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Klashikari 2008-11-01 19:26

Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season - Episode 5 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season, Episode 5.

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mashimaro_boy 2008-11-01 19:37

my 1st ever first hehe :D

Hoping to see Saji Crossroad's development, his meeting with Sergei?
Perhaps Andrei has info on Louise??

And of course more Gundam ownage!!
This past week I re-watched entire Gundam 00 s1/s2, and just last ep. of Seed for a quick fix :heh:

germanturkey 2008-11-01 19:38

i'm expecting:
more development on Setsuna's past
an explanation on whats up with Marina and her country
Kira like reprogramming for gundams to fight on sand :-p
Ali to come back, and Tieria to be like, omgwtfbbq

i doubt it'll happen, but i want a named character to die... currently, in my mind, flags are still waving around Louise (though it probably won't happen until 18-25) or Sergei or Sergei's son.

Shiroth 2008-11-01 19:41

The return of Prince Ali --- what we've all been waiting for!

kari-no-sugata 2008-11-01 19:48

Most interested in: what's Marina doing in the preview, what is Saji up to... and just how bad is Ali now...

Time to go to bed... so I can wake up to some nice fresh Gundam in the morning.

LightningZERO 2008-11-01 20:11

Ali Al Sarches! Can't wait to see what his new Gundam is!

RAVNEN 2008-11-01 20:14

Finally some Prince Ali ownage & kickass action. Why I miss his laughter & sarcasm is beyond my comprehension.:D Oh,his gundam must be the coolest of all bad guy in GundamVerse.:heh:

Yu Ominae 2008-11-01 20:52

I wonder how Sergei and Saji are gonna speak with each other? Over tea and crumpets? :D

WhiteWings 2008-11-01 20:58


Originally Posted by germanturkey (Post 2028518)
Kira like reprogramming for gundams to fight on sand :-p

Don't the Gundams pretty much most of their moving while floating around thanks to the GN Drives? So there should be little need for any last minute coordinator level reprogramming needed in the middle of the battle.

KiNA 2008-11-01 21:51

I wanna know why Marinahime are so happy!

Ali could rot in hell for all I care >.> He killed my Sheryl.. hmm, should tell Meister Bushido about that!!! :p

LoweGear 2008-11-01 21:53


Originally Posted by KiNA (Post 2028687)
Ali could rot in hell for all I care >.> He killed my Sheryl..

Wait, what? :twitch::uhoh::eyespin:

Haninozuka 2008-11-01 21:59


Originally Posted by LoweGear (Post 2028692)
Wait, what? :twitch::uhoh::eyespin:

Sheryl's (from Macross Frontier) speaking seiyuu is Aya Endo, who also happens to be Kinue's. ^^ So yeah, in a way, Ali killed off Sheryl. :p

And Mr. Bushido's seiyuu is Alto. :D

Ardi220288 2008-11-01 22:08

few thing I'd like to see:

1. What gonna happen to marina and azadistan
2. What's Ali doing in there
3. And how setsuna will react toward the destruction of azadistan and the apperance of Ali

judging from the preview statement (not the picture) are we gonna see setsuna went berserk this episode?

Principalities 2008-11-01 22:09


Originally Posted by Haninozuka (Post 2028699)
Sheryl's (from Macross Frontier) speaking seiyuu is Aya Endo, who also happens to be Kinue's. ^^ So yeah, in a way, Ali killed off Sheryl. :p

And Mr. Bushido's seiyuu is Alto. :D

Damn. Mr Bushido is Alto! Those seiyuus are really talented! :p

RAVNEN 2008-11-01 22:09

Hopefully Mr.Bushido will also appear & came across Ali.I wonder what would happen.;) I've waited so long for some desert battle in Gundam series,better watch MS IGlOO 2 now.:heh:

LoweGear 2008-11-01 23:08


Originally Posted by Haninozuka (Post 2028699)
Sheryl's (from Macross Frontier) speaking seiyuu is Aya Endo, who also happens to be Kinue's. ^^ So yeah, in a way, Ali killed off Sheryl. :p

Kinue is... Sheryl? :eek::eyespin::eyespin::eyespin:

germanturkey 2008-11-01 23:53

^^ i never noticed that either. then again, i watched frontier after 00 (like everyone) and i haven't bothered rewatching 00.

Izayuukan 2008-11-02 00:57

I just finished watching Frontier two days ago, and I never picked up on the Seiyuu similarities with Gundam 00.

By the way, I refuse to call the masked man "Mr. Bushido". It just sounds awful, and it is ridiculous that a Caucasian can be taken seriously as a Japanese.

Graham was my favourite character in the first season until the last episode, which ruined him. Setsuna had just fought an epic (and tiring) battle with Alejandro, and the Exia was suffering the side effects of coming off Trans-AM. And Graham still couldn't lay a decisive blow.

Anyway, I'm not really a fan of Ali, and find it stupid that he survived. Sure, he was based of Gauron, but that is no excuse for him to be given Gauron's insane and ludicrous penchant for surviving the destruction of his various Mechas. Besides that, Ali's survival demeans Neil's death.

Cherudim Arche 2008-11-02 01:14


Originally Posted by Izayuukan (Post 2028928)
I just finished watching Frontier two days ago, and I never picked up on the Seiyuu similarities with Gundam 00.

By the way, I refuse to call the masked man "Mr. Bushido". It just sounds awful, and it is ridiculous that an Caucasian can be taken seriously as a Japanese.

Graham was my favourite character in the first season until the last episode, which ruined him. Setsuna had just fought an epic (and tiring) battle with Alejandro, and the Exia was suffering the side effects of coming off Trans-AM. And Graham still couldn't lay a decisive blow.

Anyway, I'm not really a fan of Ali, and find it stupid that he survived. Sure, he was based of Gauron, but that is no excuse for him to be given Gauron's insane and ludicrous penchant for surviving the destruction of his various Mechas. Besides that, Ali's survival demeans Neil's death.

Neil's death still means something for Tieria and Felt.

I don't think Graham aka Mr. Bushido would change his fighting style. He always dominated in close quarter combat. In addition, Setsuna fought each other enough times to know their distinct fighting style.

WhiteWings 2008-11-02 01:16

Why one earth would there be a rational explanation for naming a white caucasian, possibly from the North America region, a totally japanese name that sounds a bit too close like a swear word, make him wear a mask and outfit resembling a Japanese samurai, as well as have him pilot a Samurai mecha.

There is only a few reasons I can think up.

1. Somebody thought it was cute or clever.

2. Somebody seems to be bit too patriotic in trying to put their culture and history into the anime.

3. A few paranoid theorists from some of the blogs or forums claimed half-seriously that Japan is trying to make militarism and the armed forces more popular to the anti-militaristic Japanese public like the Keroro Gunsou anime. Personally, I doubt it.

Either way if Gundam 00 series had a 'A+' grade just because of all this it would have been knocked down to 'A-'.

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