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White Manju Bun 2008-08-29 19:53

Code Geass Picture Drama .923 Discussion
Welcome to the discussion thread for the Code Geass Picture Drama .923

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    If you need to reply to someone with a reference to the Manga, either PM them or use clearly marked Spoiler tags (see example below).
  • Discuss your expectations of future Visual Sound Dramas and DVD Extras.
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morbosfist 2008-08-29 20:00

Short but sweet. Bet Kallen didn't figure she'd be asking her question in a bunny costume.

linkinstreet 2008-08-29 20:13

I lol'ed at their room. They are like sisters in a way. Messy twins

bladeofdarkness 2008-08-29 20:14

she got interupted again

DarkLordOfkichiku 2008-08-29 20:18


Originally Posted by bladeofdarkness (Post 1848575)
she got interupted again

It gets sort a old though :rolleyes:
*sigh*. It'd be nice if we were to get a moment or two before the end where she's not interrupted, but... :uhoh:

Var 2008-08-29 20:19


Originally Posted by morbosfist (Post 1848548)
Short but sweet. Bet Kallen didn't figure she'd be asking her question in a bunny costume.

So its now eight episodes + an entire year of pseudo-stalking Lelouch and pumping C.C. for information. Priceless.

DarkLordOfkichiku 2008-08-29 20:20


Originally Posted by linkinstreet (Post 1848572)
I lol'ed at their room. They are like sisters in a way. Messy twins

I suppsoe so :heh:
Maybe it's Kallen's Ojou-sama personality showing it's true face here: without anyone around to clean her room for her, it's left to becoming a mess :heh:

Freya 2008-08-29 20:20

Anyone got a summary?

Var 2008-08-29 20:22


Originally Posted by Freya (Post 1848586)
Anyone got a summary?


Originally Posted by Var (Post 1848419)
C.C. asks Kallen why she's been collecting Lelouch's pictures.
They chat/argue over food and the room being a mess.
Urabe was their cook/food supply. (LoL)
Kallen asks C.C. about pictures and about Lelouch. C.C. informs her about Lelouch practicing the piano, how Shirley got herself into the studying with Rivalz and Lelouch, and then both muse about how much Lelouch hasn't changed.
Kallen says she'll have to confront Lelouch about something.
C.C. asks her what, but Kallen is interupted (surprise) before she can answer.
Urabe calls and tells them to prepare.
C.C. looks out the window and thinks to herself that she'll restart time for Lelouch, for that is their...
Kallen talks 'to' Lelouch in that he has to become Zero again or that she'll... (camera focuses on Kallen)


Trying to figure this out but does anyone have any opinions on what Kallen is thinking at the end? She is cut off while saying: "watashi wa anata wa/o...". I'm just trying to figure out where that line of thought was going.

Cat Megex 2008-08-30 00:24


Originally Posted by Var (Post 1848588)
Trying to figure this out but does anyone have any opinions on what Kallen is thinking at the end? She is cut off while saying: "watashi wa anata wa/o...". I'm just trying to figure out where that line of thought was going.

I'm not sure, but for some reason the sound right after Kallen said that sounded like a gun noise (not a gunshot, but a gun-related sound, like a gun being loaded or something), which made it slightly ominous. For some reason, I was thinking that, if Lelouch didn't become Zero again, she'd either kill him or kill herself (or possibly both). But that's not even my opinion, 'cause I don't have any idea either. It's just a possibility.

EDIT: I did find something neat out, though, when experimenting with the ffdshow Resize filter(?). It definitely helped when watching the 1080p version (as I have a 1680x1050 monitor, so it looked slightly jaggy when scaled down before I enabled Resize [note: I set it to resize to my screen's resolution while keeping the aspect ratio, so...*shrugs*]), but that's not what's neat: when trying a smaller-resolution file, I found that, for softsubs, low-resolution fonts actually get re-sized themselves (so they look a whole lot better than before). XD On the other hand, when scaling up, it oddly seems to cause more pixelation than just watching normally when scaled up.

morbosfist 2008-08-30 00:25


Originally Posted by Cat Megex (Post 1848996)
I'm not sure, but for some reason the sound right after Kallen said that sounded like a gun noise (not a gunshot, but a gun-related sound, like a gun being loaded or something), which made it slightly ominous.

