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Old 2007-07-03, 13:38   Link #12
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: uk, England
Age: 34
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to me it has been pretty average all the way...while i wasnt really hyped up to watch this series when ever the raws where out i did like the twists and turns to some extent...the content was not predictable by any means (throwing all our theories into the bucket known as the black hole every single week ~ which was pretty mean but somewat fresh ) ~ it has a good end with aono turning out to be the star of the show instead of matsuri ~ while at first we were lured to the trap of events going around matsuri it was in fact moving around aono...and seen as i have been supporting her from the start that is a plus

but the overall biggest problem with the series is the lack of points it can get really pointless while others it can seem rushed (which is lame) ~ the character developments while was there didnt really catch my moves on too slowly for me to care about any one (mostly) ~ take the end he was just "someone" who was created...i really didnt see any life in that boring sod...which is a shame as it could have been really nice if i came to like the characters a bit more...

in the end takeshi + rozen loli > all

i guess ill give this series a fair 6.5/10 ~ rounded up to 7 for good luck ^.^

Siggy: hohohohoho~ | AnimeHistory welcome to our blog ~ | Summer2009 early review
Under the radar series Summer2009: Kanamemo, GA Geijutsuka Art, NEEDLESS
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