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monir 2009-11-26 05:24

Darker Than Black - Episode 08 Discussion / Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Darker Than Black, Episode 08.

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Ice Block 2009-11-26 11:56

Spoiler for Ep08:

serenade_beta 2009-11-26 12:35

Kiko and Gai next episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yahoh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~!!!

Kiko doesn't look three years older... Eh? Work harder, staff. <--Actually prefers it if she didn't though...

Kaoru Chujo 2009-11-26 14:00


Originally Posted by serenade_beta (Post 2786423)
Kiko and Gai next episode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yahoh~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~!!!....

As unfortunately seems usual these days, I had exactly the opposite reaction: my heart sank to think that we will get some stupid filler now. Here's hoping they do something better with those two this time than in the first series.

Otherwise, a highly enjoyable episode, with action, events, information, humanity, sorrow, and more questions. Suou and July walking into Ginza hand in hand. "Memory of the future"....

One of my favorite things, as in last week's preview, was seeing Hei eating like the old Hei.

sirn 2009-11-26 14:28

Spoiler for summaries:

velocd 2009-11-26 15:56


One of my favorite things, as in last week's preview, was seeing Hei eating like the old Hei.
This was the highlight of the episode for me. :P


Kiko doesn't look three years older... Eh?
Yea, what the.. :-/

Shiroth 2009-11-26 16:00

Well i had such a huge smile on my face while watching the preview for next weeks episode. It's about damn time.

serenade_beta 2009-11-26 16:25

Spoiler for ep8 thoughts:

Lummie 2009-11-26 16:31

You know?.... I didn't care one bit when Tanya got shot. I felt like she was there the entire episode just to take the position of the useless contractor. The only thing she killed was a innocent boy who turned out the be her boyfriend lol.

I also think that Suou is acting too independently. She should rely more on Hei since he has way more life experience then she has. It's suprising that she wasn't taken out a long time before... but Yin/Hei or Mao had to save her ass throughout the entire serie or warn her in hard situations. Just because she lets herself get fully controled by her emotions, Hei is having a hard time shaking off the CIA/Russian agents.

kle891 2009-11-26 17:24

Anyone pay attention in the preview?


sirn 2009-11-26 17:40


Originally Posted by kle891 (Post 2786799)
Anyone pay attention in the preview?


Holy crap, that's true!


Zwei 2009-11-26 17:49


Originally Posted by sirn (Post 2786826)

He looks like Tomoya from Clannad in that outfit, electrician in disguise? :heh:

nubby 2009-11-26 20:49

Yes old Hei is back next episode! He also has his dagger again! I'm not too thrilled about the detective and his assistant being back tho.

Magin 2009-11-26 21:11

... and somehow, I'm not surprise. After all, in my experience, ep. 9 is when thigns start picking up, then 10 and sometimes 11 slow things down (if there's 13 episodes), before all ass is kicked in the last two episodes

but hey, the Black Reaper that we all know and love Is Back

Shinji103 2009-11-26 21:21

Yup, it's official. The liquor was killing Hei's appetite. :D

And I confess; I almost fanboy squealed when I say Hei with his appetite again. :D

Well, I think we can safely assume that Shion isn't a good guy now. If anime has taught us anything besides the fact that anime characters tend to carry lots of emotional baggage, it's that anime characters who blow people nearly in half with large-bore guns with a smile on their face aren't good guys. :heh:

Despite the return of the private eyes next episode (which I've actually been expecting upon their arrival in Tokyo; I'm not one of their haters, by the way), it doesn't seem to be filler from the preview.......of course, episode 7 didn't appear to be as filler either from its preview. Seriously, as short a series as this is, they shouldn't be taking large chunks of episodes away from the story and plot.

Cleaned-up Hei in the preview for more fanboy-ness. :D Although I expected it to be a bit more dramatically presented. After all, Hei's hobo-ness has been part of the delivery of how bad he had fallen by the beginning of S2, so I thought they'd play-up his "return" a bit better and that Suou would be part of it, since she hlped with his recovery from the alcohol. Though they may still do the drama-ness, and they just don't show it in the preview.

As for the episode, some big revelations, including the fact that it was indeed Yin who killed Norio's mom back a few episodes ago (well, not specifically stated that way, but put 1+1 together and....), and that she's been killing other Contractors too over the years. Looks like the Syndicate may be back to its old tricks again after all. The action was a bit on the slow end being a revelation and focus episode, but no real biggie there due to the aforementioned reason.


Jiwel 2009-11-26 21:41

I don't know about you guys but the guy hiding his gun underneath the cloth was a bit obvious. That scene just made didn't make sense to me for some reason.
All in all though, the episode was ok in my opinion. The part with Shion surprised me.

Knight_SV 2009-11-26 22:29

i'm not gonna surprise if shion and dr. pavlichenko turn out to be the last enemy, they probably planning something bizzare right now

golthin 2009-11-27 00:26


Originally Posted by Lummie (Post 2786735)
You know?.... I didn't care one bit when Tanya got shot. I felt like she was there the entire episode just to take the position of the useless contractor. The only thing she killed was a innocent boy who turned out the be her boyfriend lol.

Me too, I actually felt sad not because Tanya, but because Suou.

hei 2009-11-27 05:29

So the Mitaka Document is made by a contractor who has memories of future. Who else can it be except Amber! Oh, poor Hei... Amber's gone long ago, but he is still playing around in the palm of her hand. :heh: By the way, I am just curious how old Amber was when she became a contractor.

Hei devoured food again, but his ability is yet to come back. Does this mean that 'eating a lot' is not his remuneration but just his habit? Then, his remuneration is not known yet?

It is revealed that Yin's ability is to make contractors suicide themselves. But it's still unknown how she can do that. As seen in the Tanya's case, could it be to bring old feelings back to a contractor? If that's Yin's doing, it looks like water is a necessary medium.

The transformation scene again! For that sole reason, this episode is 6/10 for me. ;)

Zwei 2009-11-27 05:41


Originally Posted by hei (Post 2787615)
Hei devoured food again, but his ability is yet to come back. Does this mean that 'eating a lot' is not his remuneration but just his habit? Then, his remuneration is not known yet?

It's been stated or speculated that Hei doesn't have a need for a remuneration since he's not a normal contractor, I guess eating a lot is just a habit of his or it could be the usual gag in a series where the main character is a glutton for food.


It is revealed that Yin's ability is to make contractors suicide themselves. But it's still unknown how she can do that. As seen in the Tanya's case, could it be to bring old feelings back to a contractor? If that's Yin's doing, it looks like water is a necessary medium.
Make contractors suicide? Could her ability be the power of persuasion? If so, I'm interested as to how a doll became a contractor and what could Yin's remuneration be, unless she's like Hei who doesn't require one so far.


The transformation scene again! For that sole reason, this episode is 6/10 for me. ;)
Why so serious? :heh:

Still waiting for subs here................

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