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Hunter 2007-02-01 06:20

[Anime-Only] Episode 219 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to this week's episode discussion thread posted a few days before it airs in Japan (which is on Thursday).
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ShikaShika 2007-02-01 06:34

There we go. Was a bit confused by how my post kept jumping back and forth, but I'll post it in its right place now. :p

Spoiler for 219 summary and impressions:

EoT 2007-02-02 01:38

Boring episode, now the enemy looks like some kind of angel with the outfit and his hair and the fact that he can fly.

They seriously need to stop making Naruto charge at enemies, it serves no purpose and the outcome is always the same.

Xelsol 2007-02-02 02:16

I liked this one, there's not much action and I think it may conflict with the real storyline in that: a. I thought Gaara could just use any sand, not just the sand in his gourd and b. I thought Gaara was always using Shukaku's chakra, even if he didn't want to (wasn't there a flashback once showing Gaara trying to cut himself or something but the sand wouldn't let him?). But a few key scenes make up for that... for one, seeing the Gaara/Shukaku form again, another was the new villain's voice (sounds like some kind of Japanese announcer or something), and of course the previews for the next episode.

I just hope (and doubt) we get some Kyuubi vs. Shukaku fight 'til someone drops, and no "But Gaara! You're my bestest friend in the whole world!!11!! So please don't eat me!"

tritoch 2007-02-02 02:52

Jiraiya's back though that's the only saving grace this episode had. So much for wasted plot.. the fight scenes are.. meh!

Hopefully we get to see some action-packed episode as it is tentatively the last filler episode. Hopefully we get to see either some kyuubi action or gamabunta.

EadTaes 2007-02-02 03:05

This episode was quite painfull to watch. They got Gaara'S abilaties all wrong. And made Naruto like even more ofve and idiot then he hes is. Plus he gets saved by some 2-4 hour trained trainee. The onyl encoraging parts about this is that Kiraya is Back and the next episode is called 'heading out' and it talks about memories and crap and Naruto has a backpack on hsi back. Is this teh end of the fillers? I dunno, we have been folled in teh pass so i dont keep my hope up to much.

LittleLaptopChan 2007-02-02 03:13


Originally Posted by EadTaes (Post 819877)
This episode was quite painfull to watch. They got Gaara'S abilaties all wrong. And made Naruto like even more ofve and idiot then he hes is. Plus he gets saved by some 2-4 hour trained trainee. The onyl encoraging parts about this is that Kiraya is Back and the next episode is called 'heading out' and it talks about memories and crap and Naruto has a backpack on hsi back. Is this teh end of the fillers? I dunno, we have been folled in teh pass so i dont keep my hope up to much.

huh...somehow that was a tad hard to follow; had too much to drink tonite? :D

anyways, i really wonder how they will explain what jiraiya was doing from the start of fillers til now. and also how much time has passed in the narutoverse since fillers began.

which filler (arc/episode) made the most impact on development? none of them really made any difference, but anyways, just curious -- the last one had naruto seem somewhat mature at the end, after the death of that boy. i think it did a better job than this one trying to portray gaara's humanity.

Xelsol 2007-02-02 03:19


Originally Posted by LittleLaptopChan (Post 819882)
anyways, i really wonder how they will explain what jiraiya was doing from the start of fillers til now. and also how much time has passed in the narutoverse since fillers began.

That's easy to answer... they won't.

Ichimaru 2007-02-02 03:43

so much for a buildup, too only let the fans down

Hir0 2007-02-02 03:55

i see alittle dragon ball villian here lol

yeah this was a let down.

LittleLaptopChan 2007-02-02 04:15


Originally Posted by Xelsol (Post 819885)
That's easy to answer... they won't.

hahahaha that's the beauty of can so easily ignore they ever happened:heh:

ShikaShika 2007-02-02 07:39


Originally Posted by LittleLaptopChan (Post 819882)
anyways, i really wonder how they will explain what jiraiya was doing from the start of fillers til now. and also how much time has passed in the narutoverse since fillers began.

Local brothel. (Wouldn't suprise me if the anime-team added a filler flashback, looking at how they treated Jiraiya during the Tsunade arc.)

