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vega98767 2004-10-07 18:22

Tenten worthless?
Maybe its too far to go and call her a Sakura but I find her close enough to being as bad as her. Granted we didn't see her do much in the tourney but she got her a$$ handed to her by Temari even after she unleashes her most powerful move. Maybe if she didn't spend all her time admiring Neji and telling people they can't beat him she could actually become a good ninja.

Shay 2004-10-07 18:25


Originally Posted by vega98767
Maybe its too far to go and call her a Sakura but I find her close enough to being as bad as her. Granted we didn't see her do much in the tourney but she got her a$$ handed to her by Temari even after she unleashes her most powerful move. Maybe if she didn't spend all her time admiring Neji and telling people they can't beat him she could actually become a good ninja.

I think she just had the wrong opponent. And if she had beaten Temari the whole story would have been messed up.

vega98767 2004-10-07 18:29


Originally Posted by Shay
I think she just had the wrong opponent. And if she had beaten Temari the whole story would have been messed up.

This is true. But if you see through the flashbacks with Rock Lee up to when Naruto is fighting Neji she is praising the good word of Neji. I think she has no place to talk of what a good ninja is if she can't win herself. From what i saw i just didn't think she was good at anything else except her projectile jutsus. If she were smarter she could have at least waited for a counter on Temari but instead she went all out in the first 30 seconds.

Shay 2004-10-07 19:24

Come to think of it....Yeah she is quite pathetic, she's really just an exorsize bike for Neji.

Zek 2004-10-07 19:31

Kishimoto seems to think rather lowly of her, seeing as he never even wrote her fight with Temari. In the manga, Tenten is the only Genin to never have been shown in a fight; the one in the anime is filler. I still think she's stronger than Ino and Sakura and probably Hinata though.

Lost World 2004-10-07 19:31


Originally Posted by Shay
Come to think of it....Yeah she is quite pathetic, she's really just an exorsize bike for Neji.

Yuuki-kun 2004-10-07 19:56

As a Tenten fanboy....well um.....yeah, I think you're all wrong, and I'll say why.

Putting Tenten on the same level as Sakura just because we haven't seen her fight? Um, wow...

I can say this. At least Tenten is willing to fight. In the Forest of Death, while Naruto and Sasuke were fighting Orochimaru, what was Sakura doing? Watching and preaching about Sasuke being a coward, yet she wasn't doing anything herself. Then we go to the situation where Lee was defeated by the Sound Trio. Neji AND Tenten were ready to fight the three for what they did to their teammate.

Also, Tenten is better to her teammates....sure, she puts down Lee, but she also cares for him to make sure he doesn't get in trouble, because he's known to get over excited. And what's wrong with praising Neji? At least it's not on Sakura's level. Besides, she helped Neji to master his Kaiten...what did Sakura do to help Naruto? Nothing.

Let's not forget that Tenten's idol was mentioned to be Tsunade, was it not? Tenten seems to have a desire to get stronger, which is more than what can be said for Sakura. In some ways, I'm happy we have a girl who actually fights and doesn't have problems in the Leaf, like Sakura and Ino obessing over Sasuke, and Hinata and her confidence problems.

It's saddening to me that the anime team gave Tenten more attention than the manga-ka, and I really hope Kishimoto does something for Tenten soon. I watched the anime before I read the manga, and Tenten and her fighting style really appealed to me, and she's really cute. So even though Tenten is the only Genin (well, there's Shino too) who didn't have any sort of development, I still think she's not as bad as you say. Kishimoto really should pay better attention to her. >>;

vega98767 2004-10-07 20:19

Well tenten fan boy, you make a good point. I think Hinata could beat Tenten and so could Ino. We don't know the extent of tentens attacks but im sure all Hinata would have to do is dodge the projectiles and then just unleash what she does know on tenten but then again Hinata would have to have the will to fight. Same with Ino. And like i said before it seems that Tenten doesn't really know how to figh very well. She exausted herself out against Temari before even knowing what she can do with her giant fan. And so what if she idolizes Tsunade? Dan and Tsunades brother all wanted to become stronger to be Hokage and did that make them better ninja? Hopefully we will see more of Tenten and see if she has some other skills besides projectile hurling but until then i won't think much of her as a nin.

