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Old 2007-08-06, 00:39   Link #29
Gundam Boobs and Boom FTW
Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by hooliganj View Post
From the opposite perspective - if the game consisted of 60/70/80 lvls of killing beasts and minions and then didn't give you a crack at the top guys, there really wouldn't be any point in playing at all. Regardless of their relative power levels - which seem to fluctuate at the whim of the storyline anyway - the whole reason to use the Warcraft world for the game is to give players access to that lore and those characters. Given how popular it's been, it only makes sense for Blizzard to keep adding these guys in.

Who knows, the 14th expansion might let you go to lvl 200 and fight against the gods themselves... and Blizzard could still release a Warcraft IV and say none of it ever happened. It's their property, after all, and they can make as many different canons/alternate timelines as they like.
My firm hypothesis would be that players couldn't care less about who they fight so long as they get shiny loot. I have a few friends that play WoW and they don't even know who the hell Illidan is aside from "Terrorblade from DotA", if that. Heck, they don't call demon hunters demon hunters. They call them antimages!

Frankly, I think that for 95% of the WoW fanbase, if you replaced Illidan with Spongebob Squarepants or Hello Kitty, it wouldn't matter to them. Nihilum's website would read: SPONGEBOB DOWN! FIRST WORLD KILL! instead of Illidan.

At heart, WoW is a hack and slash, and that IMO belongs in the diablo universe.

The most ironic thing about this is that if you keep on clicking on Illidan in his winged model, he says:

"Wings, horns, hooves...what is this, diablo?!"

And stupidly enough, Illidan went down no different than Diablo...just as another boss in the way of raiders for loot.

Metzen needs to get a reality check and realize he's killing everything by slaughtering lore characters out of the RTSs and replacing them with essentially "Bob the Destroyer" type characters--aka new characters that come out of nowhere simply to get plowed over by the next big raid party.
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