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Old 2007-06-20, 05:49   Link #910
Somehow I found out
Join Date: Feb 2006
Age: 40
Originally Posted by Pellissier View Post
I must admit that not much time ago I was a bit hesitant about this anime. Excepting episode 1 and 5, I did find it pretty boring.
But I have to say that since episode 8 I've been enjoying it pretty much, and the last two episodes have been the so called peak of the iceberg, as far my liking is concerned
I think this could well be another one of those anime comedies that takes a few episodes to "get" the style, before you can really enjoy it. I'd fathom to guess that a few of the people that dropped it earlier on wouldn't do themselves a huge disservice by trying a few more episodes. Hell, I'd even say that there's no reason why fans of School Rumble or Lucky Star should avoid Hayate no Gotoku, since it manages to combine the best of both those series, IMO.

Ep 12

Another brilliant episode. Serious laughs from Hayate reducing his classmates (and teacher) to tears to his unwitting backhand of Maria's lack of ambitions. Really, just wall-to-wall laughs in this ep... which is starting to become a regular thing in this series. I'm genuinely impressed at how consistently funny HnG is managing to keep itself. It also helps that they've managed to make a cast completely full of fun and enjoyable characters, including Nishizawa, although I'd say she's probably the weakest (if cutest, or, at least second to Izumi) of the plethora of girls that like Hayate. I can't help but respect Hayate more and more with every passing episode.

Fantastic episode. "I'm... only interested in 2-D girls." Brilliant!
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