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White Manju Bun 2010-07-06 04:27

Fullmetal Alchemist: The Sacred Star of Milos Discussion
Ok we all know based on the end to rpi 64 there will be a FMA:B movie in the future. Not a lot of info is known at the moment. This thread will be for the discussion of any movie related info and I'll update it this opening post as the info becomes available.

Normal forum rules apply to this thread
Discuss your expectations of the movie.
Be polite to your fellow forum members.
Please try to keep the discussion on topic.
Have fun. :)

duckroll 2010-07-06 06:39

Well, I don't know if this is really a Brotherhood movie or not. What differs Brotherhood from the original FMA anime would be the staff involved (new director, new writer, new character designer, etc) and the fact that it's a reboot based faithfully on the manga storyline.

The Japanese title for Brotherhood is 鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST, or shortened to 鋼FA. The announcement for the movie simply said it is a theatrical feature of 鋼の錬金術師. Honestly, it could be anything, and might not be related to Brotherhood at all.

I guess we really don't have anything to go on right now. The director of Brotherhood has posted on his twitter account that he isn't involved with this movie though, so whatever it is, it might not even be animated by BONES, or like the first post suggests it might not even be animated!

kitten320 2010-07-06 07:51

Possible life action movie? I don't want that :(
Japan creates great animes but their movies are pretty bad for my taste =/
So far I haven't fully watched a single live action movie based on anime...

So I really hope that that's not the case.

aeriolewinters 2010-07-06 09:06

it's most probably a mash up of the old and new series via :
a.) The main timeline Brothers finding another gate that leads to the world of the First anime.
b.) Edward from the first series accidentally enters the Brotherhood world.

zebra 2010-07-06 10:41

Please no live action movie D:
I can't say I'm thrilled about the movie announcent, I don't have any expectations for it. But I can nag enough once it's out :heh:

Shiroth 2010-07-06 10:43


Originally Posted by aeriolewinters (Post 3124517)
it's most probably a mash up of the old and new series via :
a.) The main timeline Brothers finding another gate that leads to the world of the First anime.
b.) Edward from the first series accidentally enters the Brotherhood world.

I'd rather have a live action film then this ridiculous idea. :p

duckroll 2010-07-06 12:38


Originally Posted by Shiroth (Post 3124659)
I'd rather have a live action film then this ridiculous idea. :p

What if it's a live action film.... based on this idea? :D

kitten320 2010-07-06 13:15

I would lol at crossover. Imagine Ed from 1st season comes to visit Winry and then he is hugged by two kids caling him daddy and by Winry who calls him "darling" :heh:
Poor guy would have a shock of a lifetime :D

And Al sudenly has a girlfriend too :heh:

miroku2192 2010-07-06 14:12

Man i'm not too excited about this live-action movie...from what I've seen, live-action movies usually end up sucking hard.

Why couldn't they just do some kind of continuation of the end of some details on the research they found or what not and the whole family (i want to see moh winry x ed!!).

If they WERE to do a Live-Action though, it really should be about the Ishbal war...and I can see how that won't turn out too bad...if anything, it could be really good if done right

zebra 2010-07-06 15:42

It will be two hours about the origin of Mustang's moustache! With an hour and a half only consisting of zooming in and out onto the object in question. That's the reason they added it!~

I think crossovers between the first series and the manga is more fanfiction realm than a good idea for a movie. Would demand too much knowledge and focus from the audience ... and honestly even a recap film would be better :D

A cool thing would be a little story set after the end of the series, written by our favorite cow Arakawa, illuminating the lifes of the characters a bit. Even so, it would kill the mood set by the last chapter and the "they move forward"-feel quite a bit.

A retelling of the Ishval arc would be very awesome, but I doubt we'll get that.

Mafuyu 2010-07-06 18:46

Hopefully it won't be a summary movie or a Live Action~ The idea of it taking place during the Ishval War would be very interesting Zebra, but it may be quite grim.

Rahan 2010-07-06 20:56


Originally Posted by White Manju Bun (Post 3124255)

I just answered this post in its thread, but it should be here too.

This article is full of sh*te.

No one from bones attended the french convention.

Dybex (the french distributor) organized a special projection of the last episode in presence of the french dubbers.
Dybex confirmed there would be a movie, but they had do since the movie was announced at the end.