Yuuki-kun 2004-10-07 20:34

You don't consider Tenten a ninja because she only uses projectiles? So I guess you don't consider Lee a ninja either because he doesn't use ninja or illusionary techniques? Tenten is like a master at what she does...first, you have to note that what happened in the anime was written by the writers...that whole Tenten/Temari battle was made up, unfortunately.

However...the facts that Lee, Gai and Neji mentioned are true. In the manga, it was stated that Tenten has 100 % accuracy and never misses her target unless forced to miss. This is something that makes me think of Tenten as more like a real ninja....I think she'd be very useful on missions. She could be a total sniper.

And on your opinion on Ino and Hinata being able to beat Tenten....well, maybe they could. But without Kaiten, I must wonder how Hinata would be able to survive the projectiles, especially if Tenten keeps her distance (her speed was rated 6/10 according to one of the Naruto books, I believe)

The only reason I mentioned Tenten's goal to be like Tsunade was because it shows that she at least wants to make the effort to become better. Having an idol in anime/manga can lead to great things happening for characters.

vega98767 2004-10-07 20:44

Well maybe it was a typo but i meant a good ninja, even though rock lee can only use Taijutsu he trained his ass off and can open gates and he almost beat gaara with only his fists to aid him. Thats what made him a great ninja. Tenten, on the otherhand, only uses projectiles it seems because its her choice (yes it is very ninja realistic). Oh well, enlight of the absence of her fight in the manga and such i suppose it is too harsh to judge tenten and her abilities.

Ke0 2004-10-07 21:23

I would say she's weak, but I haven't seen her fight (In the manga) so I can't judge, but I know for a fact she can't be as weak as Sakura (I mean damn, she didn't punch Zaku........nooooooo she bites him instead.)

kboykb 2004-10-07 22:23


Originally Posted by Ke0
(I mean damn, she didn't punch Zaku........nooooooo she bites him instead.)

Good Grief - I was all excited and junk when she took those knives and I thought she was finally about to prove herself and pwn j00!!1! Zaku..

But alas, she uses her teeth when her legs / arms .. or any form of taijutsu would've been so much more effective.. and smarter..

And about Ten Ten - I do think she just got the wrong opponent.. I mean Temari could blow everything away.. but I'd put her above Sakura or Ino for some odd reason. . .

But she really did start to get on my nerves with the "no one can beat neji. Neji's awesome.. Sorry Naruto, you're just not on his level" crap.. it got.. redundant.

Supersonic 2004-10-07 23:15

Tenten is the Chun-Li knock off right?

Yeah, hentai links please. :)

*played too much Street Fighter as a child*

Bakafool 2004-10-08 00:13

Oh come on peeps, Tenten ain't that weak. Actually, she has some pretty badass moves. The way I see it, she's the strongest of the female Leaf genins. It was just her bad luck that she got matched up with someone as strong as Temari who wasn't even genin level when she entered the chuunin exam. Think about it, if Tenten did her projectile moves on Sakura, Ino or Hinata, would they have an easy time dodging? Well, none of them have a bigass fan to blow the projectiles away, so Tenten really has the advantage. All she has to do is keep her distance. None of the other girls have insane speed, so she wouldn't be in danger. Ya'll re just annoyed that she worships Neji. But she's not weak or useless.

Victim 2004-10-08 01:14

Another thing about Tenten is that she'd be crazy good at supressive fire. Pretty much all she does is accurate, rapid fire shuriken attacks. That's a pretty good ability by itself. She did get one of the worst matchups possible in the exam though. Temari was stronger than you'd normally expect, but that's not the only factor. Her wind fan let's her block a bunch of thrown weapons as easily as one, so all of Tenten's attacks based around swarms of projectiles were pretty worthless. Throw weapons versus Wind Control. Ouch. Temari essentially has an "absolute" defense versus projectiles. Furthermore, as a ranged attacker, we'd expect Tenten to engage in a battle of manuever in normal terrain. Most ninja are going to be at a disadvantage against her at range after all, so she wants to keep away from them. Then they put the exam eliminations instead a plain concrete box. Granted, because her opponent attacked mostly at range and could easily defeat her attacks, this wasn't a major issue. But her fighting against Naruto, for example, would be completely different in the forest instead of a confined space.

