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Roots 2006-02-20 19:13

Weird compliments
This thread is to share and laugh at the strange or awkward compliments that you or someone close to you has humbly received.


For me, over the past few years I've gotten rather...weird compliments from different girls, all jealous of some part of my body or another.

(1) In high school, a female friend of mine told me that she envied me because I have the "perfect" amount of hair on my arms. That's good to know....I guess :uhoh:

(2) My female roommate last year was once talking to me and out of the blue suddenly decided to reveal that she wished she had long eyelashes like me. Right.... :eyebrow:

(3) Last week I had a theraputic massage for my hands and wrists (too much typing at work/school/home) and she pointed out that I had purple fingernails, perhaps from having poor circulation. She followed up saying that "Oh, but I'm jealous. They're so pretty.". :twitch:

I'm a 23 year old male, and girls are complimenting my arm hair, eyelashes, and hue of my fingernails. "What the hell?" is all I can think to ask. :roll:

BriteDarkness 2006-02-21 07:37

At least they aren't laughing at you and insulting you. I remember being told by a girl that she was glad my "annoying leg hair" was there. Her leg was itching something fierce and she just had to rub against me...

Pellissier 2006-02-24 15:36

All peoples (well, mostly girls, not that I would care much otherwise :p) keep saying to me I look younger than I am. And they say it with a bit of entuxiasm, as a compliment.
I'm 25 and I've mostly been said to be 19-20 (one time even 17! underage!). Since girls seem to be quite fond of this, I guess I have nothing to complain, and at the university every new year I am a freshman this way! :heh:

(By the way, I'm not the only one in my family to look younger, it's a blood related matter ;) )

It's weird though, if compared to high-school, where on the contrary younger girls kept telling me I looked older than I was (20 instead of 18) :twitch:

It's kinda messy :eyespin: after all, but I sort of like it! ^^

Illuyankas 2006-02-24 22:39

I guess it is better to look underage than too far over - I'm 21, but most people think I'm between 26 and 32. Someone thought I was 40! What was he smoking, I have no idea.

That said, I have had a few compliments that were downright bizarre, ranging from "I love that odd straw colour in your beard," to (really), "You have a cool knee!" I mean it, the woman said it! My knee is cool :cool:

BriteDarkness 2006-02-24 23:38


Originally Posted by Illuyankas
That said, I have had a few compliments that were downright bizarre, ranging from "I love that odd straw colour in your beard," to (really), "You have a cool knee!" I mean it, the woman said it! My knee is cool :cool:

... but the rest of you is not? :p

Illuyankas 2006-02-24 23:51

The rest of me is HOT :naughty:

Cz 2006-02-25 04:48

The only compliment I ever get is that I look younger than my actual age. I suppose that is good. :p

1.0.7. 2006-02-25 05:39

well, i think through inheritance, i don't have hair on my feet or hands. so i get weird compliments from the ladies..ESPECIALLY after swimming.."i wish i had your legs" :>
i can never get used to that.
but what really gets on my nerves more than that is if someone points it out and says "DUDE! do you shave?"

2H-Dragon 2006-02-25 06:06


Originally Posted by 1.0.7.
"DUDE! do you shave?"

Lol this is gold. <3

The only weird compliment's I get are from some girls(just 2 girl's I know tbh.) When they say that I am funny out of nowhere when I didnt make a joke. >.>

A girl I know got a funny comment of a good friend of mine he said to her; "You will be so hot when you grow up." She is 18 though. xD

mitsuki_AG 2006-02-25 09:22

I don't know if you could call this a "compliment" but I can't walk in a shop without people running towards me , calling me "m'dam" and asking if I work there...
even my brother's best friend reacted on a weird manner when he celebrated with my family my 13th birthday "aren't you 15?!?" ...and yesh... Now that I'm 15 people mistake me for a 18year old *sighs* it's in the family though, some people even mistook my oldest brother as my mom's boyfriend =_=

aaaah and then, this thing that always comes back is "I want your boobs!!!!"
gawd, while I keep on complaining about the size, how I'd like to have those cute little things...noooo....I can't change in peace unless I hide myself...

