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Angilicwings 2003-11-26 07:19

Hach sign is the best
Did anyone see Hack Sign? It's just the greatest anime i ever saw...I didn't finish it yet but until now it's great..specially the sound tracks in's very touching..And it's very famous i think u guys know it

GATX207_Blitz 2003-11-26 07:37

Like on the other thread you started...

I'm only saying this mainly because the mods might delete these threads because they don't belong here, but then they did let that poem one go by hmm well if it stays great, it may also be moved or locked... ok I'm done talking

Edit: ok don't respond to this post it the problem was quickly resolved

Lefteris_D 2003-11-26 07:43

Thread moved to somewhere that it fits better

Angilicwings 2003-11-26 09:26

hello everyone,
Am sorry but this is my first time here so am a little lost...okay not a little..alot..there are so many places and am kinda lost..and i don't know where to write the things i want ..
I just need time to get used to it..Sorry again..My apologies..And well i will need ur help to organize myself a little.. Thank you GATX207_Blitz

Tomomi 2003-11-26 09:50

To tell you the truth, hack sign is not my cup of tea. Fell asleep when watching the anime... :heh:

Tabiree 2003-11-26 11:28

Got the fifth DVD today. It finally started going in a very decent direction, then it finished. Then the final DVD is out in March. next year.


Go-lytely 2003-11-26 13:10

Hack Sign was boooooorrrringggg. I couldnt even stay awake to finish it. Although lots of people like it, its just didn't strike a chord with me. I did like .Hack//Liminality and I loved .Hack//legend of the twilight bracelet.

Muraki 2003-11-26 14:13

Hack Sign had wayyyyyy to much talking in it I kinda drifted off when I watched it ~_~ but kind of a surprise since I did like the others...

Wandering_Youth 2003-11-26 17:04

.hack//SIGN wasn't really my type of anime because it was very slowed paced and it got really dull in the middle of the anime. The only thing I like about .hack//SIGN was the character art and music. The music was great, imo.

FinFangFoom 2003-11-26 22:45

I've been wondering about the dot hack series for a while now. I know the premise about being a massive online rpg, but what is the series mostly focused on? Is it more fantasy setting D&D style or is it more about the real outside world? I can't deside if it's worth checking out.

Uzumaki626 2003-11-26 23:28

For almost the entire show its in teh game or "the world" i think... havent seen it in a while... The beginning + end is good.... but ...... the middle is hard to stay awake while watching it. It has also ALOT of talking, i mean ALOT

Tomomi 2003-11-26 23:35


Originally Posted by Uzumaki626
For almost the entire show its in teh game or "the world" i think... havent seen it in a while... The beginning + end is good.... but ...... the middle is hard to stay awake while watching it. It has also ALOT of talking, i mean ALOT

Agreed. That's the reason why I stopped watching it at episode 12. Couldn't take it anymore... :heh:

Fronzel 2003-11-27 01:09

I thought it was rather good for a while. I liked the slow, subdued, somber pace, but it all comes out kinda mediocre in the end with an extremly disapointing explanation as to what is going on,
some very cliche anime pieties about emotional health, and what I thought was a very weak treatment of the obvious theme, The World vs. real life. Most people actually resemble their avatars in the brief glimpses we get of them, espiecially Mimaru. And Krim had a bad actor voicing him in the dub, which I had to watch because I saw it on Cartoon Network. But it was free. So there.

SurfD 2003-11-27 04:45

Speaking as someone who is a big fan of MMOGS, i must say i LOVED .hack//sign, slow and somber pacing, plus semi confusing story and all.

As far as .hack//sign goes, 95 percent of the story takes place in "The World", with very brief glimpses of what is going on in the Real World.

For background, the storys past (I think somewhere around the year 2006 or something) a computer virus destroys the entire global network structure. After they rebuild, there is one main Operating System (it has an Installed user base of something like 99.5% of all Electronics on the planet), and one Insanely Popular Online Game: "The World".

The World is a very sophisticated online game, played with a set of special goggles and what appears to be a PS2 controller. It also works off of pure speach recognition for that absolute increase in immersion.

The whole thing about the series that I really liked is it's takes on stuff like preception and reality. To many people, games are just a form of recreation, to others they are an escape, a way to get away from the world and your life, if only for a brief bit. To some however, the escapism offered by something like The World can be far too tempting to resist completely disapearing into (as has been shown even in current times with people and their literal addiction to games like Everquest).

The series is very hevy on character building and expositon. It is most definately NOT an action series, and is much more like Lain, in that it is there to make you think. How do you see yourself? How do others see you? How do you choose to interact with other people when forced to? What do you do when you just want to escape?

As a plus, there are lots and lots of references to things you see every day in most current MMOGS. Indiscriminate PKs, guild infighting, noobs learning the ropes, hackers, heavy handed company moderation, and more.

Of course, as someone said, the ending does leave you a bit off, wondering what was going on, but that is mainly because .hack//sign is only part of the story. To get the full picture of what has been going on, you really have to:

1: watch .hack//sign AND the extra special ep or two that goes with that series
2: watch .hack//liminality AND play the 4 part PS2 game that goes with it
3: watch .hack//legend of twilights bracelet (it goes by a couple of other titles too)
4: maybe read the manga too, if you can find it

Then you will finally get pretty much the entire story.

SurfD 2003-11-27 04:49


Originally Posted by Fronzel

I really hate to say this, but if that is all you got out of the Series (though to be fair, I think you said you stopped watching after 12 or so) you missed the point ENTIRELY. Hell, you were SOO far off, you practically ended up right off the series :P.

There was no Inherent Evil involved at all.

Fronzel 2003-11-27 05:18

No, it was someone else who stopped after 12, I actually started watching at about 12 and recently saw 1-11 (which was awkward) and it's true that I haven't played the games, but...hold on...


Besides the aformentioned pieties, yeah, that's all I got from it, although that pig-cow that turned into a beatnik or something and flew away was absolutely hilarious. If there's something else, maybe I did miss it. I thought the last two or three episodes were pretty dull, so if I wasn't paying attention, I blame the show itself.

Oh, and being "part of a larger story" mostly means they're cashing in. If this show can't stand at all by itself, it's weak. Well, I suppose the whole Tsukasa thing is its alone, but that was also weak and fairly cliche in the end, so it loses again. :P

Tomomi 2003-11-27 05:27


Originally Posted by SurfD
I really hate to say this, but if that is all you got out of the Series (though to be fair, I think you said you stopped watching after 12 or so) you missed the point ENTIRELY. Hell, you were SOO far off, you practically ended up right off the series :P.

There was no Inherent Evil involved at all.

Ehehe... I was the one who stopped at episode 12... :p

Tboz 2003-11-27 07:20

Nice summary SurfD... .hack//Sign is not about action at all, audience who are looking for D2 style rpg action will be sorely disappointed with it. I have only just started watching the first few episodes, but I am in love with it just fine. :D

Fronzel 2003-11-27 13:37

Well, that's because the first few episodes are actually really good...don't get me wrong, I don't think it's an action show and don't expect any, and I like that's it's not, just ends so weakly, and that can sully the memory of the entire seires. Just look at Blue Gender!

blackXkatze 2003-11-27 13:55

I was only able to watch the first 5 eps before it was licensed.. and I'd have to say that I absolutely loved it. =D I especially liked it because it was about online rpg gaming.. which I adore..

About it being boring.. I guess I can't say much because I've only seen the first 5 eps.. but it seemed pretty interesting to me, and had a decent amount of action. Anyway I guess I'll find out more when I get around to buying the dvds. ^_^

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