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NightWish 2006-03-30 12:10

[Manga] Chapter 301 Discussion
Welcome to the weekly manga chapter discussion thread .

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Syaoran 2006-03-30 13:25

Hmmm... what happened to the forums ? I couldn't connect ^^'

Chapter 301: Sai and Sasuke

Short Summary:
(2)Sai's time Orochimaru's time (?)
Naruto, Yamato and Sakura are moving towards Orochimaru's hideout. Sakura says that Sasuke is with them this time. Naruto acknowledges and they almost arrived at the forest.
In the meanwhile, Orochimaru, Sai and Kabuto are standing a few meters away from Sasuke, looking at him.

(3)Sai introduces himself and asks if the boy in front of him is Sasuke kun. Sasuke tells him to disappear.
Both Kabuto and Orochimaru are stunned.
Sai says that even he's forcing a smile, is disliked and he was also disliked by Naruto.

(4)Sasuke, Orochimaru and Kabuto don't say a word.
Sai: However, compared to Naruto, I seem to make you happy?
After seeing a change in Sasuke's Sharingan, Sai is rather surprised/shocked.

(5/6)Sasuke didn't appreciate what Sai said and did some kind of genjutsu, making him fall backwards. Kabuto calls “Sasuke-kun!” to make him stop probably.

(7)Sasuke still sits motionless in front of the statue, while Sai stands up again...
Sai: “Sweat....?” (汗)
Here there's too much kanij I've no clue about... but it says something about a part of time he doesn't want to feel anymore. That he doesn't recognize it.

(8)Orochimaru tells Sasuke that it was too much because it was more troublesome than he was.
Sasuke stands up and says it doesn't matter and something about associating present and future and that's it where he (Sasuke) differs from Naruto).
Sai says he has been looking for his thing for a long time... for three years.

(9)Sasuke: “ it...”
Sai keeps silent and the Sasuke continues: “I will go with Orochimaru”
Then Sai want to say something about Naruto and Sasuke's thing, when Sasuke interrupts him, telling something about seeing that thing like a true sibling, just like Sakura-san.

(10)Sasuke says his brother is the only man he wants to kill.
Orichamaru hands out the letter from Sai to Kabutp and tells him not to make ... (no idea what that means)

(11)Kabuto: “This is ... a copy of the list of ANBU members working for the Hokage.
Kabuto looks through the sheets and stops on Yamato's one: “Somehow it seems to be genuine. (the real thing)”

(12)In the meantime, Naruto, Sakura and Yamato joined Yamato's moku bunshin at the open field where Orochimaru's hideout is located. Yamato asks if it's here and the bunshin replies the entrance is in front under that rock. Naruto says “Sasuke is under that rock”... Sakura agrees...

(13)Naruto: Yes. Let's go!
Yamato: “Wait!”
Yamato puts his hand on the bunshin's back and makes him melt away into a small stone/piece of wood in his hand.

(14)Yamato tells Naruto and Sakura they'll go after they drink the “core” (the hard substance Yamato's bunshin turned into). Even if they become separated, their whereabout will be known by them.
Yamato says something like his chakra is able to track these seeds (core from earlier)

(15)I think here Yamato says it's the same as what Sai had in his meal, that's why they were able to track him down. Naruto asked when it happened.
Yamato asks Naruto if he remembers at the onsen. That was the purpose of having a gorgeous meal at the onsen.

(16)Yamato says he took it as a measure against Sai ahead of time and says to Naruto and Sakura to drink it and tells them both to go.

Once more, I tried to translate some stuff myself... I haven't read a "official" translation yet, so I don't know if it's bad or good ^^'

Guess I'll let you guys start discussing first :)

Yellow Flash 2006-03-30 13:27

Let's not forget the cover, which revealed that Yondaime has the strength of an entire nation.
This is once again proof that no one could possibly take out Yondaime.
The greatest shinobi of all time.

