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Skyfall 2007-08-12 09:03

Welcome to the discussion thread for Nanoha, Episode 20.

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Darco_emp 2007-08-12 09:27

Let the fireworks start :D

Kha 2007-08-12 09:32


Originally Posted by Darco_emp (Post 1091458)
Let the fireworks start :D

I have a complaint. Yesy seems to have ran out of crack, and we're back to being 5 episodes behind. :rolleyes:

Chaos2Frozen 2007-08-12 09:35


Originally Posted by Darco_emp (Post 1091458)
Let the fireworks start :D

I'm interested in how they would deal with the remaining numbers...

From the OP we know that Team Lightning (minus Fate) will be taking on Team Lutecia.

Subaru + Teana would be trying to stop the Numbers (plus Ginga) heading to GC.

That's about 6 combat-efficient Numbers remaining. Assuming 'V' isn't healed in time.


Originally Posted by Kha (Post 1091463)
I have a complaint. Yesy seems to have ran out of crack, and we're back to being 5 episodes behind. :rolleyes:

Need more tension for 'Dragon Install' :p

Darco_emp 2007-08-12 09:41


Originally Posted by Kha (Post 1091463)
I have a complaint. Yesy seems to have ran out of crack, and we're back to being 5 episodes behind. :rolleyes:

Now now, there is no crying over fansubs Kha-tan.

After Jail's presentation to the world. I wonder if that old fool of the ground force have started to feel the heat also the angst level of Subaru is going to feel in this episode and upcoming episodes with the developments last week.

Jimmy C 2007-08-12 10:06


Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen
That's about 6 combat-efficient Numbers remaining.

They're headed for GC too, but from the other Einherjar sites. If Tia and Subaru are going straight for Ginga's group, they wouldn't meet the other 6 until they reach GC.


Assuming 'V' isn't healed in time.
I had forgotten she was disabled when I tailled up who was where in the last episode. Thanks for reminding me. If she's repaired in time, perhaps the Doctor might keep her on the Cradle to repel boarders.


Originally Posted by Darco_emp
I wonder if that old fool of the ground force have started to feel the heat

Reguis seems to have suffered complete collapse. This is going to be bad. His people are screaming for orders and he's wallowing in his own fears. Coward.

Kha 2007-08-12 10:11


Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen (Post 1091469)
I'm interested in how they would deal with the remaining numbers...

From the OP we know that Team Lightning (minus Fate) will be taking on Team Lutecia.

Subaru + Teana would be trying to stop the Numbers (plus Ginga) heading to GC.

That's about 6 combat-efficient Numbers remaining. Assuming 'V' isn't healed in time.

And Nanoha's gonna solo the Cradle? Sounds like an overconfident tank to me. :heh:

Liingo 2007-08-12 10:17


Originally Posted by Darco_emp (Post 1091458)
Let the fireworks start :D

Yes lets... I assume that I'll have to bring my laptop in tomorrow to grab the raw?

Originally Posted by Kha (Post 1091463)
I have a complaint. Yesy seems to have ran out of crack, and we're back to being 5 episodes behind. :rolleyes:

pfft... We're getting along fine watching the raws.... Although I can only understand 10% of it max... Hopefully the clubroom isn't too noisy tomorrow so I can actually hear what they're saying....

Originally Posted by Kha (Post 1091516)
And Nanoha's gonna solo the Cradle? Sounds like an overconfident tank to me. :heh:

Well assuming they find out where Vivio is in the ship, she can just blow the crap out of the rest of it...:heh:

Nightengale 2007-08-12 10:19


Originally Posted by Kha (Post 1091516)
And Nanoha's gonna solo the Cradle? Sounds like an overconfident tank to me. :heh:

Board Room Discussion at Seven Arcs.

"NO means NO! Nanoha cannot be a planet-destroyer, not at 9, not at 19, NOT EVER!"

"But the fans had been asking for it! Look at this! StrikerS sold extremely well, losing only to Geass and Lucky Star! This is because we do what they want to see."

"Some NF fanservice without crossing the line, that's fine. We've done that in S1 and A's, a little extra here doesn't matter. White Devil is fine, so long as there's a good reason behind it. But not PLANET DESTROYER!! How the hell are we supposed to do a possible S4 then!?"

"How about... soloing something that can destroy planets instead?"

"...No, that's no different by much. If Nanoha can beat a planet-destroying mage, or whatever magic weapon, it's still the same."

"How about a CONVENTIONAL weapon then?"

"Wouldn't that mess with the idea of having an A.Mage as its core?"

"Screw details."

"You're probably right. Okay, script's done. STORYBOARD GUYS!!!"

octoberasian 2007-08-12 10:31


Originally Posted by Nightengale (Post 1091525)
Board Room Discussion at Seven Arcs.

"NO means NO! Nanoha cannot be a planet-destroyer, not at 9, not at 19, NOT EVER!"