FlareKnight 2007-02-02 15:23

They'll probably just say Jiraya was out doing 'research' for the last....lots of episodes. The fight was dissapointing, I thought Gaara as long as he had a little bit of sand could use it to create as much as he wants. But hey if Gaara could fight the way he always does than this arc could've been finished already. Oh well at least we'll be getting out of this nightmare at last.

Bombermanofdeath 2007-02-02 16:16

Just to get this straight, these past few episodes were filler? If so these were probably the best filler up til now. Yeah I hate how they are downgrading Gaara but at least we saw some action.

Guido 2007-02-02 17:07

And they have to screw up this filler when it started and was developing decent.

Shabazza 2007-02-02 18:09

why does Semei know about Gaara? This makes no sense.

If he would have absorbed the memories of the guy before he wouldn't have been surprised about the Shukaku.

cheese no koma 2007-02-02 18:56

Took me long enough, but i finally understand the filler patern. Well done me.

Baddie: You're persistent aren't you?

Naruto: Hokage.........!!!! Me..........!!!!

Baddie: you care for him so much, what is he to you?

Naruto: he's my bestest friend!!

Random 5 year old: *impressed* naruto-kun...........

S_C_L-1 2007-02-02 18:57

Observations and questions:

1. Is Naruto obsessed with stabbing things with his kunai?

2. And they predicted that Gaara would be standing in that very spot how exactly? or does that giant metal demi-sphere move underground or something? and if so...

3. Wouldn't Gaara notice that some huge metal sphere is moving below ground (the ground was made of sand...)

4. There was alot of inconsistencies in his sand armor... he uses a chunk of it to kill the sand armor guy, but once he gets to the big boss, he has none... then, somehow, when he's transforming into shuukaku, he has it again?

5. Am i the only one that thought the sand genin moved like she was in "Alone in the Dark"s crappy gameplay mechanics when she went to pick up her weapon?

6. Where did those 3 green floating orbs come from?

LittleLaptopChan 2007-02-02 20:32


Originally Posted by S_C_L-1 (Post 820642)
1. Is Naruto obsessed with stabbing things with his kunai?

He also likes to scratch metal domes with his bare fingers til they bleed. Maybe he wants to be more like a fox?


2. And they predicted that Gaara would be standing in that very spot how exactly? or does that giant metal demi-sphere move underground or something? and if so...
they have shikamaru-like intelligence...but none of his good looks.


3. Wouldn't Gaara notice that some huge metal sphere is moving below ground (the ground was made of sand...)
well for this filler part, it can be explained that he almost ran out of sand, so he couldn't have as much of an awareness of his surroundings, but in truth that's just bull.


4. There was alot of inconsistencies in his sand armor... he uses a chunk of it to kill the sand armor guy, but once he gets to the big boss, he has none... then, somehow, when he's transforming into shuukaku, he has it again?
i don't think he had it while transforming, but yes it is definitely inconsistent. we even saw half of his face still covered with sand at the beginning recap of the episode; maybe he lost his sand so that he could run faster after the bad guy?


5. Am i the only one that thought the sand genin moved like she was in "Alone in the Dark"s crappy gameplay mechanics when she went to pick up her weapon?
:heh: wow that comment:heh:


6. Where did those 3 green floating orbs come from?
why, they're the fairies that are sent to help rebuild the world: they accompany a specific one person, and when the time is right, they will become the seed of the Tree of Mana.

KNETTER2000 2007-02-02 23:03

what I've been wondering is this, and I donlt know if I;m the only one here. but:

In all the past episodes we've seen countless times where naruto uses the Taju Kage Bunshin and Rasengan and in many cases on pretty pointless occasions at that.
so.. in this most important fight.. to save a most precious comrade.. where are they all of a sudden?.. I mean.. He normally mindlessly charges into a fight and throws those moves around ar the first sight of trouble or to stir some tea and now he is digging into the ground, scratching and stabbing an iron cage and being all out thrashed..

Isn't this a perfect time for these moves? I was really expecting there'd be at least 20 attempts at rasengan or at least 500 million naruto clones to save his precious comrade..
Was there no money left for a blue swirly ball of energy to be animated, or is he going to do something magical with his sweat again? is he on a kage bunshin and rasengan break?

They use it in pointless ways.. and now when it counts they don't?
I mean, really.. come on here..

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