It was a gun being loaded. She was probably going to shoot him if she got the wrong answer in episode 2. This is just a prelude to that.

Meatrose 2008-08-30 00:58

I was going to drop in and post something half-witty about Kallen being interrupted, as always, but I see that you guys are already on top of that. ^^

I liked the Picture Drama. I wanted to see a lot more scenes like this in the actual show since they bring out a personality in C.C.. The only scenes with C.C. that I've thoroughly enjoyed this season are the ones where she's interacting with Kallen. Turn 3 left me begging for more, since one of the things I was looking forward to in R2 was to see C.C.'s personality jump-started. Lelouch was able to trigger a few moments like that in the first season but I've seen pretty much nothing like that in R2, which is quite disappointing. What I'm trying to say is... hell, they should've let them interact a lot more in the "real" episodes. The chemistry between them does far too much good for C.C.'s character to be shoved into the bonus material. Then again, that's just my opinion. Hopefully we'll get some more in future picture dramas.

Oh, and Urabe... I wonder how much you were pushed around during the year. :heh:

TheDisruptiveOne 2008-08-30 07:26

CC and Kallen have better chemistry than either girl has with Lelouch. The Sound episode, their few interactions in R2, and this Picture Drama are the only evidence I need to provide. CC teasing Kallen and Kallen getting embarrassed are the best aspect. :heh:

Arkard 2008-08-30 07:28


Originally Posted by Meatrose (Post 1849070)
Oh, and Urabe... I wonder how much you were pushed around during the year. :heh:

He embraced dying for Zero with enthusiasm. I don't think it was just because of Japan :heh:

lightbringer 2008-08-30 07:40


Originally Posted by Arkard (Post 1849594)
He embraced dying for Zero with enthusiasm. I don't think it was just because of Japan :heh:

I laughed at this. Urabe was seeking escape, huh? I can totally picture it.

The picture drama was ok. Kallen getting interrupted / not finishing her sentence was not a problem - we heard the cocking of a gun, so we all know what she was thinking. It would be boring if everything was spelled out - that would almost be on the level of some other anime/manga where characters shout out the names of their attacks and then side characters go into elaborate bullshit explanations about the power or technique of the attack.

linkinstreet 2008-08-30 07:45


Originally Posted by lightbringer (Post 1849605)
I laughed at this. Urabe was seeking escape, huh? I can totally picture it.

The picture drama was ok. Kallen getting interrupted / not finishing her sentence was not a problem - we heard the cocking of a gun, so we all know what she was thinking. It would be boring if everything was spelled out - that would almost be on the level of some other anime/manga where characters shout out the names of their attacks and then side characters go into elaborate bullshit explanations about the power or technique of the attack.

that and how she seems jealous of CC when CC seems to know more about Lelouch than her. I wonder where DID they live. The cleaner would have a hard time cleaning all the cheese stains from the carpet

Arkard 2008-08-30 07:50


Originally Posted by linkinstreet (Post 1849609)
that and how she seems jealous of CC when CC seems to know more about Lelouch than her. I wonder where DID they live. The cleaner would have a hard time cleaning all the cheese stains from the carpet

Yes... cheese stains... accumulated while Kallen collected pictures of Lelouch by her bed... we'll go with cheese stains... :innocent:

Cat Megex 2008-08-30 14:49


Originally Posted by Arkard (Post 1849614)
Yes... cheese stains... accumulated while Kallen collected pictures of Lelouch by her bed... we'll go with cheese stains... :innocent:

C.C.'s cheese stains.

chingensai 2008-08-30 15:27

nyaa i luv kallen c.c.'s interactions XD
does anybody have a translation for this?

lovecakecookies 2008-08-30 15:33

After seeing this, C.C and Kallen do seem to be close

I hope that puts some of those people that claim Kallen would be relived if shes dead and stuff to rest...

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