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xris 2009-04-23 14:01

Eden of the East - Episode 3 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Eden of the East, Episode 3.

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Kaoru Chujo 2009-04-23 14:26

Boy, did that 22 minutes go by quickly. And now more to ponder....
Spoiler for ep3:
Another great episode, with godly voice-acting from Hayami Saori, but a few questionable moments in the plot.

(moved from generic discussion thread by KaoruC)

Starry Dust 2009-04-23 17:01

Damn, I really need subs for this. Watching the characters move & talk don't do enough for me lol xD I already felt like I missed alot but some things were...a bit odd.


Ushio 2009-04-23 17:55

Confused about the plot so far, but I'm enjoying this series!

Mystique 2009-04-23 19:00

kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa! :love:
I will stalk all ends of the earth for a Mameshiba plushie, i swear!!! xD

Cool ep, more background info in there so slowly more of the concepts of this series are being introduced, I guess this will begin to give enough info for peeps to gain a sense of what this series is about now :)


I say that, but notice person above is kinda confused xD
lemme edit:
With subs, it'll should peeps a sense of what this series is beginning to be about now :)

3 down, 8 to go~

Raiga 2009-04-23 20:07


Oh yeah forgot to mention yay subforum. ^^

SageGaiGar 2009-04-23 20:43

Doing an imageshack archive of the 2ch screenshots. Spoilered for those of you who do not want to wait for 102 images to load up. And for the spoiler-avoiders. I do this for Regios on occasion, not sure if I'll have the time to archive the images from this show as much (hint cookies if you like ;))


Spoiler for 2ch Imageshack archive:

wao 2009-04-23 23:52

Nice episode, nice to see things going along without foregoing little bits of drama. Argh, Saki is really not my type of character but a hard-coded little bit of my brain can't stop noticing how cutely she's animated. It's those hand motions, dammit!

Spoiler for do we need spoiler tags in here:

Mandoric 2009-04-24 01:26


Originally Posted by wao (Post 2359062)
Spoiler for do we need spoiler tags in here:

Spoiler for probably not:

Mgz 2009-04-24 01:30

ok sub is out !!!!!

too bad for the detective, he should ask Juiz first before taking the phone ;p. He can then chop (or bite :uhoh:) 1 of Akira fingers :upset: and use that to click the button instead

the whole thing seems like a modified version of Battle Royale for me, society is corrupted jajjajaja selected fews chosen people jajajaja. In battle royale you win your life, but in Eden, what do you "win" when you're the last selecao or when you have completed your objective? hmm..

the dog is cute and smart ^.^ , it has been a while and it is still clean and healthy :D

cereal_killerxx 2009-04-24 03:05

Wow, what a spectacular episode! xD

Things I learned while watching this episode:

Spoiler for Episode 3:

Fevvers 2009-04-24 07:52

Saki probably did look for him, had no reason to search every nook and cranny though, must have thought Akira ditched her or something.

As for the detective, I liked that part where we get a little bit more vulnerable emotion out of him when he saw his wife; for a short-lived character, though he served his purpose sufficiently enough, he certainly showed a lot of promise. As for people not reacting towards him dying, it's not farfetched that passing strangers thought him to be nothing more but a creepy bum, and not to mention that place doesn't seem to be the safest area to be in.

A solid episode all in all, with just the right balance of lightheartedness and suspense; Akira's involvement in the NEET disappearance is expected, yet intriguing.

Also for something completely silly: the dog is soooooo cute, and he's wearing wings! i want one now!

golthin 2009-04-24 07:59

good episode. so we finally find the motive for the cop,

Ashlotte 2009-04-24 08:47

The dog stole the episode... :heh:

Ah not much else to comment at the moment...Felt more like a lull episode with abit more background on just whats going on, but with just as many new questions raised. Especially interesting about the death when you run out of money...So it seems like these people were selected from outside as opposed to within whatever organization is running this whole thing.

Hmmm criteria would be what though...Looking at the detective he seemed like a rather "Normal" guy with no outstanding ablities, talents, or background...

Katapan 2009-04-24 10:04

One very small detail that I picked up: didn't Juiz sound particularly cold when Kondo called one last time to ask about using Akira's phone? The tone is so different from the first time Akira called that I'm forced to think the seiyuu was given instructions to act that very differently in this episode.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the amount of money remaining on the Noblesse phone - after all, Kondo has nothing left to help and turn him into a messiah anymore. But I'm possibly looking too much into it - I was just really shocked by the different "Hai, Juiz desu", which made Juiz sound somewhat... disappointed, I'd say. Can Juiz even have emotions?!
We'll see if the tone is also different if/when another Seleção decides to call Juiz.

MeoTwister5 2009-04-24 10:06

Big revelations at the end of this episode. Pretty much confirmed my initial speculations about the Nobelesse and the Selecao.

The bigger question now is what exactly Akira was that forced him to self-wipe his memories, and what exactly this "saving Japan" business Kondo speaks of almost everytime he was on screen.

Haak 2009-04-24 10:47

I'm gonna go with a guess and say the person Saki likes is her sisters husband.

drobertbaker 2009-04-24 11:09


Originally Posted by Serpit (Post 2350081)
IV connects to IX, then
IV vanishes
, then
II connects to IX, then
I connects to X, and XII connects to III, then
I connects to all the remaining badges with the notable exception of XII (hmmm!), then
V vanishes, then
X vanishes.

Well, there goes IV!

golthin 2009-04-24 11:21


Originally Posted by Katapan (Post 2359875)
One very small detail that I picked up: didn't Juiz sound particularly cold when Kondo called one last time to ask about using Akira's phone? The tone is so different from the first time Akira called that I'm forced to think the seiyuu was given instructions to act that very differently in this episode.

I wonder if it has anything to do with the amount of money remaining on the Noblesse phone - after all, Kondo has nothing left to help and turn him into a messiah anymore. But I'm possibly looking too much into it - I was just really shocked by the different "Hai, Juiz desu", which made Juiz sound somewhat... disappointed, I'd say. Can Juiz even have emotions?!
We'll see if the tone is also different if/when another Seleção decides to call Juiz.

i believe she didn't say the line she always say, "noblesse oblige, please continue being a savior" thus giving a hint that she knew the guy was done for.


Originally Posted by Lolcat3 (Post 2359948)
I'm gonna go with a guess and say the person Saki likes is her sisters husband.

That is my guess too, it is obvious she has given up on the guy and there is only one reason for a person to do such thing.

Haak 2009-04-24 11:23

Hey does anyone know who IV sent that text message too?

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