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Old 2007-06-27, 18:06   Link #113
Kaioshin Sama
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Neither Here nor There
Age: 39
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Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
OK, Kaioshin, you definitely frequented the wrong channels.

My advice would be to idle for a bit and read the conversations that go on in there till you've got an idea of how things are done. Don't neglect to read the topic for rules.

Also, for more IRC practice, find the channel of a webcomic, if you're into those. A small one (less than 20 users). Those are pretty friendly.

edit: Oh, yeah, and do not assume that people like being PMed by strangers. They generally don't.
Yeah, I've heard from a friend that his Manga related channels are pretty liberal and friendly. I fully admit that by chance I stumbled on what are generally regarded to be two of the worst channels for open ended discussion and it has forever turned me off from IRC on top of finding it not to be all that useful, but I also took another thing away from that, if the distributor doesn't have a website, but has an IRC Channel, there's probably a reason. Tread with caution. However, what you said about the PM thing is true, just don't do it.

To Outcast_Within, this is probably why you got the ban, it seems extreme and it probably is, but it's also one of the things that are usually listed in the rules.
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