Dybex doesn't know anything more than that. (or doesn't want to tell more). No one confirmed it would be a live action movie.

Kirarakim 2010-07-06 21:11

For the record I am pretty sure someone from Dybex (not Bones) told them it would be live action when they asked for more information about the movie. It is entirely possible that Dybex has incorrect information. It also might be possible that these two girls misunderstood.

I really don't think they are making this up though.

However I remember a similar thing happening with the number of episodes. A European magazine stated the series will be 63 episodes when there was no confirmation from Japan and others including US distributors said the info was false. In the end the series turned out to be 64 episodes but I believe it was scheduled for 63 episodes until the last minute.

Thus sometimes these type of rumors can turn out to be true. But of course we should take it with a grain of salt until we hear an official announcement from Japan.

Rahan 2010-07-06 21:21

Well, I don't have a french source stating it was said it would be live action.

And it's a fact whoever wrote this article lied about the presence of Yasuhiro Irie.

Kirarakim 2010-07-06 21:29


Originally Posted by Rahan (Post 3125768)
Well, I don't have a french source stating it was said it would be live action.

And it's a fact whoever wrote this article lied about the presence of Yasuhiro Irie.

They asked the Dybex distibutor privately apparently.

And as for the Yasuhiro thing I have a feeling that was a mistranslation (English not being their first language). I don't think they meant to say Yasuhiro Irie was personally there. I am assuming what happened in France with the last two episodes was similar to what happened at Anime Expo.

Photonbeam 2010-07-06 23:20


Originally Posted by Photonbeam (Post 3122312)
And about the upcoming movie, I'm betting that it will be about how Edward and Alphonse learned more about alchemy from the West and the East respectively and they will combine their knowledge and save someone who had the same predicament as Nina.

I'm still hoping this will be the plot.

kujoe 2010-07-07 00:36

Well, if that's going to be the plot, it will be interesting to see how Ed will be like without his alchemy.

He's a good fighter, and his knowledge of alchemy is greater than most alchemists, but he's not going to last if he gets into a fight of superpowered proportions.

quigonkenny 2010-07-07 00:39


Originally Posted by Rahan (Post 3125729)
I just answered this post in its thread, but it should be here too.

This article is full of sh*te.

No one from bones attended the french convention.

Dybex (the french distributor) organized a special projection of the last episode in presence of the french dubbers.
Dybex confirmed there would be a movie, but they had do since the movie was announced at the end.

Dybex doesn't know anything more than that. (or doesn't want to tell more). No one confirmed it would be a live action movie.

Not surprising... It's just some LJ hacks having a wet dream about live action Roy-stache and seeing an opportunity to try to get their 15 minutes of fame fail.

CuXe 2010-07-07 01:31


Originally Posted by kitten320 (Post 3124448)
Possible life action movie? I don't want that :(
Japan creates great animes but their movies are pretty bad for my taste =/
So far I haven't fully watched a single live action movie based on anime...

So I really hope that that's not the case.

U know... I don't like YOU and you don't like ME ..which is why I believe we often disagree, but just this once I have to angrily concur with your POV. Most of the animated stuff that comes out of Japan/Korea n such countries are instant WINs but very Few and I do mean VERY FEW movies are actually decent (and I am a huge Asian horror movies fan)

Out of all the live action movies I've seen so far, NILL have been decent. Indecency runs rampant in Live action movies I tell ya :heh:

Nah but seriously, take Saikano. I loved all the forced feelings and emotions that short series inflicted upon my vulnerable heart but overall it was very good (big soundtrack save!) and when they decided to make the live action movie my fantastic castle of cards came crashing down... Ohh the agony! The horrible acting!

To a certain extent, I can't find the right words to describe live action movies... maybe Foppá?

All in all, I am looking forward to a FMA Brotherhood movie as long as it is animated.

kitten320 2010-07-07 11:21

Soooo... you do agree that live action movie for FMA won't work?

P.S. I never said that I don't like you :p
We just happen to dissagree on a lot of topics :)

But if you don't like me, I'm fne with that. It is impossible to be liked by everyone :D

P.S.S. Actually we have agreed on many things too, Inuyasha thread would be good example :D

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