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ljjewell 2007-10-23 15:33

Japan Asks America to Stop Illegal Net Releases of Anime

What (if at all) does this mean for animesuki's future?

Veritas 2007-10-23 15:51

It's up to the mods. What will it mean for fansubbing? Probably very little.

2H-Dragon 2007-10-23 15:56

I don't know what this means for animesuki's future, but we knew that fan subbing wasn't legal from the start. If japan promises to sub everything they release I have no problem with it. Till then I'll keep dling my fansubs. Even if animesuki goes down. Animesuki isn't the only place to get subs. Same with pirated movies. They are everywhere. We might get less subbers, but meh you can't have everything I guess.

Though you also have to think how much will the states care? They might just ignore the fact and keep on going like they always where. They where never legal. Why start now? Don't see a reason for the States to invest money in hunting down something that won't benefit them financially or make their country better.

edit: It seems to be a request out of many. So chance of the States listening to that is close to zero. I say animesuki is safe.

SuperAsuradaGundam 2007-10-23 15:56

I think the big question is how will it affect the industry as a whole.

Xellos-_^ 2007-10-23 16:00

So Japan is telling me I shouldn't buy any more anime.

aboutblue 2007-10-23 16:16


Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ (Post 1216774)
So Japan is telling me I shouldn't buy any more anime.

No, Japan is saying that you should be buying anime. Not downloading it. Unless of course you've been paying the creators for your downloads, which I doubt.

Hopefully, if there is a crack down, it will focus more on series that have been officially dubbed and less on ones that haven't. Even though legally speaking it doesn't make a difference.

2H-Dragon 2007-10-23 16:22


Originally Posted by aboutblue (Post 1216798)
No, Japan is saying that you should be buying anime. Not downloading it. Unless of course you've been paying the creators for your downloads, which I doubt.

Hopefully, if there is a crack down, it will focus more on series that have been officially dubbed and less on ones that haven't. Even though legally speaking it doesn't make a difference.

How much anime do you buy without watching it first? The prob with anime it's way too diverse. The tastes differ way too much. My luck is that I'm an odd ball most anime I like don't get licensed.

SuperAsuradaGundam 2007-10-23 16:30

I wonder what do the international trade laws say about about watching a foreign media in a nation where no one has the rights to the work within that country. Would that mean that the foreign producer (in this case, the Japanese producer of the anime) have the sole international rights to the show, or is it just in Japan?

Kamui4356 2007-10-23 16:38


Originally Posted by aboutblue (Post 1216798)
No, Japan is saying that you should be buying anime. Not downloading it. Unless of course you've been paying the creators for your downloads, which I doubt.

How much anime would people own without fansubs though? Looking at my dvd shelf there are quite a few series that wouldn't be there without first watching the fansubs. The most recent example would be AIR, the oldest example would be Excel Saga, and there are many examples in between.

The previlence of fansubs should be evidence of a potental market. Companies didn't see it and fansubbers filled that role. I've said it in another thread, I dont' think a legit subscription or ad supported download site featuring subbed anime is too much to ask for. Give fans a legal alternative, and everyone's happy.

bayoab 2007-10-23 16:43

Before the same misunderstanding is made...


Originally Posted by dormcat

Originally Posted by Moogle-X
Wow. That's quite a statement.

Nine lines out of fifty pages (on document p.49 / file p. 52). *Rolling Eyes

The news feature gives an impression that Japanese MoFA issued this formal statement on behalf of anime and only anime. That is not quite the case here. It is a report on the reform of regulations and policies of the United States requested by the government of Japan. Copyright protection is just one of many, many issues mentioned in the report.