PigLig 2006-03-30 13:33

To bad we cant see Sasuke clearly.

ShikaShika 2006-03-30 13:35


Originally Posted by Syaoran
Hmmm... what happened to the forums ? I couldn't connect ^^'

Me neither, I finally gave up and left the thread for someone else to create. Seems to happen quite a lot when it's time for new jump chapters to be released. :p


Then Sai want to say something about Naruto and Sasuke's thing, when Sasuke interrupts him, telling something about seeing that thing like a true sibling, just like Sakura-san.

(10)Sasuke says his brother is the only man he wants to kill.
Basically Sai says that Sakura told him that Naruto thinks of Sasuke as a brother. I believe he answers "I have only one brother I want to kill" (thus implying that he does not want to kill Naruto), but I've seen translations say "I have only one brother and I want to kill him". Not sure which is right, though I'm leaning in my own direction. :p

s-class uchiha 2006-03-30 15:15

Could kishi not drag the manga through the mud!

I mean the anime is sucking it up enough, why have 17 pages when you're only going to show1-3 things.

I hope it picks up sometime soon...

EadTaes 2006-03-30 15:22

Yeah 17 pages that are gonna last 3 minutes in anime.

And it seems their gonna go in. At 3 vs 4. I know yamato got the idea into Naruto of not using the Kyuby. But I think Naruto wont have a choise to use it. He'll just ahve to limit hims elf to 1 or 2 tails max. Because right now from what is said only Naruto and Sakura are gonna go in. Yamato will wait and sneek in i interpret teh scene right.

But in the end Yamato will take one as well as Sakura wich leaves Naruto to handel 2. Unlest they get some reinforcemnts.

astayanax 2006-03-30 15:29

Suicide mission. Kabuto alone can probably handle all of them (if Naruto doesn't use any tails) at the same time. Not to mention he is one of the most brilliant tacticians/strategists in the entire series. Then you are talking about Orochimaru, Sai (if he wants to prove/trick Orochimaru that he is on their side) and not to mention Sasuke too.

Unless someone intervenes or Naruto goes right back into using 4+ tails, it is pretty much over if they proceed unless Kishimoto for some reason decides to do more unrealistic things like he did when Kabuto took the rasengan from Naruto.

Ero-Senn1n 2006-03-30 15:36


Originally Posted by EadTaes
And it seems their gonna go in. At 3 vs 4. I know yamato got the idea into Naruto of not using the Kyuby. But I think Naruto wont have a choise to use it. He'll just ahve to limit hims elf to 1 or 2 tails max. Because right now from what is said only Naruto and Sakura are gonna go in. Yamato will wait and sneek in i interpret teh scene right.

But in the end Yamato will take one as well as Sakura wich leaves Naruto to handel 2. Unlest they get some reinforcemnts.

If Oro has not recovered than Yamato is enough to handle him. Sakura against Kabuto, and Naruto gets Sai. I don't know about Sasuke, but I guess Kishimoto will show that he is deep within the "darkness". He said 1 longer sentence, and it's about Itachi, i think in these 3 years of training it became his obsession. On the other hand it's strange how Oro treats Sasuke, it's like they are equals. Strange, I don't know where will this lead. It's also interesting that Oro almost said something like "Sasuke is even more evil and strong than me". I got the feeling that Sasuke could currently be stronger than Oro himself, of course this Oro is not at full power, his current body makes him weaker than usual.

Sasuke attacked Sai the way Sai attacked Naruto, it shows nothing about Sai's real strength. However after this chapter I got the feeling that Sasuke is indeed very strong, and if Naruto eventually has to face him and/or Sai it will be big trouble.

An interesting thing that Yondaime is on the cover, and Naruto is about to use his own power, also we know that Naruto probably has "that" jutsu to show us in order to survive if they fight with team-Oro again. This coincidece with the cover may be a sign that Naruto will use Yondaime's jutsu ?

ri0 2006-03-30 15:38


Originally Posted by Yellow Flash
Let's not forget the cover, which revealed that Yondaime has the strength of an entire nation.
This is once again proof that no one could possibly take out Yondaime.
The greatest shinobi of all time.

