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Khaos 2008-04-01 14:15

Chi's Sweet Home
No thread so far for the cutest lost kitten ever?

Klashikari 2008-04-01 14:37

It is quite an cuty show to staple almost anytime during the day.

Part 2 was quite amusing, I wonder how Chi's life will be with her peculiar circumstances.
For instance, her VA is Koorogi Satomi, which was quite a wise choice (though, genuine op, it is hard to listen to it after a while :heh:).

AuditionEX 2008-04-01 14:39

Aww... I deleted my message unintentionally sigh.

Yeah it's a cute and good show.. I felt sad about how Chi's misfortune life began so suddenly..

Also the running time is short but enjoyable. ;)

What I watched: Chi's Sweet home
What I expected: Aria (So relaxing...)
What I got

juss 2008-04-01 15:30

Well, I'm addicted....

Shiroth 2008-04-01 16:02

I need to listen to the OP on loop or something. Damn those are fun lyrics.

gaguri 2008-04-01 16:45

Thumbs up from me. But thank god it's only 3 minutes long, because I wouldn't be able to handle 23 minutes of that every episode.

*edit: and make sure to download yoroshiku fansub version. I won't name anyone but some versions are just horrendous.

mac_pack 2008-04-01 21:54


Originally Posted by gaguri (Post 1504117)
Thumbs up from me. But thank god it's only 3 minutes long, because I wouldn't be able to handle 23 minutes of that every episode.


There aren't enough words in the English language to adequately describe the amount of cuteness in this show.

ApostleOfGod 2008-04-01 21:58

Isn't this a kiddy show? Lol

gaguri 2008-04-01 22:22

Yes it's designed for children at a kindergarten level. Sadly it still has more maturity than those trashy anime watched by people well over 20.



There aren't enough words in the English language to adequately describe the amount of cuteness in this show.
I actually meant 'it's cute for 3 minutes but 23 minutes would probably turn me off' instead of 'I can't handle such cuteness for 23 episodes!' but all is good...

Quarkboy 2008-04-01 22:54


Originally Posted by ApostleOfGod (Post 1504750)
Isn't this a kiddy show? Lol

Actually, no, it's not that simple. The manga is extremely popular with little girls and.... middle aged women 20-40.

The anime is designed to be watched by kids too young to go to school and/or women at home, that's why it's aired both in the morning and the evening.

Judging by the hype at the tokyo anime fair last weekend (I was there), this is going to be a big hit, since the manga is one of the better selling mangas out there for adults.

Cute kittens rule.

Kyrie 2008-04-01 22:58

Damn kitten being so adorable T_T

The Bloodlust Kid 2008-04-02 00:30

I like the art style. It has a nostalgic feeling.

juss 2008-04-02 05:52

Episode 3 was definitely the best one yet. I try not to ever wash my cat, but one time I had to and it was just like that. "I'm gonna die...."

Awww he's so cute though.

yozaku 2008-04-02 05:57

chii is so cute :D

SuperKnuckles 2008-04-02 14:24

Wow. A three minute show?

I watched all of them (pretty easy to do, eh) and now I'm wishing the show was the full 24 minutes instead. :heh:

SeijiSensei 2008-04-02 21:45

I did a little research on why cats don't like bathing. (My daughter asked me this as we were watching episode 3.) Aside from the obvious fact that they groom themselves constantly, there are some pretty good, and rather funny, answers here.

I had no intention of trying to bath my kitty, but if the thought ever were to cross my mind, this episode will remind me why it's probably not a good idea!

I hope Chi figures out how to train his new family; they need help!

Is Chi male or female? So far it's none too obvious to us.

Yoroshiku's daily release schedule is becoming incredibly addicting. Thanks for subbing this, folks!

mac_pack 2008-04-02 23:06


Originally Posted by SeijiSensei (Post 1506799)
Is Chi male or female? So far it's none too obvious to us.

Female. It's mentioned in the manga from what I remember.

Makoto_Must_DIE 2008-04-02 23:33

I, utterly, heart this show. It's so freaking cute. I wish to start on the manga but I'll wait until the anime rrun ends.

This clearly has the ability to be one of the better shows this season.

gaguri 2008-04-03 00:49

No idea how other cats react, but I learned to never, EVER bathe my cat. Last time I tried, it attempted to kill herself (maybe unintentionally) by furiously banging her head against the tub. Sometimes I soak an unused towel (which is now devoted to our cat) with hot water and just clean her with that, which she still doesn't like but at least not bad enough to slit her wrist.

AuditionEX 2008-04-03 01:41

Aww... I remember back then when I played my cat with something that s catchy to eyes..
Such a sweet short episode

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