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marvelB 2010-05-19 02:37

One Piece - Chapter 585 (manga)
Welcome to the weekly manga discussion thread for One Piece.

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Weeeell now, we've got ourselves a lil' ol' spoiler summary and a pic (only one so far) on our hands! Let's get this show on the road, shall we? ;)

-Chapter title is "Brother's Cup". Apparently, the splash page image has Magellan and Hannyabal.

-Luffy, Ace and Sabo are pretty much causing mischief around the island. A scene of Luffy getting owned in battle by Ace is apparently shown during this time, as well.

-It turns out that Sabo is the son of nobles from the Goa Kingdom. However, he ran away from home because his parents not only arranged for him to marry a princess, but also constantly argued over his habits. However, Sabo's father has finally found him and has ordered Bluejam's pirate crew to capture him. Bluejam is ready to eliminate Ace and Luffy as well, but Sabo begs his father to spare his two brothers' lives in exchange for leaving his life in the ghetto behind. Ace tells Sabo to just run away from the intruders, and asks him if he's so really so willing to forfeit his freedom for their sake......

Edit: So it turned out that Sabo wasn't a World Noble after all, so I edited the summary a bit. Bit disappointing IMO, but I'll just wait and see how this flashback will wrap up....

Well, now to wait for the full chapter.....

valk0v 2010-05-19 02:46

Luffy have connections everywhere - first the hero of the Marines is his grandfather, next the most wanted man is his father, one of his friends i one of the yonkou's, his bro is Ace and now - another friend of him is a Tenryuubito. Omg :)

james0246 2010-05-19 02:49

I'm still hoping that Sabo will get killed sometime during this arc...:p.

Still, finding out that Sabo was the son of a Tenryubito is more than adequate surprise to defeat my desire for the poor chap’s death...

marvelB 2010-05-19 02:56

Heh, there's another pic out that shows Makino massaging Ace, as well as Garp returning with some Fists of Love for his grandkids. Looks like another fun chapter, this. :)

Y'know, it's funny; I actually sorta scoffed at the idea of Sabo being the third son of a famous person in the previous chapter thread, thinking that it wouldn't work out well for the story. Yet now I get slapped in the face with this reveal in the latest chapter, which can actually work WONDERS for future storylines (depending on whether or not Sabo survives the flashback)! I guess that's what I get for underestimating Oda..... :p

Edit: BTW, I wonder how many "ZOMG SABO IS CHARLOS" posts this will spawn? :rolleyes:

SilverSyko 2010-05-19 03:10

This might mean Sabo has taken up residence in the Holy Kingdom of Mariejois in the present storyline.

If he is still alive and indeed living with his blood family, I wouldn't be surprised if in the past decade his exposure to the Tenryuubito's cruel outlook on those below them and their accociation with the Marines and World Government would've warped his mind into something he never intended to be.

This would make for an interesting encounter, and Luffy would have to convince Sabo through force that this wasn't the life he desired so long ago and remember what is truly important to him.

shankss 2010-05-19 04:48

That was a bit interesting.But the best thing about this episode is that we finally got rid of this Sabo guy so this fillerish flashback is about to end.

Paraden1989 2010-05-19 07:30

i do like this friendship triangle! the sons of Gol D. Roger, Monkey D. Dragon, and a Tenryuubito is an interesting approach. becuase through the sons could have been the only chance that the world could have had for peace if Sabo did become a full Tenryuubito, and Ace had survived.

I wouldn't be surprises if we find out that Bluejam was a Shichibukai because of the fact that Sabo's father is having Bluejam try to kill Ace and Luffy. In addition, the Shichibukai follow the orders of the World Government, and the Tenryuubito have great influence in the World Government, so it makes sense that Bluejam, if he was a Shichibukai, to work for a Tenryuubito. I doubt that Bluejam would be a slave either because he didn't seem to have an exploding coller on him.

Paraden1989 2010-05-19 08:29


Originally Posted by The Small One (Post 3054740)
I wonder if every world noble is able to assign the post of Shichibukai, or if this privilege is only given to specific ones.
Wasn't Ace offered this position? Maybe Sabo had something to do with it.

On the other hand I don't really like this revelation so much: As I already said before, if Luffy already had to do with those nobles, he should have remembered them during Shabondy.

Yeah Ace was nominated to become a Shichibukai, but i wonder if there is any connection to Bluejam maybe being a Shichibukai and Ace being nominated to be one?

paradox13 2010-05-19 08:46

This thread is so win.

seiji_kun 2010-05-19 09:20

At least Sabo being the son of a noble makes sense why one of the world nobles did show up. I can't wait to get the full chapter and the rest of the flashback to know how Luffy could've ever not remembered the tenryuubito if one of his childhood friends actually ended up being one and actually had to give up the life he wanted to live to make sure his friends would not end up dead. That's some shit worth to remember even if you're 8 y old.

And this friendship could have had potential when we learn more of the blank history and if the D were the former rulers of the lost kingdom and were overthrown bye the tenryuubito. Not that either Ace or Luffy would hold a grudge for what happened to their ancestors.

