018-08-01 06:29

Steins;Gate 0 - Episode 16 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Steins;Gate 0, Episode 16.

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HtwoN 2018-08-01 13:04

That was an emotional episode. :(

MCAL 2018-08-01 16:59

It's safe to say I was looking forward to this episode (As well as the one with Kurisu back in episode 8) ever since I read the VN and it did not disappoint. If anything it was even better then the VN.

Kanon 2018-08-01 17:03

We most likely reached the turning point. If Okabe doesn't pull himself together after all this, then I have no idea what will do it.

The conversation with Mayuri was particularly powerful. Such a nice girl.

Wandering Soul 2018-08-01 18:40

Okabe's scene with Mayuri was an impactful one. The scene where Daru punched him while telling him off for the way he was treating everyone else was an equally powerful, if not more one.

I'm sure that Okabe will pick himself up again after this, because I can't imagine anything that it'll top it

Ryuuoh DeltaPlus 2018-08-01 23:05

Man angry Daru really does make a strong impact. Mayuri's scene at the end is really good too.
I wonder if this will make Okabe to back to being Hououin Kyouma again.

Dengar 2018-08-02 05:17

I don't really blame anyone for doing anything here. I get why Okarin said what he did. I get why Daru finally snapped and did something completely out of character. I get why Mayushii is blaming herself for everything.

Emotions are a complex thing. Okarin could totally make a comeback if he saw a way out. But when you go back in time to save a person and fate forces you to become their murderer, it's like... Can you really blame him for not seeing a way to prevent it?

But perhaps he'll be convinced to at least... I don't know, open the way for something more? A very final deadline is coming up, after all.

FlareKnight 2018-08-04 10:09

Oh please let this be the turning point for Okabe. About time he started getting hard with the pressure to get up and take action. They are simply running out of time to take action. At least they built themselves up a bit of a safety net with rebuilding the d-mail and time leap machine.

Props to Daru, Mayuri, and Maho for their respective pushes. Was time for everyone to give him the verbal or physical hits needed to get his head back on straight. And of course the powerful scene with Mayuri at the end was perfect. The past year must have been brutal for her. Watching Okabe clearly in utter agony and yeah getting the picture about how much of it is because he wanted to save her. This just isn't a good stopping point. Not with an apocalypse incoming and not with how tortured it is making Okabe himself.

Dengar 2018-08-04 12:14

Daru didn't punch him because he wasn't doing anything. He punched him because he ignored everyone else's feelings.

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