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Hunter 2009-05-12 10:11

[Manga] Chapter 447 Discussion
Welcome to the weekly manga chapter discussion thread. This thread is created early to discuss spoilers and speculation about the upcoming chapter.

As per the forums rules, please don't ask for or mention about where to download the (licensed) manga. Also remember not to post or link to any translations of the manga, since this is illegal as well. Posting a synopses or summary is fine (and welcome) but please do not discuss scans, raws, translation groups, etc.

Remember that the manga is licensed, do not post significant part of the chapters. This stands for pictures and direct translations. Summaries are ok, crops of pictures are ok as well if you want to illustrate your point but this is it.

davie 2009-05-12 10:35

I wonder if this chapter will show more flashbacks and explain a bit more of Pain's actions. Can't wait :)

james0246 2009-05-12 11:10

Spoiler for Apparently confirmed spoiler...:

Takashipl 2009-05-12 11:13

If it's true, then we'll have to wait one more week to see more action. Actually, spoiler seems belivable. When will Nails speak? ;)

Kafriel 2009-05-12 11:16

Sounds delicious, he crippled himself to save his friends and took the enemy's soul! I guess a hero lies in the heart of every villain (except orochimaru....), and now that we're going back to present time, my crystal ball speaks of a surprise attack that kills Nagato, the perpetrator being none other than Danzou in the flesh. Anyone else think it's possible?

Gamma_Sennin 2009-05-12 11:37


Originally Posted by james0246 (Post 2390895)
Spoiler for Apparently confirmed spoiler...:

Does that mean he believes in himself? lol Im guessing that the full chapter will shed more light as This summary doesn't really reveal an answer..

Also he can use shinra tensei, with his original body, sorta confirms that it is a rinnegan ability, which backs up his statement about Rikudou using CT... and he summons the sealing statue:S... and it starts taking the souls of ninja... this might add to I think it was Killerbee (from the forums, not the manga:D) who predicted that the Bijuu which were extracted was a part of the reason pain had so much chakra... who knows:p but didn't Madara also summon that statue aswell... sorta confused... especially if its supposed to be a Rinnegan ability lol

Kafriel 2009-05-12 11:56

Perhaps the statue is actually another one of them contract entities, and after becoming Pain he allowed Madara to sign the contract as, as to where he might have found it, I am clueless indeed.

james0246 2009-05-12 12:00

^The spoilers names the Statue as Gedou Ma Zou; the Sealing Statue for the Bijuu is named Genryuu Kyuu Fuujin (edit: that is, if the translation/spoiler is correct :)). So, they are different statues that seemingly look similar. In regards to the conversation with Killer Bee, my stance was that Pain either used the chakra taken from the absorbed ninjutsu, or was able to convert the energy from captured souls back into chakra. So, this new statue could be just the clue I was looking for (considering that it seems to be absorbing people's souls) :).

That being said, new information was revealed that shows that Naruto ends the chapter by taking out Jiraiya's book "The Gutsy Ninja". So, Naruto will undoubtedly fully answer Nagato next chapter.

lotus_lee 2009-05-12 12:03

Danzou is such a wimp. He deserves what's coming for him. We know that Nagato gets his revenge on Hanzou at some point, but I wonder now if he does it all by himself, or uses new bodies as he got himself crippled.

Only thing I'm disappointed in this chapter is how he got crippled by Hanzou's Katon, as I thought he would be able to dodge it.

Gamma_Sennin 2009-05-12 12:14


Originally Posted by james0246 (Post 2390979)
^The spoilers names the Statue as Gedou Ma Zou; the Sealing Statue for the Bijuu is named Genryuu Kyuu Fuujin. So, they are different statues that seemingly look similar. In regards to the conversation with Killer Bee, my stance was that Pain either used the chakra taken from the absorbed ninjutsu, or was able to convert the energy from captured souls back into chakra. So, this new statue could be just the clue I was looking for (considering that it seems to be absorbing people's souls) :).

That being said, new information was revealed that shows that Naruto ends the chapter by taking out Jiraiya's book "The Gutsy Ninja". So, Naruto will undoubtedly fully answer Nagato next chapter.

O okies thanks for clearing that up... also that book must be something, it survived a nine tailed transformation, but then it was inside the invincible jumpsuit... Also It seem's we might get a really detailed explanation from naruto in the next chapter, maybe one of his famous speech's... looking forward to this chapter even more now... Friday seems so far away:(

Ero-Senn1n 2009-05-12 12:42


Originally Posted by lotus_lee (Post 2390983)
Only thing I'm disappointed in this chapter is how he got crippled by Hanzou's Katon, as I thought he would be able to dodge it.

You shouldn't be disappointed since he was crippled because he had to save Konan no matter what happens to him. Also add to that he was fighting the man who did beat all 3 sannins at the same time. So, as expected, Hanzou was used as a measuring stick for Nagato's power, he would have killed Hanzou if Konan were not held hostage.

It's interesting that Konan already knew what will Nagato do to himself, this is odd since this happened the first time i guess. Which means that she knows the secret powers and jutsu of the rinnegan.

It's odd that Nagato cannot restore part of his body, but he can restore any of the Pain bodies.

Mr. Johnny 5 2009-05-12 13:43


Originally Posted by Ero-Senn1n (Post 2391035)
You shouldn't be disappointed since he was crippled because he had to save Konan no matter what happens to him. Also add to that he was fighting the man who did beat all 3 sannins at the same time. So, as expected, Hanzou was used as a measuring stick for Nagato's power, he would have killed Hanzou if Konan were not held hostage.

