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Klashikari 2008-12-11 11:30

Clannad ~After Story~ - Episode 11 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Clannad ~After Story~ , Episode 11.

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SidVicious 2008-12-11 15:43

Some funny moments on this episode.

cbatty 2008-12-12 06:13

Nice pace to this story. Not rushed... Gave it a 9.

Working life seems to be hard on Tomoya... Nagisa is a great support to him while he learns the job and works long hours.

Spoiler for CL AS EP11:

Myssa Rei 2008-12-12 06:16

I'd think that cellphones are well beyond Tomoya's means at the moment. ;)

Sheba 2008-12-12 06:41

Count me as one who still DON'T have a cellphone.

Yukinokesshou 2008-12-12 08:26

Terrific episode!! 9/10.

Mobile phones, eh? It's a pity they are so expensive in Japan. In Hong Kong, you could get the whole deal - phone, 500 minutes, SMS and all - for about US$10/900 yen a month! Even beggars could afford it.

Mecha_Trueno 2008-12-12 09:35

Am I the only one who has to put in effort to differenciate between Tomoya and Yoshino every scene?:heh:... They got the same uniform, similiar eyes, similar hair (even harder to tell with helmets on), roughly the same height... wtf man, were they produced off an assembly line or something:heh:

Sanae scene was funny:D

Kristen 2008-12-12 09:54

I'm glad that they did this episode. SEEN 6800/0 is still my least favorite seen of the entire game due to absolutely no plot (I went to work, I came home, various), but it's necessary. And being able to keep this episode interesting was a huge plus for Kyoani.

That lizard made me laugh quite a bit. Sanae-san is so cute like that. ^_^ But, it's not like she's divorcing Akio or anything with that, so it just re-iterates the unconditional love they have for each other.

Now that they managed to do 6800/0, I'm really excited for the rest of the anime. No more repetition, and now we get into meaningful episodes! High expectations from me for next week.

Oh, and another plus. No Kyou/Ryou this week. ^_^

9/10 for the great adaptation of an otherwise boring set of 1000 lines.

Ottocycle 2008-12-12 10:00


Originally Posted by Kristen (Post 2103719)
Oh, and another plus. No Kyou/Ryou this week. ^_^

Of course, it would be a travesty to have the twins intrude on the awesome that is the premarital bliss.

W-General 2008-12-12 10:13

I really really loved this episode.

Actually I found it to be truly inspring....maybe just me. But I'm a bum.
I go to grad school, and I live a very privileged life - parents pay for almost anything I would need. I go to bed at 5am and wake up at 12 having skipped classes. I get nothing done and I'm on the verge of becoming a NEET.

Then I see Tomoya hard-working. Here's a young man, with a goal. He has something he wants to protect, and he's working hard to make sure it stays that way. He's independent, while I'm leeching on my parents. Wow, I'm such a bum.

Model youth Okazaki Tomoya, high school graduate, electrician >>>>>>>>>>>> Me

I think I'm gonna live by a different motto from now on..."WWOTD: What Would Okazaki Tomoya Do"

Haru~ 2008-12-12 10:46

Interesting points:
Spoiler for Just to be safe for others:

Honestly, I almost teared up when I saw Nagisa alone in the school gates.
And finally guys, May the Force Be with You.

ZephyrLeanne 2008-12-12 10:51


Originally Posted by rave_master16 (Post 2103781)
And finally guys, May the Force Be with You.

It's picking up speed, finally. Always good things with Kyoani.:heh:

Yukinokesshou 2008-12-12 13:47


Originally Posted by rave_master16 (Post 2103781)
Interesting points:
Spoiler for Just to be safe for others:

Honestly, I almost teared up when I saw Nagisa alone in the school gates.
And finally guys, May the Force Be with You.

We saw Isogai at the school festival in season 1 (episode 22, I think?). May the 氣 be with you.

Kinny Riddle 2008-12-12 13:58

This episode can be summed up in five words: Tomoya learns to take responsibility.

This incident with him deciding to fix his own mistakes is an important part of Tomoya's development and growth as a person.

And it is not just Tomoya that impresses, Nagisa shows her incredible mercifulness and grace by not blaming Tomoya at all. Not to mention she bears all she's suffered with stride and does not begrudge her bad luck. She's much stronger than all of us think.

In Sunohara's absence, we now have Akio in his place to provide us with comic relief, and not only does he deliver the laughs, he consistently manages to keep his GAR-ness intact, unlike the poor wimp that is Sunohara. (Not to mention he actually has a strong connection with the Force, it is revealed. :cool: )

Another theme in AfterStory besides the main theme of family is change. This can be briefly glimpsed at ~4.42, at the slope leading from the school, a construction yard is now being made at the side.

cbatty 2008-12-12 16:09

Ahh yes...
Spoiler for Just to be safe:
That was a nice tie in to the changes that will be happening in the town that Yoshino talked about.

Slackjack 2008-12-12 17:51


Originally Posted by Kristen (Post 2103719)
I'm glad that they did this episode. SEEN 6800/0 is still my least favorite seen of the entire game due to absolutely no plot (I went to work, I came home, various), but it's necessary. And being able to keep this episode interesting was a huge plus for Kyoani.

That lizard made me laugh quite a bit. Sanae-san is so cute like that. ^_^ But, it's not like she's divorcing Akio or anything with that, so it just re-iterates the unconditional love they have for each other.

Now that they managed to do 6800/0, I'm really excited for the rest of the anime. No more repetition, and now we get into meaningful episodes! High expectations from me for next week.

Oh, and another plus. No Kyou/Ryou this week. ^_^

9/10 for the great adaptation of an otherwise boring set of 1000 lines.

I agree completely with you - KyoAni managed to do a good job on converting the (in my opinion) most lacking part of After Story. One could say that the introduction for the After Story was completed with this episode, and now forward to the interesting episodes!

Takuto19 2008-12-12 18:02

9/10 for me.

Spoiler for Episode:

Looking forward to next weeks as always :)

Leo_Otaku 2008-12-12 18:20

Still hope for one more character who has not shown their face!
Really great episode with Nagisa waiting was exactly how I imagined it. With Tomoya at work was really well, flowed smoothly. so 13 episodes to go maybe two more than that let us see...

Bathory Area 2008-12-12 18:44

EP 11 was O.K but title of episode 12 is making me worry.:uhoh:

cold_snipe 2008-12-12 20:27

9/10, good episode, not straying much from the game.

construction.. what about the scene in the opening part? will that change?
Spoiler for about the construction:

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