"But the fans had been asking for it! Look at this! StrikerS sold extremely well, losing only to Geass and Lucky Star! This is because we do what they want to see."

"Some NF fanservice without crossing the line, that's fine. We've done that in S1 and A's, a little extra here doesn't matter. White Devil is fine, so long as there's a good reason behind it. But not PLANET DESTROYER!! How the hell are we supposed to do a possible S4 then!?"

"How about... soloing something that can destroy planets instead?"

"...No, that's no different by much. If Nanoha can beat a planet-destroying mage, or whatever magic weapon, it's still the same."

"How about a CONVENTIONAL weapon then?"

"Wouldn't that mess with the idea of having an A.Mage as its core?"

"Screw details."

"You're probably right. Okay, script's done. STORYBOARD GUYS!!!"

After seeing Vivio strapped into the Cradle from last week, I'd expect Nanoha go berserk on that ship, and nothing less. Like, cut out the excess and head straight to the core. It's simple; efficient, even if it means turning Nanoha into an all-out planet destroyer. :innocent::heh:

Or... better yet:

Fabien 2007-08-12 10:33


Originally Posted by Kha (Post 1091516)
And Nanoha's gonna solo the Cradle? Sounds like an overconfident tank to me. :heh:

Aren't you forgetting about Fate and Hayate?

This might be more reasonable: Fate and Nanoha enter the Cradle, destroy a couple of Jail's minions (drones, Numbers, and more generally whatever might be in the wrong place at the wrong time), get Vivio, exit the ship episode-1-style, and as soon as she sees they're safe, Hayate nukes the Cradle.

While Nanoha can only make a big hole in such a huge ship, I think only Hayate can destroy it completely with one shot.

octoberasian 2007-08-12 10:37


Originally Posted by Fabien (Post 1091540)
Aren't you forgetting about Fate and Hayate?

This might be more reasonable: Fate and Nanoha enter the Cradle, destroy a couple of Jail's minions (drones, Numbers, and more generally whatever might be in the wrong place at the wrong time), get Vivio, exit the ship episode-1-style, and as soon as she sees they're safe, Hayate nukes the Cradle.

While Nanoha can only make a big hole in such a huge ship, I think only Hayate can destroy it completely with one shot.

That works, too. Just have Chrono unlock Hayate's Limiter and let her go all out [Unison-mode] on the Cradle after Vivio's rescued. TSAB will not even have to bother with cleanup after that. ^^b

Estavali 2007-08-12 10:45

If the OP is to be trusted, chances of Fate cutting her way into the Cradle (and popping Zamber into the nearest very cheerful scientist and cyborg for luck) and Nanoha pulling a X-Wing-vs-Death-Star-01 on the outside should be very high.

*Note: All the above are just SPECULATIONS.*

Kha 2007-08-12 10:50


Originally Posted by Estavali (Post 1091555)
If the OP is to be trusted, chances of Fate cutting her way into the Cradle (and popping Zamber into the nearest very cheerful scientist and cyborg for luck) and Nanoha pulling a X-Wing-vs-Death-Star-01 on the outside should be very high.

*Note: All the above are just SPECULATIONS.*

And there's that megami "call-in" article about Nanoha and Fate going their separate ways... Chances are, the Doc and the Cradle are in 2 different places. So both are going to happen, but not in the same place. Hayate is the Arc~en~ciel nuke trigger, so little chance of seeing her casting a spell herself again.

With all 3 Aces in different places, and the Forwards all tied up in their own battles, that's why I said Nanoha's gonna solo Cradle boss, and that sounds h4xx. :eyespin:

Deathkillz 2007-08-12 10:53

and dont forget about subaru O.O she will be kicking some ass to get ginga nee back (hopefully hers :heh:)

Jimmy C 2007-08-12 11:02


Originally Posted by Nightengale
Board Room Discussion at Seven Arcs. (snipped)

You know, they never actually said the Cradle was a conventional (non-magical) weapon in the anime. Some new magazine scans suggest that it can draw magical power from Mid's moons. It's possible the non-magical part has been ditched. Hopefully, we'll have concrete info one way or another in this ep.

krisslanza 2007-08-12 11:21

Well, couldn't a non-magical weapon still use magic as it's power source? It seems like magic is a highly potent energy, and the attack it uses might not be magical in origin but just needs magical energy to power it. *Shrug*

aers 2007-08-12 11:27

God damn this episode is boring so far.


Mirificus 2007-08-12 11:28


Originally Posted by krisslanza (Post 1091587)
Well, couldn't a non-magical weapon still use magic as it's power source? It seems like magic is a highly potent energy, and the attack it uses might not be magical in origin but just needs magical energy to power it. *Shrug*

How would using magic as its power source not make it a magical weapon?

Dream_Traveller 2007-08-12 11:33


Well, maybe those brains are a power source to...something, instead of them being talking.

As for the Dr/Numbers height comparison/prison type thing shot...nice eyecatch. :D

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