Consider Tenten's team. Both Lee and Neji are close in HtH specialists. A ranged combat specialist like Tenten would be ideal. Rapid fire shuriken volleys against the enemies should be able to distract enemies while her teammates close in. Between her fast tosses and her major techniques, she could keep a team moving in normal formation (ie, right next to each other, silly ninja) busy for a bit. Even a character skilled enough to avoid all her attacks will probably be able to do little else - her better moves would probably force Neji to kaiten, which keeps him from moving or nailing others with 64 hands. Getting off techniques while standing in a shuriken storm would be a bit difficult. She covers for her teammates weak areas, and seems accurate enough to shoot into their HtH battles.

Another thing to consider: Tenten + exploding tags. Ouch.

Hanabi 2004-10-08 05:49

Hrm. With the scrolls she carries (anime-wise), it seems Tenten is incapable of running out of weapons... unless they're powered by chakra? So if she runs out of chakra, it's game over... ^^;

100% accuracy is good and all, but only on stationary targets... :)

Neophos 2004-10-08 06:34

The...isnt it Kawairi or something?? The exchange-your-body-with-a-log thing...

I mean, you could jsut wait for her to use her scrolls, and all the shurikens she hid somewhere...

just do the replacement jutsu, all the time. it cant cost much chakra, and Tenten cant have a infinte amount of shurikens and kunais...

and Naruto + Kyuubi power and speed = dead Tenten. i mean, not ever she can hit a few thousand Narutos at the same time...

Hideki Keiji 2004-10-08 10:15


Originally Posted by Hanabi
100% accuracy is good and all, but only on stationary targets... :)

I think Gai meant 100% accuracy even on moving targets, because if you think about it, perfect accuracy isn't that impressive if you can't hit a moving target. After all, even Naruto can hit a stationary target.
As for who she could beat, I believe, based on the anime fight, that she would do fairly well against Sakura, Hinata, Naruto, Chouji, Shikamaru, Ino, Kankuro, Shino, Kin, Dosu, and Zaku (yes, I know that these last three are dead). This is because, based on the offical character data book (inaccurate though it may be, it's the only other imformation that we have on Tenten's abilities), Tenten is not only faster or as fast as these people, they have no ability that defeats projectile weapons. This is not to say that she would win all these fights, simply that she would do a good job fighting them.
All in all, my opinion might be a little biased, because I like Tenten. She is pretty cute for a 14(13?) year old.

Nubixkube 2004-10-08 10:17

I'd probably say that Tenten is even more worthless than Sakura, atleast Sakura has potential to become better.

BrownRukus 2004-10-08 10:19


Originally Posted by Hideki Keiji
I think Gai meant 100% accuracy even on moving targets, because if you think about it, perfect accuracy isn't that impressive if you can't hit a moving target. After all, even Naruto can hit a stationary target.
As for who she could beat, I believe, based on the anime fight, that she would do fairly well against Sakura, Hinata, Naruto, Chouji, Shikamaru, Ino, Kankuro, Shino, Kin, Dosu, and Zaku (yes, I know that these last three are dead). This is because, based on the offical character data book (inaccurate though it may be, it's the only other imformation that we have on Tenten's abilities), Tenten is not only faster or as fast as these people, they have no ability that defeats projectile weapons. This is not to say that she would win all these fights, simply that she would do a good job fighting them.
All in all, my opinion might be a little biased, because I like Tenten. She is pretty cute for a 14(13?) year old.

Ok we know she can't take on Naruto, that's for sure. I highly doubt she is at the lvl of Kankuro. Shino would rape her. Zaku would use air pressure to deflect the attacks and dozu can use sound waves to distrubt the accuracy i belive. and Shika, my god he will think of a way to nullify her attacks and using shadows, prolly whe she throws the kunais and stuff they create shadows and krap.

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