It's interesting that Konan already knew what will Nagato do to himself, this is odd since this happened the first time i guess. Which means that she knows the secret powers and jutsu of the rinnegan.

It's odd that Nagato cannot restore part of his body, but he can restore any of the Pain bodies.

Exactly! That's what disturbed me the most. Nagato's source of chakra is probably not the souls or the bijuu. I cannot imagine that. Because one of Pains bodies keeps absorbing chakra and thus he also regains chakra at the same time.

Besides even Sasori was using puppets like Nagato does with the dead bodies.
Even though it's a bit different it's not that very strange. Even Kisame has a gigantic amount of chakra. And if the Rikkoudou Sennin really created the moon... then i really will believe that the 9 Bijuu are his own creations aswell.

Takashipl 2009-05-12 13:47


Originally Posted by Ero-Senn1n (Post 2391035)
It's odd that Nagato cannot restore part of his body, but he can restore any of the Pain bodies.

This is probably because his "bodies" are dead and repairing them is simplier, maybe his original body can't be eaten by Hell's realm summon (whatever that thing is)

Edit: As for the moon - in Dragonball moon was destroyed, here it is created - balance restored :D

james0246 2009-05-12 13:52


Originally Posted by Ero-Senn1n (Post 2391035)
It's odd that Nagato cannot restore part of his body, but he can restore any of the Pain bodies.

Well, considering that the bodies are dead, I seriously doubt that they are actually healed. Rather, I imagine it is like a taxidermist stitching together a bear skin (or some other dead animal): it may look complete, and sometimes even whole, but the same procedures used to stitch the bear skin are by no means servicable for living tissue.

Sakuranbo 2009-05-12 13:56

*Excited squeal* The bit about the summoning Gedou Ma Zou sound dreamy I hope it's true :D

AuroraFlash 2009-05-12 13:59


Originally Posted by james0246 (Post 2391151)
Well, considering that the bodies are dead, I seriously doubt that they are actually healed. Rather, I imagine it is like a taxidermist stitching together a bear skin (or some other dead animal): it may look complete, and sometimes even whole, but the same procedures used to stitch the bear skin are by no means servicable for living tissue.

I guess you are right and the same goes for Sasori. He could easily manipulate his puppets, exchanging single parts, for example extremities and of course the weapon and defense utilities and I think he also had to feed the bodies with souls, like for example Orochimaru lost his arms because his soul had been sucked out partially and maybe Pain's bodies have to be applied with new souls to be able to restore movement and lost body parts. It's just a guess.

Ero-Senn1n 2009-05-12 14:23


Originally Posted by james0246 (Post 2391151)
Well, considering that the bodies are dead, I seriously doubt that they are actually healed. Rather, I imagine it is like a taxidermist stitching together a bear skin (or some other dead animal): it may look complete, and sometimes even whole, but the same procedures used to stitch the bear skin are by no means servicable for living tissue.

Well if you analyze it based on real world criteria then they shouldn't even be able to move since they are just dead bodies :D

Actually i think the answer is simple: Kishi designed Nagato this way, to be crippled, so he uses reverse logic as always, he invents this character and then invents some story that explains why is this character in that state. The explanation is sometimes beliveable but some times it's not. I think Kishi will probably add a more important reason: Nagato wants to sacrifice himself, he wants to feel constant pain in his body because he believes that pain will give him the willpower to carry out his plan at all costs. That way we can say that Nagato could have surely repired his burned legs. He could maybe even revert his body being pierced by black rods. But he choses not to, because feeling such a constant pain (being pierced by the black rods) is important for him.

Sazelyt 2009-05-12 14:36

So, we get to learn how Nagato became crippled with all the rods penetrating his body. So, maybe he decided to use other bodies not because to show his capabilities (kind of like Orochimaru), but instead more to fight on rather equal grounds with the enemies. Considering that using other bodies limits the types of jutsus he can use, that is understandable. You can argue that using 6 bodies at the same time put him at an advantageous situation, but who can say him with a single working body of himself wouldn't have performed better. Unfortunately we will never learn that part.

Anyways, it seems we will see a bit more Hanzou (and a bit more on the pathetic Danzou), though I guess the memories of Nagato getting rid of all Hanzou related pieces will be left out from this recollections. I still wonder why Nagato didn't go after Danzou, since I don't think he mentions anything regarding him in this chapter too.

Also, the origin of that summon is still unknown. Kishi has already done that with the death god jutsu, I would have preferred for him to at least explain something about this summon, and how Nagato created/learned that. Considering that Konan is aware of the technique and its side effects, how Nagato continued to stay in a single working piece becomes a concern, especially if he had used that technique before.

kakakka 2009-05-12 15:03

The thought of showing how Nagato got to that state he is in right now in just one scene seems to be too rushed/fast for me. I was more expecting of some slow development to that state, but yeah... (tbh, When I was reading the spoilers, I was imagining Nagato doing the reverse Toguro power up. It just too much for me....XD)

Also, Naruto's answer is a bit short/predictable. I was hoping for some deeper explanation. I mean, I know already that he'll stick with Jiraiya's words, but how can he back that answer against (or neutralize) Pain's story. But then there is still the next chapter so not really that bad.

Kafriel 2009-05-12 15:08

Ah yes, Jiraiya's first book, I can't wait to see what Naruto has to say on this one..."I wanna be a hero like this one"?,"I'll never give up until I find true peace"?,etc.etc. As for Nagato's jutsu, I think its explanation will have to wait a few chapters, until Konan starts the flashbacks (or just summarises, that works too). Having her say it would relieve Nagato of a second story and would make sense, since she knew about it beforehand.

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