And what's so bad about Sabo's future, he's a rich son of a bitch who the whole world has to crawl for. And it's not like he can't escape once Luffy and Ace went of on their journey. And I'd rather have him die here and now then seeing that he was badly influenced bye his father and became a spoiled noble. Now that we know he's a noble, he lost the little bit of coolness he had.

morbosfist 2010-05-19 09:27

Leave it to Oda to hit you with a right hook out of nowhere. Did not see that coming.

Rainbowman 2010-05-19 10:56

Sabo the son of a Tenryuubito? With the rest of the Tenryuubito doing their dirty dealings Sabo seems to have the makings of an outcast within their ranks. Here's hoping Sabo makes the Tenryuubito give up on their dirty dealings right after Charloss gets a deserving brutal death.

aohige 2010-05-19 11:40

Let me make this clear.

Sabo is a noble of the Kingdom of Goa. Not a World Noble.
His parents wants him to marry the Goa princess so their house can be set in stone as related to the royalty.

The only time the World Noble (Tenryuubito, Celestial Dragons) has been mentioned is the end of last chapter, and they have not played a role in this flashback yet.
That part is most likely yet to come, since all flashbacks must have a huge tragedy at its climax. ;)

james0246 2010-05-19 11:44

^Then Sabo's death is still on the back burner (I'll see the poor bugger die yet, MarvelB :D).

Rainbowman 2010-05-19 12:00


Originally Posted by aohige (Post 3055026)
Let me make this clear.

Sabo is a noble of the Kingdom of Goa. Not a World Noble.
His parents wants him to marry the Goa princess so their house can be set in stone as related to the royalty.

The only time the World Noble (Tenryuubito, Celestial Dragons) has been mentioned is the end of last chapter, and they have not played a role in this flashback yet.
That part is most likely yet to come, since all flashbacks must have a huge tragedy at its climax. ;)

Is that really true? Now I'm confused. :confused:

marvelB 2010-05-19 12:04

Ah geez, well this certainly throws a monkey wrench at my hopes for Sabo being a potential Straw-Hat (actually the possibility still exists for now, but it's a very low one.....). I'd still rather not see Sabo die since I've started to take a liking to him, but now it's more likely that he'll sacrifice himself to Bluejam or whatever at this point after all. Well, I suppose his fate will be determined by the World Nobles' arrival......

Oh well, time to edit the summary a bit.....

Oh, and:


Originally Posted by The Small One (Post 3054740)
On the other hand I don't really like this revelation so much: As I already said before, if Luffy already had to do with those nobles, he should have remembered them during Shabondy.

Even though the Sabo thing was corrected, I just wanted to say that, as I pointed out in the previous chapter thread, Luffy definitely could have met the World Nobles before without realizing who they actually were. Just because he's never heard of them before doesn't mean that he hasn't seen them before, so it wouldn't create any plot holes. ;)

Blackbeard D. Kuma 2010-05-19 12:34

Right now, I'm most interested in the arrival of the World Noble(s). Tragedy needs to ensue, and it better happen soon, otherwise this wouldn't really be much of a flashback (going by vintage Oda standards, of course :)). I'm also hoping that captain bluejam doesn't turn out to be fodder. He'd better make Ace and Sabo pay for their thievery. And for good measure, the World Noble(s) should humiliate them.

ZeroForever 2010-05-19 13:08

wouldn't be surprised if the princess sabo is suppose to marry is the 'Tenryuubito' that everyone keeps talking about and stuff goes down hill from there.

decent chapter kinda curious how long this flash back is gonna last, honestly though it really just sets up the fact that luffy's childhood wasn't all fun and games (other the the Shanks incident) like everyone originally thought.

marvelB 2010-05-19 14:07


Originally Posted by ZeroForever (Post 3055176)
wouldn't be surprised if the princess sabo is suppose to marry is the 'Tenryuubito' that everyone keeps talking about and stuff goes down hill from there.

Actually, the princess is also supposed to be from the Goa Kingdom, according to aohige's translation. Sabo's parents are pretty much forcing him to marry her so they can keep their status in check. Whatever business the World Noble(s) have with the Goa Kingdom is still unclear at this point (though, as already pointed out, it certainly can't be anything good)......

One thing I find rather ironic is that despite the rough environments of the Colbo mountains and Gray Terminal, the Goa Kingdom is actually considered to be the most beautiful nation in East Blue. Are the other nations really that much worse?! :p

Oh, BTW, it turns out that Luffy lost against not only Ace in a fight, but Sabo, as well (24 times in a row, at that!). Looks like I was right in the last chapter thread when I said that Sabo seemed to be pretty badass.....

Kanon 2010-05-19 14:19


Originally Posted by marvelB (Post 3055262)
Oh, BTW, it turns out that Luffy lost against not only Ace in a fight, but Sabo, as well (24 times in a row, at that!). Looks like I was right in the last chapter thread when I said that Sabo seemed to be pretty badass.....

Well, well, he turned out to be stronger than I thought. So he also shared the brother's cup with Ace and Luffy, huh... even with this, I still can't manage to give a damn about him. I'm not sure why, maybe it's because I'm still conviced he's going to die.

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