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Zukov 2004-11-10 13:42

A small survey - Suicide
I would be very grateful, if you could answer to this little survey about suicide. You can send answers through e-mail too (


1. Age/Gender

2. Have you ever considered about attempting a suicide?
a) Yes b) No c) I have thought about it, but it wasn't very serious

2b. Only answer to this question if you answered yes, a) in the previous question.
Did your suicide thoughts include serious depression?
a) Yes b) No

2c. Only answer to this question if you answered yes a) in question 2.
Did you think about attempting a suicide in the last 6 months?
a) Yes b) No

3. Do you think suicide is acceptable?
a) Yes, everyone decides of their own life. b) No. Never. c) If there are good reasons behind it, etc. religious or ethic reasons. Note: Euthanasia isn't included in these reasons, or in this whole survey.

4. Has someone you knew well, ever done a suicide?

Lexander 2004-11-10 13:50

1. 5/Marklar

2. c) I have thought about it, but it wasn't very serious

3. a) Yes, everyone decides of their own life.

4. No

7thMethuselah 2004-11-10 13:56

yes I've thought about just like 99% of the western wolrd population I think, and yes I've had my share of suicides in my immediate surroundings, both succesfull and failed attempts

Anita-chan 2004-11-10 14:01


Originally Posted by Zukov
I would be very grateful, if you could answer to this little survey about suicide. You can send answers through e-mail too (


1. Age/Gender

2. Have you ever considered about attempting a suicide?
a) Yes b) No c) I have thought about it, but it wasn't very serious

2b. Only answer to this question if you answered yes, a) in the previous question.
Did your suicide thoughts include serious depression?
a) Yes b) No

2c. Only answer to this question if you answered yes a) in question 2.
Did you think about attempting a suicide in the last 6 months?
a) Yes b) No

3. Do you think suicide is acceptable?
a) Yes, everyone decides of their own life. b) No. Never. c) If there are good reasons behind it, etc. religious or ethic reasons. Note: Euthanasia isn't included in these reasons, or in this whole survey.

4. Has someone you knew well, ever done a suicide?

1. female
2. yes
2b. no

2c. no
3. i cant answer this ... it was a irrational mistake at the time to prove my mum wrong and that i can do it .... regret later ..

4. nope

i taje this subject so seriously, whenever i look at what i did to myself ... it reminds me of that arguement and plus it doesnt look pleasant and i often try to hide it now anyway ... come to think of it, im embarassed of myself for even doing it .

LoveOfAnime 2004-11-10 14:56


Originally Posted by Zukov
I would be very grateful, if you could answer to this little survey about suicide. You can send answers through e-mail too (


1. Age/Gender

2. Have you ever considered about attempting a suicide?
a) Yes b) No c) I have thought about it, but it wasn't very serious

2b. Only answer to this question if you answered yes, a) in the previous question.
Did your suicide thoughts include serious depression?
a) Yes b) No

2c. Only answer to this question if you answered yes a) in question 2.
Did you think about attempting a suicide in the last 6 months?
a) Yes b) No

3. Do you think suicide is acceptable?
a) Yes, everyone decides of their own life. b) No. Never. c) If there are good reasons behind it, etc. religious or ethic reasons. Note: Euthanasia isn't included in these reasons, or in this whole survey.

4. Has someone you knew well, ever done a suicide?

1. 31/Female
2. A= Yes
2B. A=Yes
2C. B=No
3. Cannot answer that as My perspective has changed over the years
4. Yes they have and they succeeded. :sad:

Necrodeath 2004-11-10 15:04

1.) 18 / Male
2.) Yes
2b.) Yes
2c.) No
3.) Yes, everyone decides of their own life.
4.) No

Dhomochevsky 2004-11-10 15:21

1. 23 / male
2. b) No
3. b) No
4. Yes

Wow, Im special... I dont want to kill myself. :uhoh:

AndrewLB 2004-11-10 15:27

I've done suicide before. One friend does it, then another, you figure "Well, if they're doing it, I should." After that, it's hanging out in goth ridden bars, listening to shitty music by some guy who calls himself Marilyn, and not breathing.
Kinda sucks.

I suggest you just skip the whole craze and go straight to posting on live journal.

hooliganj 2004-11-10 15:38

1) 24/Male
2) No
3) No, although I should mention that I respect anyone's right to make this decision. I just don't approve.
4) Possibly, some of them are just the type. I only have one friend that was kind enough to relate the story of his failed suicide attempt, and ever since I have teased him incessantly whenever the subject arises. Aside from the cheap thrill, I'm going for a kind of Pavlovian effect. I figure, the next time he gets it in his head to try something that stupid, he might think "If I screw it up again, I'll never, ever hear the end of it." :D It may not be sensitive, but I think he has a thicker skin now than he used to.

??? 2004-11-10 15:44

Thinking of commiting suicide hun ? :eyebrow:

Your too weak mentally.
Like in law of nature, only the strongest survive.

Anita-chan 2004-11-10 15:46


Originally Posted by AndrewLB
I've done suicide before. One friend does it, then another, you figure "Well, if they're doing it, I should." After that, it's hanging out in goth ridden bars, listening to shitty music by some guy who calls himself Marilyn, and not breathing.
Kinda sucks.

I suggest you just skip the whole craze and go straight to posting on live journal.

are you saying where you live :twitch: ... people are under peer pressure to commit suicide :twitch:

.... :hmm:

remind me to never live where you live!!!!

