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marvelB 2009-11-04 00:31

One Piece - Chapter 563 (manga)
Welcome to the weekly manga discussion thread for One Piece.

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Okay, it took a while, but the spoiler's finally out! A single pic and a summary are out so far. Here's what's revealed:

-Chapter title is "One person, one heart". Marco is about to attack Squado for his attack on Whitebeard, but the NW captain explains the reason for his betrayal: During the war, Akainu contacted him to tell him about a negotiation Sengoku made with Whitebeard. In exchange for sparing the lives of Ace and his entire crew, Whitebeard would hand over all 43 of his NW allies to the marines. It's then revealed that Squado's crew was wiped out by Gold Roger in the past, and is the reason why the marines convinced Squado to work with them (as well as why they announced Ace's true identity to the world). In fact, the Pacifista army was specifically targeting the NW allies. However, in reality, what Akainu told Squado was in fact a clever ploy devised by Sengoku.......

-Whitebeard figured out Sengoku's plan, and says that all of his allies are his sons. Marco noticed that his father is well past his prime, after seeing how he took Squado's attack. Whitebeard himself confirms this by saying that no one can be the strongest forever, since everyone has a heart. Nonetheless, he is angered by the marines' dirty tactics, and Sengoku is prepared to fight against him once more.....

....Well, damn. If this is all true, well... holy crap. This would instantly explain what Sengoku meant a couple chapters back about a tragedy occurring on the battlefield. The marines truly are a dirty bunch to create discord amongst the pirates like that. No wonder Sengoku wanted to cut the TV broadcast..... the public definitely wouldn't approve of such a vile tactic. Still, it certainly was effective. I'm more sure than ever that ol' Newgate will bite the dust now, but at least it looks like he plans to go out with a bang.....

Boy, sure can't wait for the full chapter now! :)

controlen 2009-11-04 00:39

I just dont want to believe this. I was hoping to see Whitebeard at his full strength. :( I am so upset at the marines !!!!! Such dirty tactic tainted the awesomeness of the war. Now what, Oda?

james0246 2009-11-04 00:42

If this is true, it would mean Sengoku finally lives up to his title of Supreme Strategist...

marvelB 2009-11-04 00:43


Originally Posted by controlen (Post 2748011)
I just dont want to believe this. I was hoping to see Whitebeard at his full strength. :( I am so upset at the marines !!!!! Such dirty tactic tainted the awesomeness of the war. Now what, Oda?

Like I said, it may have been a dirty tactic, but it was very effective. The war most likely wouldn't have gone anywhere if the marines merely played by the rules, so they decided to cheat. That Sengoku sure is one clever bastard......

ChaosPaladin 2009-11-04 00:52

in war, anything is fair. i think it is a good move by sengoku to sow discord between WB and new world pirates.

marvelB 2009-11-04 01:03

Yep, good ol' psychological warfare.... Sengoku's playing his cards well. The fact that he used a former enemy of Roger's to his advantage shows how much of a clever tactician he is. I still want to see how strong the Buddha is in a physical battle, though.....

Freya 2009-11-04 01:04

I wanna see what awesome h4x powers Sengoku has. He IS above the come on!!! give us some good stuff.

kakakka 2009-11-04 01:18

If these are true...

Akainu contacting Squado in the heat of the battle was clever I think. It became easier for the marines to use Squado, them using his past tragedy to make him decide to betray/kill WB. Though, it makes me wonder if his relationship with WB is not that deep. I guess their bond is not as strong as his fear of losing comrades in battle. I also wonder what happen to Squado now after the stabbing.

So WB really got stabbed. WB taking the stab is another step closer for him dying.

aohige 2009-11-04 01:45

There's another break after this chapter.

andy 2009-11-04 01:56


Originally Posted by james0246 (Post 2748018)
If this is true, it would mean Sengoku finally lives up to his title of Supreme Strategist...

james you finally get your wish lol.

Still can't blame the WG but from last pic WB is heading out and he seems rather piss off.
I think also great for WB to say you can't be the strongest forever. It goes to show you even he know the new era is coming .

It also cool for him just to tell the guy that betray he still his son . Man i getting to love the old man more and more.

