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ff7799 2004-03-14 20:59

Hardest video game you ever played !!!
Whats the hardest video game you have ever played. For me it would probably have to be megaman zero( this game is by far one of the hardest ever made.

nak 2004-03-14 21:30

Galerians:Ash...ugh it took me forever x_x

Iron Monkey 2004-03-14 21:38

Battletoads for the NES, and coming in a close second, Ninja Gaiden 2, also for the NES. The games these days are nothing compared to the older ones, were most don't have continues.

Dark Zero 2004-03-14 21:41


Originally Posted by ff7799
Whats the hardest video game you have ever played. For me it would probably have to be megaman zero( this game is by far one of the hardest ever made.

AHAHAHHHAAHAAHAHAAHAH sorry, but your suckiness astonds me in that game. Game was too easy for my blood.

And the first Ninja gaiden was the hardest of the 3, IMO. One of the hardest games I played was for NES, 'cobra triangle'.

nojevo 2004-03-14 21:41

Id say shooter are the hardest types of games. Ikaruga is on my list as one of the hardest games.

Dark Zero 2004-03-14 21:43


Originally Posted by nojevo
Id say shooter are the hardest types of games. Ikaruga is on my list as one of the hardest games.

I have to agree with that, if you refering to 'arcade' shooters......those damn things are coin hungry -_-

Superchop 2004-03-14 21:43


Originally Posted by Iron Monkey
Battletoads for the NES, and coming in a close second, Ninja Gaiden 2, also for the NES. The games these days are nothing compared to the older ones, were most don't have continues.

Ninja Gaiden 2 had unlimited continues ;) and i think the first was a lot harder...and part 3 was a cheap and easier to beat clone of part 2 -_-

As for my hardest game...probably Cobra Triange for the good ol NES...that game sure tested my patience...especially the destroy the mines....i hated those goddamn boats -_-

and Iron Monkey i agree with you that games nowadays are NOTHING compared to the games of the 8 bit monster

ff7799 - megaman zero? the hardest game? sorry but older megaman games were lots harder...and the old nes games were near impossible to would need to play hours on end just to get to a decent point...and then you would need to shut off the nes cause you playing to long just to have to do everything over day after day until you finally beat the game

TronDD 2004-03-14 21:57

Double Dragon 3. Holy crap do I get my assed kicked in that game. I think I made it past the second screen once. Screen, not level. :) Every once in a while I hook up the NES and try again. 1 minute 30 seconds later, I'm dead and back to Double Dragon 2. :)

<xellos> 2004-03-14 23:21

well, the games i played the most are the Final Fantasy games, and with that said, i have to agree that the old nes games are much harder, FF1 was the hardest i think, plus if you think about it, they didnt real have a high supply of Player's Guides back then either

Superchop 2004-03-14 23:30


Originally Posted by CloudStrife
they didnt real have a high supply of Player's Guides back then either

All the better if you ask me ^_^ you would have to use your skills and wits to pass the game instead of depending on a book that tells you what to do and where to kinda spoils the gaming experience...but if i say i never used on i'd be a hypocrite....although i keep myself from using it until i'm really stumped

Roots 2004-03-15 02:01

The 7th Saga, a RPG for the SNES. It was kind of fun, until about ohh 5 hours into the game where it was IMPOSSIBLE to win any boss battles. I wish the game wasn't so incredibly difficult because it was kind of interesting.

aahhsin 2004-03-15 02:21


Originally Posted by Roots
The 7th Saga, a RPG for the SNES. It was kind of fun, until about ohh 5 hours into the game where it was IMPOSSIBLE to win any boss battles. I wish the game wasn't so incredibly difficult because it was kind of interesting.

Zelda II : The Adventures of Link (God I hate this game. I never know what to do, and your fucking sword is so short you can't hit anything.) this is the game with the golden case in NES.

Yea double Dragon is hard too. especially the one where you got only 1 life, and 4 different characters or something.

Roots 2004-03-15 02:50


Originally Posted by aahhsin
Zelda II : The Adventures of Link (God I hate this game. I never know what to do, and your fucking sword is so short you can't hit anything.) this is the game with the golden case in NES.

Yea double Dragon is hard too. especially the one where you got only 1 life, and 4 different characters or something.

Yeah Zelda II was rough. I remember when I was in.....I think I was in 3rd grade. I had a baby sitter over one night and I was fighting my way through the desert palace. I actually got pretty far in the game before I gave up. I finally beat it a couple years ago with the aid of an emulator. Man, that final boss was tough!

Village Idiot 2004-03-15 03:14

Ninja Gaiden 1-3
Battletoads (especially in multiplayer. Usually me and my friends would do great, until an 'accident' happens, we'd argue, then beat each other senseless. That or we use up all our lives on Stage 4 throwing snowballs at each other XD)
The 7th Saga - One of the, if not the hardest RPG ever created.
Final Fantasy 3 Jpn (NES game. The most hardest FF game I've ever played)
Double Dragon 1-3 (I've only beaten DD1, and because of a fluke)
Shadow of the Ninja - Slightly easier than Ninja Gaiden, though it's still hard as hell

Mr_Anonomis 2004-03-15 10:37

i would have to say dragon warrior VII, but not because the puzzles were difficult or the battles were hard, but just because i had to start all over again alot to make sure i found all the tile things to get to other worlds, it sucked.

diabolistic 2004-03-15 10:46

anyone play a sim game called "Afterlife?"
no matter what i did, the 4 horsemen of apocalypse would destroy my universe.. a retardedly hard game.

Babak 2004-03-15 11:23


Originally Posted by ff7799
. For me it would probably have to be megaman zero( this game is by far one of the hardest ever made.


Anyways, the hardest game ever would be Forbidden Siren (also known as Siren).
Damn, I've spend hours looking for an item.

ff7799 2004-03-15 11:40


Originally Posted by Superchop
ff7799 - megaman zero? the hardest game? sorry but older megaman games were lots harder...and the old nes games were near impossible to would need to play hours on end just to get to a decent point...and then you would need to shut off the nes cause you playing to long just to have to do everything over day after day until you finally beat the game

You are totally mean.

rEkKaShInObI 2004-03-15 11:56

Chrono Trigger.

Dark Zero 2004-03-15 12:23


Originally Posted by ff7799
You are totally mean.

I was meanier if you didn't notice :p Just making it worse now ^_^

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