I just wanted to start a thread on that topic... plus Yondaime wears a flames-cloak which means he can use Amaterasu. Plus he stands there so cocky... his taijutsu must be flawless.

EadTaes 2006-03-30 15:38

Naruto wont have to go 4+ tails Personaly i think with just 1 or maybe 2 tails he can do very good if he plays it smart liek he did in the fight againts gaara. Or he uses Kyuby chakra to poison some of them prety badly to seriously weaken them.

Sakura can maybe take on Kabuto. It's gonan be a long fight of hit get hit heal ones self and got at it again. I guest we will see how well sakura progresed over the skip.

Other possibilaty is taht they will kill Yamato since hes on the assasination list and then just let Sakura adn Naruto go because they can take out soem akatsuki guys like what Kabuto said a few chapters ago.

Anyway i think it's all clear now that what douzou wnats is to take over konoha in a coup d'état

Sazelyt 2006-03-30 15:49

Now that Sasuke and Oro leave for a training, will Kabuto try to handle all together with Sai? Hopefully, that will put an end to Kabuto. There is no need for more than one completely sick person in the story.

It seems that Danzou sent the list of ANBU members to Orochimaru to eliminate all members of ANBU other than his root members most probably. This way, he can blame Tsunade for not being a good leader,etc..., and force his way to become Hokage. Will that be sufficient for Orochimaru? Of course not, the way it goes Danzou might get killed by Oro's men or even Sai.

Shinobi_Lucas 2006-03-30 15:50

I don't see a confrentation (or a lengthy on anyway) between Naruto and Sasuke this soon. I see at least one more arc if not more. I would think that the whole Naruto vs Sauske would be more toward the end of the manga. I could be wrong, but Kisi has a tendency to draw stuff out.

astayanax 2006-03-30 15:58


Sakura can maybe take on Kabuto. It's gonan be a long fight of hit get hit heal ones self and got at it again. I guest we will see how well sakura progresed over the skip.
It will be an extremely short fight. Sakura's taijutsu skills (post timeskip) suck in comparison to Kabuto's (pre timeskip) and with his chakprels, a few mere touches would render her helpless. Sakura may be Tsunade's student, but she hasn't gotten that legendary strength and body will yet.


If Oro has not recovered than Yamato is enough to handle him.
I really don't think Orochimaru is weakened to this state. He was having more trouble fighting for possession of his own body that he stole than he currently did with 4 tailed Naruto. Even after he left with Kabuto, it was like nothing happened to him and he didn't need assistance. Besides, even in the pre timeskip after he lost his arms, Orochimaru had proven he was still a very deadly adversary.

To me, there is nothing logical about heading into Orochimaru's lair at this time. Especially considering the fact Yamato has ways of tracking them down, they are better off going back to Konoha for reinforcements. Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kakashi (if he recovered), Yamato, Naruto, and a few other elites doing a surprise attack would have the best chance of bringing down team Orochimaru.

Sazelyt 2006-03-30 15:59

After checking the translation once more, it seemed interesting that Sai continuously talks about Naruto and Sakura, as if he wants to measure Sasuke's response to that. Can this be the good side of Sai?


Originally Posted by astayanax
Sakura may be Tsunade's student, but she hasn't gotten that legendary strength and body will yet.

For the first, she is not at Tsunade's level yet but there is a high chance that her strength is above Kabuto's. For the second, she will be able to bring her full strength now, since Sasuke is going to be involved.