people complimenting me on "wow, your hair looks nice! did you go to the hairdresser?" 3weeks after I went to the hairdresser..:twitch:

People complimenting about my eye color, and after that they go like "but your iris is so big!" (doh, *points at the darkness* )

llama 2006-02-25 09:45

I think one of the weirdest I've ever gotten was "You have a beautiful forehead." I've never really considered a forehead to be something beautiful before. :heh:

Then someone else said, "You're so cute and tiny! I just want to gobble you up!" Which...I guess was meant as a compliment, though it kind of scared me. o_O

But I've also been told I have cute feet, nice earlobes, tasty looking lips, and..."yummy eyes" (does that last one sound familiar to anyone? :p ) All of those seemed like weird compliments to me.

I got another one that was pretty weird, possibly weirder than the forehead one. Although I don't think I'll mention it here, as it's a little risqué... (!)

Roots 2006-02-25 18:43


Originally Posted by mitsuki_AG
aaaah and then, this thing that always comes back is "I want your boobs!!!!"

I request a picture.:innocent: :heh:

koishii 2006-02-26 15:32

This is the only thing I can think of: People always think I'm about 15 years old, when I'm actually 21. ¬_¬ When I tell them I'm much older than they think, they think that's the greatest thing ever (for me). _-_

Komataguri 2006-02-26 15:34

One time a girl told me she wished she had an ass like mine...and i'm a guy o_O;;

ChainLegacy 2006-02-26 15:48


Originally Posted by koishii
This is the only thing I can think of: People always think I'm about 15 years old, when I'm actually 21. ¬_¬ When I tell them I'm much older than they think, they think that's the greatest thing ever (for me). _-_

I'm the reverse. I have a three year old brother, and if I ever go out somewhere with him, I get so many compliments about how cute my child is.

Illuyankas 2006-02-26 17:13


Originally Posted by koishii
This is the only thing I can think of: People always think I'm about 15 years old, when I'm actually 21. ¬_¬ When I tell them I'm much older than they think, they think that's the greatest thing ever (for me). _-_

How? I'd hate to get ID'd every time I go to a pub or a club or a bar or anywhere age restricted. At the most, you'll look 21 at 27 :eyebrow:

NoSanninWa 2006-02-27 00:56


Originally Posted by Komataguri
One time a girl told me she wished she had an ass like mine...and i'm a guy o_O;;

Maybe she really meant that she wanted your ass. Not that she wanted it to be on her body. ;)

Li Jianliang 2006-02-27 01:47

A friend of mine constantly remarks that "Gosh, you're so little and cute that I just want to pick you up by your ankles!" :uhoh: I think he meant for stress relief.

But what takes the cake is the confession e-mail of an Iowan whom I met during a national robotics competition two years ago:

Originally Posted by Scary Dude who needs to get a better life
The first time I lade eyes on you I felt something, something different nothing i have ever felt for a woman before and I did not realize till I sat down a though about it the fact is i had fallen I love this made me feel so happy but at the same time sad that it would be a long time till I saw you agen. And, every day since that moment I have fallen more I love with you every day. I know this is love because I have never felt this way about any other woman I mean sure I have dated but I have never felt this way before. My love for you is so great I cant stop thinking about you. And if you want to know I did not fall in love with you because you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen it is also because you are smart, funny, and talented .

Oh don't worry. He has stopped internetting as far as I can tell. Phew.

Komataguri 2006-02-27 16:52


Originally Posted by NoSanninWa
Maybe she really meant that she wanted your ass. Not that she wanted it to be on her body. ;)

Trust me, I explored that possibility, And hit a brick wall. :upset:

Cz 2006-02-27 17:35


Originally Posted by Li Jianliang
But what takes the cake is the confession e-mail of an Iowan whom I met during a national robotics competition two years ago:


Oh don't worry. He has stopped internetting as far as I can tell. Phew.

That's a lesson learned: Do not give your email addresses out to random people at competitions/conferences. :p Well, unless it's an academic conference and your (university, not personal, I hope) email address is written right on your published paper. :heh:

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