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Aoie_Emesai 2006-08-24 00:23

Aoie_Emesai's Drawings ^_^.
My mom decided to get a printer and it also happens to have a scanner along with it so I finally get to show ya my drawings. I'm also in the process of learning photoshop so don't mind my poor editing skills. I also draw(only) on normal lined paper so you can see the lines of them, well not no more, but you can still tell.

I hope ya enjoy my artwork.

****Extractions / Renders **** what ever you would like to call them, but I will be gathering all of the wallpapers and extractions i've done here due to issues on my other place I place my submission.


ps - I'll update this tomorrow.

Shakugan no Shana 2006-08-24 01:58


Originally Posted by Aoie_Emesai
My mom decided to get a printer and it also happens to have a scanner along with it so I finally get to show ya my drawings. I'm also in the process of learning photoshop so don't mind my poor editing skills. I also draw(only) on normal lined paper so you can see the lines of them, well not no more, but you can still tell.

I hope ya enjoy my artwork.

ps: I'll go back and trace it on a white paper for a nicer, cleaner sketch. It's not really copyrighted. More to come later. ^_^

OOOOOooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh *Takes Piccie* xD! Love it!

Kid_Flash 2006-08-26 21:03

really nice... are u going to ink it?

Kid_Flash 2006-08-26 21:10

just a couple of effects i thought would look cool with ur pic... :)

Aoie_Emesai 2006-08-27 13:29

I've been quite too busy to get a ink line art of it. I'll probably have some time today.

Ps: also, which effect is the 2nd one?

--> It's not an ink copy but it works just as good.

Aoie_Emesai 2007-03-24 01:41

Finally edited some of my other drawings and finished drawing them. Here ya go. Enjoy now ^_^.

ps: I like the hair move in the wind effect :D . Even my cousin says my drawing looks to similar, I enjoy it that way, either way.

Daniel E. 2007-03-24 04:49


Originally Posted by Aoie_Emesai (Post 874265)
Finally edited some of my other drawings and finished drawing them. Here ya go. Enjoy now ^_^.

ps: I like the hair move in the wind effect :D . Even my cousin says my drawing looks to similar, I enjoy it that way, either way.

That's a very nice drawing. :)

I have a question though.

The hair that's covering her are you gonna handle it when adding colors? a transparent effect perhaps?

Aoie_Emesai 2007-03-24 06:53

I haven't really thought about it that far. That probably is the way i'm gonna go. Or I may just leave it out all together and not cover the eye ^_^.

Aoie_Emesai 2007-03-25 04:05

Here goes my last girl for ya. Hope ya enjoyed my drawings ^_^. I haven't done the final sketches for the guys yet, so im still drawing them then i get to have fun removing all the dam lines again. That takes so long :(.

kayos - I don't mind as long as you don't take it as your own. I spent a lot of time drawing and correcting my errors :P. She actually has a red/brunet colored hair. That'll be my next task for me. Coloring my drawings. Also what line effect did you use for that? Looks great, the stroke feeling ^_^.

Enjoy now. Edit: new one now.

ps: I need to download some fonts for my adobe 9 and coral 10. I'm stuck with using georgian font all the time, because it looks the best ^_^. Even my signatures uses that font. I downloaded some fonts but i'm not too sure where to place them in the psp folders. Also i'm even sure if the font are 100% compatible with all image editor or just a few of a do you gotta download specific ones for it. (gotta go read more now)

Jinto 2007-03-28 14:57

The photometric proportions of the glasses seem wrong to me (and something is odd with the shoulder/neck proportions). That aside it is a nice work

Aoie_Emesai 2007-03-30 10:39


Originally Posted by Jinto Lin (Post 879596)
The photometric proportions of the glasses seem wrong to me (and something is odd with the shoulder/neck proportions). That aside it is a nice work

I know. That picture there is acutally a drawing from about 5 months ago and the face was completely done already so I didn't feel like changing it, which I just kept the same. So I just finished from the neck down. ^_^

Skyfall 2007-04-29 18:08

Happy Birthday :nod: :nod: :kisskiss:
~Hands out a Birthday cookie :)

KiNA 2007-04-30 01:16

^^ Happy birth Aoie ^^

AzureSaber 2007-04-30 02:17

REALLY GREAT DRAWING!!!!!!!! I can't draw like that, yet alone put it on the computer and use photoshop with it. Just a little thing I want to add. The neck of the drawing is a bit too long and the eyes are a bit off in size for that kind of angle. Still, I love your drawing!!!!!

felix 2007-04-30 06:23

Daniel E. 2007-04-30 11:59

Happy Birthday!! :D :D :D

Riker 2007-04-30 14:26

Oh crud. I'm late.
Happy Banana Day!

Klashikari 2007-04-30 15:16

again being the last ~~
Bon Anniversaire ! (hey... i'm trying to be original here ! :heh:)

Shana 2007-04-30 15:26


Originally Posted by Klashikari (Post 926763)
(hey... i'm trying to be original here ! :heh:)

Original...? well, you say it... Feliz cumpleañ/nos :) (Happy Birthday :heh: I think you guys, don't use the "ñ" :confused: ).

BTW, good work.

Happy Birthday cookie :) .

Jinto 2007-04-30 15:49

Happy birthday Aoie :D

Spoiler for your birthday present:

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