Syaoran 2006-03-30 15:59


Originally Posted by EadTaes
Anyway i think it's all clear now that what douzou wnats is to take over konoha in a coup d'état

Yatta :D
Someone who agrees with my coup theory ^^

Concerning the Yondaime cover... Why does flames on his clothes indicates he's a Amaterasu user? If he can, that might be interesting, but that's not a Jutsu Naruto knows as "that jutsu". Who could have learned him how to use it ? Jiraiya doesn't know it and Naruto is still to young to develop that kind of jutsu by himself.
I do believe however, that Naruto has something else in common with Yondaime, jutsu-wise, and it's something else than Rasengan (and a higher level of it)

Any idea what Sasuke did with Sai ? Tsukiyomi-like Genjutsu? I think it was something Sai tried to forget, doesn't want to experience anymore.

PS: Orochimaru didn't say Sasuke is stronger than him, but more troublesome than him. Guess it has something to do with his behaviour, which is really like a spoiled brat with no respect.

astayanax 2006-03-30 16:01


It seems that Danzou sent the list of ANBU members to Orochimaru to eliminate all members of ANBU other than his root members most probably. This way, he can blame Tsunade for not being a good leader,etc..., and force his way to become Hokage. Will that be sufficient for Orochimaru? Of course not, the way it goes Danzou might get killed by Oro's men or even Sai.
It looks so to me as well. The way how Kabuto reads the list does look interesting though. It is like he is well awared of the ANBU members for quite sometime (he was a master spy there afterall) and was looking to see if things appeared out of the blue.

Hunter 2006-03-30 16:02


Originally Posted by Ero-Senn1n
On the other hand it's strange how Oro treats Sasuke, it's like they are equals. Strange, I don't know where will this lead. It's also interesting that Oro almost said something like "Sasuke is even more evil and strong than me".

It's not about strength, remember when Oro spit his katana through Sai's bunshin because he didn't like the way Sai was acting in front of him?
Well Sasuke seems even more likely to lose patience and act in a way Sai wouldn't like.


Originally Posted by Sazelyt
After checking the translation once more, it seemed interesting that Sai continuously talks about Naruto and Sakura, as if he wants to measure Sasuke's response to that. Can this be the good side of Sai?

It just seems to be Sai's usual side of playing game with his interlocutor. That may be measuring but not really out of good intentions.

astayanax 2006-03-30 16:08


For the first, she is not at Tsunade's level yet but there is a high chance that her strength is above Kabuto's. For the second, she will be able to bring her full strength now, since Sasuke is going to be involved.
She is stronger than Kabuto in terms of raw strength; but against the chakprels, that raw strength will quickly be rendered useless. And unless Kabuto stopped and brags, it would quickly be the end of her. Based on what we had seen in the Sannin fight, and what we had seen in Sakura's most recent fight with Sasori, she doesn't have what it takes to beat Kabuto in a taijutsu fight. Although weaker, Kabuto is faster, smarter, and way more devious than her.

Sazelyt 2006-03-30 16:16


Originally Posted by Hunter
It just seems to be Sai's usual side of playing game with his interlocutor. That may be measuring but not really out of good intentions.

I thought about that - mind playing - at first. But, as opposed to his previous cases, he is mostly using good-charactered words. If he is playing mid-games, then that might be how he deals with people based on their characters - bad words against good people, good words against bad people.


Originally Posted by astayanax
She is stronger than Kabuto in terms of raw strength; but against the chakprels, that raw strength will quickly be rendered useless. And unless Kabuto stopped and brags, it would quickly be the end of her. Based on what we had seen in the Sannin fight, and what we had seen in Sakura's most recent fight with Sasori, she doesn't have what it takes to beat Kabuto in a taijutsu fight. Although weaker, Kabuto is faster, smarter, and way more devious than her.

That is to be expected, since she is not sufficiently experienced to deal with someone like Kabuto yet, alone. Even experience may not help you great to deal with tricky fellows like Kabuto. Anyway, the future might be full of surprises and Kabuto can surprisingly have a taste of that. But I'll go with the scenario of Sakura fighting together with an experienced jounin like Yamato against Kabuto. In that case, Kabuto will be in a disadvantage, he can still win, but only after coming behind.

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