Freya 2009-11-04 01:59


Originally Posted by aohige (Post 2748108)
There's another break after this chapter.

You serious?! Dam this is too many now.

andy 2009-11-04 02:01


Originally Posted by Freya (Post 2748128)
You serious?! Dam this is too many now.

Oda has been very busy
Movie 10 ( writing it , art , story boards etc etc )
Then vol 0
Then he just got a kid
Then his chapters are still full of story and art work .

It still amazing he give us chapters without taking a full out break for a month or 2

Freya 2009-11-04 02:20


Originally Posted by andy (Post 2748131)
Oda has been very busy
Movie 10 ( writing it , art , story boards etc etc )
Then vol 0
Then he just got a kid
Then his chapters are still full of story and art work .

It still amazing he give us chapters without taking a full out break for a month or 2

Oh dam he just got a kid?? Nvm lol.

game2007 2009-11-04 02:42

I'm a bit lost, so can someone explain it in better terms to me? From what I can gather...

Sengoku makes a deal with WB saying that he will spare Ace and his life if WB hands over 43 NW captains to him. Akainu doesn't approve of this and thus told Squado that he will spare the captains if they turn against WB.

Am I right? Or what?

james0246 2009-11-04 02:49


Originally Posted by game2007 (Post 2748182)
I'm a bit lost, so can someone explain it in better terms to me? From what I can gather...

Sengoku makes a deal with WB saying that he will spare Ace and his life if WB hands over 43 NW captains to him. Akainu doesn't approve of this and thus told Squado that he will spare the captains if they turn against WB.

Am I right? Or what?

Sengoku never made a deal with Whitebeard. Rather, he instructed Akainu to tell Squado that a deal exsisted. So, Squado believed the lie that Whitebeard was working with Sengoku, and attacked Whitebeard.

game2007 2009-11-04 02:52

So in summary: Akainu lied to Squado that such a deal exists so that he can make them turn against WB, right?

PrototypeX2 2009-11-04 02:58

So Sengoku already guaranteed their victory even before Whitebeard landed.Pretty enough for a Fleet Admiral that is known as a strategist, but Im still wondering how he made it to admiral back in those days if without any devil fruit power.Being a great strategist is nice and cool but you need more than a goat and a seagull pet to protect yourself.

james0246 2009-11-04 03:16


Originally Posted by game2007 (Post 2748194)
So in summary: Akainu lied to Squado that such a deal exists so that he can make them turn against WB, right?

Exactly. It was Sengoku's plan all along to create dissent amongst Whitebeard's ranks.

marvelB 2009-11-04 03:41

Heh, pretty amusing reaction from Crocoboy in those pics. :p But yeah, it's really no surprise to learn about Whitebeard's deteriorating health since we've seen him hooked up to all that life support equipment when he was first introduced. Actually, for the longest time I assumed that Whitebeard wouldn't be the type to fight in a prolonged battle due to his health, anyway. I like to think of it as Oda's little nod to Shishio from Kenshin (who was unable to sustain a long fight due to his body lacking sweat glands)......

Oh yeah, also gotta give my man Newgate props for still calling Squado his son despite his traitorous act. It's really no wonder why so many pirates look up to him.....

Talendra 2009-11-04 05:12

Well, it sure will be interesting to see how much and - now confirmed - very weakenend and injured Whitebeard can put up against the Marines top dogs.

For me there was also an extremely surprising bit of info in that spoilers: the fact, that Squardos crew got wiped out by Rogers crew. So far they were portrayed as the good guys, probably a little like the Strawhats beta version. However, now Oda confirmed, that they were not as innocent as (at least I) expected. Probably foreshadowing ? :D

Also, it's nice to see that - once again - the marines are displayed as having excellent intel, even on pirate-pirate accidents of such caliber.

Another noteworthy point... I don't expect this betrayel to be a real part of the Marines plan. Sure, it did work very well (but probably not as well as Sengoku hoped), but it was also a gamble, there was no definite guarantee that Squardo would act like this. It was something that was created out of the flow of the battle.
I really can't imagine, that the Marines would lie their victory in the hands of a random pirates behaviour. There has to be a "How to even beat them in the very worst case"-scene in the Marines preparations, with stuff like Squardos betrayel working as a way to minimize own losses.

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