Risaa 2007-10-23 17:38

Conjunctions ("and", "but", "if", as a few examples) are your friends. :heh:

Frankly, it's not something I'd be worried about. IMO, they ought to consider that a small chunk of their sales come from fans checking out a series and then loving it enough to buy it. See Vexx's siggie. :)

SuperAsuradaGundam 2007-10-23 18:10

I think what we are seeing here is the anime market, especially oversees is at a plateau, mainly because the many shows that are being produced are not piercing into the mainstream market, especially in America, thus it is becoming difficult to make a profit in the anime industry. Many shows that I notice being released are of the harem genre, however those shows are mainly made for the anime fan, not for the intention of mainstream media like Detective Conan, Naruto, Gundam, etc... In America only a few shows get recgonized in the mainstream market (Naruto, Pokemon, Yugioh, DBZ). What the companies should do is start to pitch these shows to the gneral public and if they are well received, then the market can expand. Right now the easiest way to try to make a buck is to stop the ilegal online distribution of anime, however that may not work considering the advancement of technology and also that this very thing does help bring shows oversees.

guest 2007-10-23 18:22

Don't you guys remember that music online sharing crack down long time ago? A lot of college students were sued back then and paid enormous fine, at least. There is a lot less music online sharing now. This could be like that, you know, or could it be?

wingdarkness 2007-10-23 18:37

Japan needs to mind Japan's business...It's easy to say scrap those fansubs when you got anime on every channel, and your favorite show is just a thumb-press a way...When Japan starts beaming a satellite signal to that $hitty dish in my backyard maybe I'll reconsider...


Originally Posted by guest
There is a lot less music online sharing now.

Surely you jest...

Altema 2007-10-23 18:44

The problem with those individuals claiming that fansubs makes them buy more anime is that in the long run it makes more people NOT buy anime.

I personally own 0 DVDs. Reason being is lack of money. Fansubs allow me to own an endless supply of anime.

Corn 2007-10-23 18:56

seems a bit strange. Aint all of Narutos popularity in the west, because of fansubs? I mean... fansubs is what made it possible. and now many import the anime and manga, and watch it and buy all the hundreds of games. all because of nameless fansubbers?

the anime marked in the west is relatively small. many people dont know what it is. particularly in europe. expousure through online channels will only sell the messege, and eventually turn enough people around.

remember that more people wanna be on the net than they wanna watch tv. its the evolution, no matter what.

and hopefully they will release that. people will buy what they really like, so if they take it seriously, it will sell, and pay off in the long run i think.

fansubbers are doing the anime world a favor. expousure!

Altema 2007-10-23 19:01

There are still a ton of people though who will never spend a dime on anime, and that's the result of fansubbers.

If you want exposure, companies could enforce a preview where you can watch like the first three eps and then its up to you to buy or not. Allowing exposure through fansubs eliminates the market of people who might actually buy the product, but won't because of fansubs. Why do I need to buy a DVD of an anime when I have it all on fansubs?

Crystal Requiem 2007-10-23 19:02

BWAHAHAHA. They really think it'll stop us? You can't stop the internetz baby!

Seriously, licensed anime is one thing, but all fansubbing? What about the animes that are never licensed? They dare say we can't watch the television they're watching? Screw them. There's no sense in it. And to think how hard sites like this try to keep all products of licensed anime away, and the members who follow by such rules, this will only increase the over all amount of illegal file-sharing. How many millions of people are going to get pissed when sites like AS, FTV, and CR (just to name a few) are shut down? A lot.

It would be interesting to see if America refused and Japan declared war. :D

Altema 2007-10-23 19:04

I do say it would suck for anime that never get licensed to be blocked as well.

Although, the point about this action increasing the overall illegal file sharing is kind of funny. I doubt we are all 5 year old kids that end up doing more of something that we are told not to do.

wingdarkness 2007-10-23 19:08


Originally Posted by Crystal Requiem
It would be interesting to see if America refused and Japan declared war :D

:p lol

And maybe we can get Micheal Bay to direct the re-enactment...

Oh crap he already did with the $hiteous Pearl Harbor :uhoh:...

Now what would be really interesting is if Japan declared war but states we can only fight using the Nintendo PowerGun and PowerGlove...Then we'll get our a$$ess kicked and totally lose fansubs for good^^...

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