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xris 2010-05-09 11:57

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - Episode 56 Discussion/Poll
Welcome to the discussion thread for Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, Episode 56.

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Arabesque 2010-05-09 12:08

I'm going to start to sound like a broken record with each episode being this high in quality :heh:

So yeah, epi was awesome as always, the Wrath part was just WOW, but the Father vs Hohenheim was a bit underwhelming considering that they cut it just when the good stuff was about to happen.

But that's just a minor nitpick compared with everything else.

Spoiler for Next time:

Haladflire65 2010-05-09 12:09

Yay! The thread is up!

As expected, Wrath was jaw-droppingly epic, I think I was drooling through the entire episode :heh: He really stole the show, although Fu's entrance with the Xing theme song was great too.

I never expected Brotherhood to get this epic.

Lumine 2010-05-09 12:15

Looks like Buccaner is not getting so much ass when all this is over :(

velocd 2010-05-09 13:21

The tank scene was very bad ass.

I hope they give next episode the Mustang treatment (far as animation goes).

kk2extreme 2010-05-09 15:39

king bradley is badass, oh my sword is gone, lets switch to twin army knives

Arabesque 2010-05-09 15:41

and he isn't even good with them ^_^;

Shiroth 2010-05-09 15:41

I dare someone to say they don't like Bradley after this episode.

Arabesque 2010-05-09 15:46

Well, I like him as a villain, because other wise he had moments where I would've hated him otherwise.

Kanon 2010-05-09 16:12

Great episode as usual. Bradley was badass as expected, the tank scene was just awesome. His sword is also impressive, how freaking sharp and durable is it? I was half expecting him to cut that tank in two with it :heh:

GaimeGuy 2010-05-09 16:39

haha, yeah, the tank scene was fucking awesome.

In the manga, the tank was stationary, IIRC, so when bradley got up to it, he just had to stay in the blind spots.

In brotherhood, they made it so the tank was going in full reverse, and bradley JUMPS ONTO THE DAMN THING, then proceeds to wreck havoc on it as in the manga. It was awesome XD

Squarecrow 2010-05-09 16:42


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 3041081)
I dare someone to say they don't like Bradley after this episode.

I don't, he's such a hacker.

He struggled against Ling before he had Greed, now he can dodge bullets? How can someone dodge bullets but not move fast enough to beat a human?


GaimeGuy 2010-05-09 16:50

struggling? Just because Ling was able to parry some of his attacks doesn't mean bradley was struggling against him. :P

Vicious108 2010-05-09 17:04


Originally Posted by GaimeGuy (Post 3041135)
haha, yeah, the tank scene was fucking awesome.

In the manga, the tank was stationary, IIRC, so when bradley got up to it, he just had to stay in the blind spots.

In brotherhood, they made it so the tank was going in full reverse, and bradley JUMPS ONTO THE DAMN THING, then proceeds to wreck havoc on it as in the manga. It was awesome XD

I thought Brotherhood was even more awesome because the soldiers in a freaking tank were running away from him. You know you're hardcore when you have guys in tanks shitting their pants and trying to get as far away from you as possible.

Anyways, pretty good episode as usual, but the pacing worries me. They're taking it somewhat slow and even adding a fair bit of filler when they still have 10 chapters to cover and the last 4 are so much longer than the usual. I really hope it doesn't happen, but I can see them not having time to cover everything in the last chapters because they instead chose to waste time extending Ross and Fuery's conversation or show the Central soldiers using gatling guns and whatnot.

GaimeGuy 2010-05-09 17:20

yeah, same :(

Shiroth 2010-05-09 17:42

I'm a little worried, though if we don't have episodes like this anymore then we should be in the safe zone. Let's just see how next weeks episode is handled.

Plus this episode has awesome cliffhanger material, so i'm glad for that.

Slave0fLife 2010-05-09 19:10

Anyone notice how the preview for next episode was very very small and didn't show much? I imagine it is so as not to spoil anything - which they will have to do every episode from now on, since there are so many "HOLY SH*T" moments.

Bradley RULZ. From last weeks preview, I actually thought they saved some money for the animation, but I was glad I was wrong. The fighting scenes were awesome. I like Bradleys personality very much, even though he is a supposed villain. He is very coherent in his ways, which is something I admire, even if I do disagree with many other things. He looks very calm even in tough situations, which, IMO, is very intimidating.

This series is so good, I can't believe I almost didn't see it because of the first version (I now know that it was because the story went so crazy and made less and less sense as it was made without the manga material).

I hope they keep it up.

GaimeGuy 2010-05-09 19:17

I am so glad they kept Hidekatsu Shibata as Bradley for Brotherhood too. <3

Jehuty 2010-05-09 19:38

for the better prt of this episode my jaw dropped.

and more often than not, I didn't even realize it.


Noe 2010-05-09 19:43

Bradley vs. Greed. Another awesome episode.

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