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Old 2007-08-07, 16:53   Link #225
Join Date: Feb 2007
Originally Posted by Shiokaze View Post
Okay, I just came back from Japan on a school exchange. One question I have is kinda weird. I was showing my host sister pictures of my friends on my facebook. I am a guy, before I start talking. The first person I talked about was my friend who is a guy. The second person is a girl. She wasn't a girl friend, just a friend who is a girl. Before I finished talking about her, my host sister just walked away. So here is my question, do Japanese girls know the difference for a guy having a girlfriend and a girl who is just a friend? Or are they offended for a guy to talk about a girl in front of them? Because, I have many friends who are girls. I know this sounds like a really awkward question, but my other classmates got similar responses from their host sisters when they showed their host sisters there friends, both guys and girls.
This is kinda strange. HOW did you talk about your friends? What words did you use? Of course Japanese girls knows you can be friends with opposite sex. I doubt that was the case. How did you talk about your friend maybe the reason why they walked away. They would expect you to talk about your friend in a very high manner, but if you talk bad about them, even in a joking manner, they would be either be offended or thought that you're an inconsiderate person. Since I don't know what you've said, I can only tell you what they might expect. Unless you are extremely close with a person, you're not supposed to say anything negative about a 3rd person, even as a joke.

Originally Posted by hyperlion View Post
two questions.

1.What are the most view of Japanese when it comes to international marriage?

2.What would their reaction be if someone mentions the issue with their history textbook?

1. Depends on the person and the persons involved in the marriage. You have to be much more specific than that to avoid an overtly generalized answer.

2. You mean how they edited their text book? Again it depends on who you ask. Most kids don't really care, and some right-wing adults gets really defensive. These are sensitive topics.

Originally Posted by Itachi-evil View Post
Actually i hate the real Japan, but in the same time i love it.

In reality everything is just a absolute contradiction to the reality especially in Japan i think.

With animes/manga you can flle from the cruel real world.

It is all a CONPIRACY!

I love Japan cause, my whole life, only consists of animes/manga, so this is almost more important to me than nutrition!
Most Japanese feel the same way as you do. The truth is modern Japan is an relatively difficult place to live, especially for an Japanese. Many are stuck in a profession they have no interest in and yet they can't get out. A serious mistake can end your career and sometime your life because second chances are rare. Japanese adulthood is cruel and demeaning, especially compared to the pampered childhood. This is why Japanese entertainment is so far-out, and the otaku culture is so prevalent. Modern society create the pressure for people wanting escape, and that pressure is higher in Japan than any other modern culture. We as gaijins really gets it all - we get to enjoy their entertainment yet we don't have to live their lives. We can take the best and ignore the rest. They can't.

Last edited by AVPlaya; 2007-08-07 at 17:09.
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