Thread: Ending of Air
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Old 2007-06-20, 20:41   Link #102
Bemused Scholar
Join Date: Jan 2007
Age: 36
Those are some very good points about Yukito/Ryuuya's scar as related to the curse.

I was also thinking, even if reincarnation wasn't the norm in the AIR world, could Kanna have still reincarnated as the little girl at the end of ep. 12 even if the curse had been broken? What if that was one final reincarnation that takes place after the curse is broken, to fulfill her mother's wish that she, Kanna, may live like a normal human girl without suffering the burden of the winged ones (ep. 9)? Then that girl in ep. 12 may really be Kanna, freed from the curse, and given one more chance at life so that she may experience what her mother had wished for her. And perhaps Yukito, as the descendant of Ryuuya who finally succeeded in breaking the curse, was chosen to accompany her one last time.

So many possibilities...

Btw, I finally finished the series (except for the recap episode...hope I'm not missing much, lol). There's just something charming about watching it in the heat of summer. Too bad I'm nowhere near the sea, and my summer vacation consists of me working 8 or more hours a day in a laboratory assisting in research on Alzheimer's disease. Which Misuzu seemed to have...I must try my best for her sake. :P

Last edited by Mirrinus; 2007-06-21 at 00:42.
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