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xFordainedxx 2004-03-17 21:39

photo7 help pen tool!!!
ok i just finished outlining my pic using pen tool in photo is there anyway i can save the outline cause when i saved as it didnt save the out line now i lost 2 hrs of work :( :( :mad:

Messenjari 2004-03-17 23:39

what i do is when i do lineart i have a seperate layer overtop of my sketch I save it as a Photoshop file... when iam completed Outlining i select the Lineart Layer and Ctrl- A (selects everything) and Copy it.. then i make a new project and paste that lineart in a new layer in the new project and then start Colouring.

Hope some of that made sence :heh:
When u saved as. u may have saved it as .jpeg which Flattens all layers into 1 picture :heh: at least thats what it seems like...

Anyway hope this helped in a way.

wao 2004-03-18 01:16

Mmm, pen tool! I hate it when my precious layers get lost. So this is what I do:

I do the path... blah blah... always save the path in the psd...

Then I use the stroke tool, making sure it's on a NEW layer. Always must make sure of this... then after that I make a copy of that layer for backup. then I go on and on...

I always have copies and put them in a little set folder in the psd file called "backups". I make a backup of the line, colour, background... just in case.

I also always save a .psd file of it and then a .png or .jpg or .whatever of it...

xFordainedxx 2004-03-19 00:19

nope its not working i want the skeleton u know with all the anchors soemtimes i dont have the time to do it in one sitting anything else i could do?

wao 2004-03-19 02:28


Originally Posted by xFordainedxx
nope its not working i want the skeleton u know with all the anchors soemtimes i dont have the time to do it in one sitting anything else i could do?

Um... do you even know that when you don't see the thin grey lines (that is your path), they're probably still there? Have you tried looking at the Paths pallete?

I realy wish I could attach a picture right now, but yeah...

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