*EDIT* i think i gto into a big argument with mum and you know when parents just go ... yea go on then, like i care .. or you havent got the guts kind of thing .... well i endured all these comments from past arguemtns i mean we argue like 4 times a week minimum ... its better now :)

but one day we got into a fight about why i was getting bad grades at school and she blamed everything on the laptop .... first it was, if i came home early it was because i wanted to play on the laptop, next it was, if i was home on a weekend it was because of my obsession of going onlien and playing games and watching anime....

fight after fight we argued about the laptop until i finally decided to do somethign about it, i went out mroe often and GUESS WHAT, i go out TOO much ... :mad:

so then one day, i got a knife from the kitchen and said "fine, if you dont like the laptop so much, i'll break it" .. she said go on then .... i drove the knife through the keyboard (didnt do much damage cos i didnt want to break it really, just to scare her) .... and then she ran and took the laptop as if she didnt want me to. of course ic ould understand that it costs money and it was only said at the ehat of the arguement...

and then she started hurling abuse at me which i back chated pretty badly, she went through the move house phase, which was ok cos that came up in every argument, not to mention how many times she disowned me :mad:

but then she just said, i regret having you ... something about my father forced her to have it then the marriage didnt work out and they divorced in 2 years.. she claimed that if she could of, she would of aborted me, which kinda hurt ...

picked up the knife again and said fine, i'll die in front of you (insane moment) and she said, "do it" ...

done it on my right wrist only about 3 - 4mm deep, i was close to cutting that tendon thing that moves my hand thingy ... but yeah, im glad i didnt go all the way ... it didnt hurt tho ... now i have a 2 inch scar there and im ashameed to have it :sad:

Avaj 2004-11-10 16:13

Suicide should be avoided, it leads to a shortened life span.

no, no, no

LoveOfAnime 2004-11-10 16:32


Originally Posted by Anita-chan
are you saying where you live :twitch: ... people are under peer pressure to commit suicide :twitch:

.... :hmm:

remind me to never live where you live!!!!

*EDIT* i think i gto into a big argument with mum and you know when parents just go ... yea go on then, like i care .. or you havent got the guts kind of thing .... well i endured all these comments from past arguemtns i mean we argue like 4 times a week minimum ... its better now :)

but one day we got into a fight about why i was getting bad grades at school and she blamed everything on the laptop .... first it was, if i came home early it was because i wanted to play on the laptop, next it was, if i was home on a weekend it was because of my obsession of going onlien and playing games and watching anime....

fight after fight we argued about the laptop until i finally decided to do somethign about it, i went out mroe often and GUESS WHAT, i go out TOO much ... :mad:

so then one day, i got a knife from the kitchen and said "fine, if you dont like the laptop so much, i'll break it" .. she said go on then .... i drove the knife through the keyboard (didnt do much damage cos i didnt want to break it really, just to scare her) .... and then she ran and took the laptop as if she didnt want me to. of course ic ould understand that it costs money and it was only said at the ehat of the arguement...

and then she started hurling abuse at me which i back chated pretty badly, she went through the move house phase, which was ok cos that came up in every argument, not to mention how many times she disowned me :mad:

but then she just said, i regret having you ... something about my father forced her to have it then the marriage didnt work out and they divorced in 2 years.. she claimed that if she could of, she would of aborted me, which kinda hurt ...

picked up the knife again and said fine, i'll die in front of you (insane moment) and she said, "do it" ...

done it on my right wrist only about 3 - 4mm deep, i was close to cutting that tendon thing that moves my hand thingy ... but yeah, im glad i didnt go all the way ... it didnt hurt tho ... now i have a 2 inch scar there and im ashameed to have it :sad:

OMG You poor thing. I cannot imagine a parent ever saying something like that to their child. I understand it was a fight and all but still that is just too much. Even if she felt that way she should never have said something that hurtful. That just makes me want to hug and love on my children even more than I usually do. Which is a lot to begin with.

zappater 2004-11-10 16:50


Yes, several times.

Depends on what you thing is serious depression, but I think so.

Yes, didn't 'cause if I would fail it would hurt alot and I would probably have to talk to a therapist or something, and that would just make my life worse so I decided that wishing and hoping that my life will get better in a few years is better.

Of course, it is an human right to decide over your own life. If someone (like me) wants to take suicide then let them!
Nothing, nothing is as much worth as freedom to be able to do what you want.


Sanjuronord 2004-11-10 18:49

1) Male 23
2) Somewhere between A and C I guess.
2b) Dunno if I even believe in "serious depression", I mean if that's a condition than shouldn't the opposite be some sort of medical condition too? I'd certainly love to see some overly happy people medicated...
3) A. Victimless so I fail to see the problem with it.
4) No. Although this guy that roomed two dorm rooms down from me at my dorm during my freshman year shot himself one night. Me and my roommate actually slept through the whole thing... Actually I also had a cousin who said he was going to kill himself by jumping off a bridge, but the bridge wasn't even high enough to kill himself so I don't really count that.

Kamui4356 2004-11-10 19:10


Originally Posted by Sanjuronord
3) A. Victimless so I fail to see the problem with it.

Is it really victimless? Losing a someone close to suicide is worse than any other way. When I was young, one of my friend's father commited suicide, and he was never the same after. Not only was there the pain of losing his father, but the feeling that his father would rather die that stay with him, which made it much worse than it would have been had the death been from natural causes, an accident, or even murder.

sarcasteak 2004-11-10 19:39

1. 20/M

2. A

2b. A

2C. A

3. A

4. No

AndrewLB 2004-11-10 19:47


Originally Posted by Anita-chan
are you saying where you live :twitch: ... people are under peer pressure to commit suicide :twitch:

.... :hmm:

remind me to never live where you live!!!!

In Toronto, you can barely walk for the corpses.

ramune 2004-11-10 20:00

1. 19/M
2. b. maybe because I still haven't faced any real life problems.
3. a.
4. unfortunately yes.

Lexander 2004-11-10 20:16

If you have people that love you it's a very selfish act ... but even then ... your life is yours.

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